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Outline #1

TITLE: Are advancements in artificial intelligence creating more benefits or risk

for society?
I. Introduction
A. Thesis

The advancements in artificial intelligence creating more benefits for society.

B. Context

In these 21st century, we are in an era where people engage with so-called
technologies. Technology is a manner of accomplishing a task especially using
technical processes, methods, or knowledge (Merriam Webster). Right from
roadways, railways, and aircraft for seamless travel to making communication
effortless from any part of the world, technology has contributed more than
anything to help mankind live a life of luxury and convenience. It is also because
of technology that we know our world and outer space better. There are different
types of technologies, but one that we must focus on is the Artificial
intelligence (AI), Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence
processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI
include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and
machine vision. Artificial Intelligence enhances the speed, precision, and
effectiveness of human efforts. In financial institutions, AI techniques can be used
to identify which transactions are likely to be fraudulent, adopt fast and accurate
credit scoring, as well as automate manually intense data management tasks.
But, an overreliance on AI technology could result in the loss of human influence
— and a lack in human functioning — in some parts of society. Using AI in
healthcare could result in reduced human empathy and reasoning, for instance.

II. Body Paragraph 1

A. Supporting Reason 1 (subconclusion)

The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and
firms ( 2017 )

1. Explanation for Supporting Reason 1

By examining analogous inventions of the industrial, digital and AI revolutions,

this article claims that the latter is on target and that it would bring extensive
changes that will also affect all aspects of our society and life. In addition, its
impact on firms and employment will be considerable, resulting in richly
interconnected organizations with decision making based on the analysis and
exploitation of “big” data and intensified, global competition among firms. People
will be capable of buying goods and obtaining services from anywhere in the
world using the Internet, and exploiting the unlimited, additional benefits that will
open through the widespread usage of AI inventions. The paper concludes that
significant competitive advantages will continue to accrue to those utilizing the
Internet widely and willing to take entrepreneurial risks in order to turn innovative
products/services into worldwide commercial success stories. The greatest
challenge facing societies and firms would be utilizing the benefits of availing AI
technologies, providing vast opportunities for both new products/services and
immense productivity improvements while avoiding the dangers and
disadvantages in terms of increased unemployment and greater wealth

III. Body Paragraph 2

A. Supporting Reason 2 (subconclusion)

Toward a More Equal World: The Human Rights Approach to Extending the
Benefits of Artificial Intelligence (2021 )

1. Explanation for Supporting Reason 2

We are all aware of the huge potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to bring
massive benefits to under-served populations, advancing equal access to public
services such as health, education, social assistance, or public transportation, for
example. We are equally aware that AI can drive inequality, concentrating wealth,
resources, and decision-making power in the hands of a few countries,
companies, or citizens. Artificial intelligence for equity (AI4Eq) [1] as presented in
this magazine, calls upon academics, AI developers, civil society, and
government policy-makers to work collaboratively toward a technological
transformation that increases the benefits to society, reduces inequality, and aims
to leave no one behind. A call for equity rests on the human rights principle of
equality and nondiscrimination. AI design, development, and deployment (AI-
DDD) can and should be harnessed to reduce inequality and increase the share
of the world's population that is able to live in dignity and fully realize their human
potential. This commentary argues, first, that far preferable to an ethics
framework, adopting a human rights framework for AI-DDD offers the potential for
a robust and enforceable set of guidelines for the pursuit of AI4Eq. Second, the
commentary introduces the work of IEEE in proposing practical
recommendations for AI4Eq, so that people living in high-income countries
(HICs), low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), alike, share AI applications'
widespread benefit to humanity.

IV. Body Paragraph 3

A. Supporting Reason 3 (subconclusion)

Artificial Intelligence: Perception, expectations,

hopes and benefits ( 2020 )

1. Explanation for Supporting Reason 3

The field of artificial intelligence can generate concrete benefits in the future.
From the analysis of all the answers, the scenario considered to be most likely
to happen in the future is the one that, with the development of devices
endowed with AI, sophisticated robots will be built (almost 90% of
respondents agree with this opinion). Another aspect seen by the subjects
included in the study as highly likely to happen in the future is that new jobs
will emerge. The job issue is intensely debated at the moment, in the sense
that there are many voices stating that some of these will disappear in the
future, that the development of AI would lead to people being replaced by
robots. Of course, even if these things are going to happen, these changes
brought about by technological development will also lead to the creation of
new jobs, to the emergence of new trades. More than two-thirds of subjects
believe that people's comfort will increase (68.1%) and 65.1% believe that
artificial intelligence entities/devices will overpass human intelligence.
Significant percentages were also recorded for the scenario where, as a result
of the development of artificial intelligence in the future, there will be
improvements in healthcare (63.2%), that entities/devices will become
independent and will be able to act and make decisions alone (58.1%) and
there will be substantial improvements in human health (56.5%). Even though the
emergence and development of AI is often seen as a real danger to private life
and jobs, the real purpose of artificial intelligence is to make our work more
efficient, make our lives easier and solve many of the problems which the society,
in the fourth industrial revolution, is facing.

