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FOR THE YEAR 2020-21

Submitted By:
Group 1, Section C

Aryan: 21020841224
Vatsala Mishra: 21020841048
Piyush Lohana: 21020841020
Smriti Kinger: 21020841044
Dhruv Gupta: 21020841111

Wipro Limited is an Indian multinational corporation that provides information technology, consulting,
and business process services. Their strategy supports value creation for clients and growth for their
organization through five strategic priorities: accelerate growth, strengthen clients and partnerships,
lead with business solutions, build talent at scale, and a simplified operating model.

Wipro believes it must try to and can make (some) lasting impact
towards creating a just, equitable, humane, and sustainable society.
The values of the 'Spirit of Wipro' guide all their actions.

"Social Good is in our DNA. We believe in Sustainability for the

health of our planet, its inhabitants, and our business."

They have long believed that thorough and transparent reporting on Sustainability may result in a
positive feedback loop of adjustments and change for the business. They were also early adopters of
the GRI reporting methodology and the UN Global Compact principles. They have complied with the
numerous ESG criteria and support increasing the adoption of ESG by a bigger group of businesses,
including those in the MSME segments.

Wipro is also a co-founding member of

Transform to Net Zero, a cross-sector initiative
to accelerate the transition to a net-zero global
economy. Their vision is to enable a net zero
economy no later than 2050.

They have also been awarded Ecovadis CSR

rating of Gold and have been involved in
various sustainability practices. They also align
their Sustainability activities to the Sustainable
Development Goals. They directly tap nine
sustainable goals through their activities and
indirectly contribute to 6 more goals to create
maximum positive impact.

Ecological Sustainability includes programs related to Energy Conversation, Water Efficiency,

Biodiversity etc. Wipro has placed a lot of focus on Ecological Sustainability by including a diverse set of
programs addressing different needs.

Some of their involvements include areas like:

Green House Gas Emissions:

At Wipro, they focus on renewable energy and managed

to decrease their carbon footprint by a huge number.
They focus on energy efficiency through new retrofit
technologies to improve Chiller and Air Handling Units
(AHUs), integrated design and monitoring platforms.

Their five-year GHG mitigation plan consists of three key

elements – Energy Efficiency (Reduce), Renewable Energy (RE) Purchase (Replace) and Business Travel
Substitution (Reduce and Replace); of this, RE procurement will contribute the maximum 80% share to
GHG emission mitigation strategy.

Water Conversation:

At Wipro, they view water through an interrelated lens of efficiency of use and conservation coupled
with their approach of engaging with urban water as a boundaryless issue.

There are Water Efficiency techniques, and also Water Responsibility is taken seriously.

They also place a lot of importance on the sourcing of water. Their primary water sources are from four
sources – private water (mainly groundwater delivered by tanker water suppliers), municipal water,
water supplied by industry associations, in-situ groundwater and harvested rainwater.

Waste Management:

As waste poses a serious threat to community health and welfare, few

Programs are aimed at reducing wastage, and Wipro was able to increase
its waste sent to landfills from 3 to almost 4%.
Total waste disposed of during FY 2021 was 2087 tons – a reduction of 58% compared to the previous
year. This is primarily due to lower occupancy on their campuses due to the pandemic.

 100% of organic waste generated from business operations is recycled for effective reuse.
 To ensure by 2025, more than 98% of other categories of waste will be recycled as per
appropriate national standards, with less than 2% reaching landfill.

Urban Biodiversity:

They