V. Body Paragraph 4

A. Counter-argument against thesis

Confronting the risks of artificial intelligence

1. Reasons/Conclusion of counter-argument
Yet even as AI generates consumer benefits and business value, it is also giving
rise to a host of unwanted, and sometimes serious, consequences. And while
we’re focusing on AI in this article, these knock-on effects (and the ways to
prevent or mitigate them) apply equally to all advanced analytics. The most
visible ones, which include privacy violations, discrimination, accidents, and
manipulation of political systems, are more than enough to prompt caution. More
concerning still are the consequences not yet known or experienced. Disastrous
repercussions—including the loss of human life, if an AI medical algorithm goes
wrong, or the compromise of national security, if an adversary feeds
disinformation to a military AI system—are possible, and so are significant
challenges for organizations, from reputational damage and revenue losses to
regulatory backlash, criminal investigation, and diminished public trust.

2. Response to counter-argument

Data difficulties

Ingesting, sorting, linking, and properly using data has become increasingly
difficult as the amount of unstructured data being ingested from sources such as
the web, social media, mobile devices, sensors, and the Internet of Things has
increased. As a result, it’s easy to fall prey to pitfalls such as inadvertently using
or revealing sensitive information hidden among anonymized data. For example,
while a patient’s name might be redacted from one section of a medical record
that is used by an AI system, it could be present in the doctor’s notes section of
the record. Such considerations are important for leaders to be aware of as they
work to stay in line with privacy rules, such as the European Union’s General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act
(CCPA), and otherwise manage reputation risk.

Technology troubles

Technology and process issues across the entire operating landscape can
negatively impact the performance of AI systems. For example, one major
financial institution ran into trouble after its compliance software failed to spot
trading issues because the data feeds no longer included all customer trades.

Interaction issues

The interface between people and machines is another key risk area. Among the
most visible are challenges in automated transportation, manufacturing, and
infrastructure systems. Accidents and injuries are possibilities if operators of
heavy equipment, vehicles, or other machinery don’t recognize when systems
should be overruled or are slow to override them because the operator’s
attention is elsewhere—a distinct possibility in applications such as self-driving
cars. Conversely, human judgment can also prove faulty in overriding system
results. Behind the scenes, in the data-analytics organization, scripting errors,
lapses in data management, and misjudgments in model-training data easily can
compromise fairness, privacy, security, and compliance. Frontline personnel also
can unintentionally contribute, as when a sales force more adept at selling to
certain demographics inadvertently trains an AI-driven sales tool to exclude
certain segments of customers. And these are just the unintended
consequences. Without rigorous safeguards, disgruntled employees or external
foes may be able to corrupt algorithms or use an AI application in malfeasant

VI. Conclusion

The societal impact of the digital revolution has been significant as it has affected
most aspects of our lives and work, having mould the dominant firm, shaped our
shopping and entertainment habits as well as our employment patterns. This
paper argues that the AI revolution is on target and will come into full force within
the next twenty years as did the digital one since 1995 and will probably have an
even greater impact than both the Industrial and digital ones combined. AI, while
providing benefits and business value, also presents potential consequences
such as privacy violations, discrimination, accidents, and political manipulation.
These effects are not yet known or experienced, but could lead to catastrophic
consequences like human life loss or national security compromise.
Organizations face challenges such as reputational damage, revenue losses,
regulatory backlash, and public trust.

The increasing amount of unstructured data from sources like the web, social
media, mobile devices, sensors, and the Internet of Things has made data
management difficult. This can lead to pitfalls such as inadvertently using or
revealing sensitive information. Leaders must be aware of these issues to comply
with privacy rules and manage reputation risk. Technology issues can negatively
impact AI system performance, as seen in a financial institution's compliance
software failure. Interaction issues between people and machines, such as
automated transportation, manufacturing, and infrastructure systems, can lead to
accidents and injuries. Human judgment can also compromise fairness, privacy,
security, and compliance.


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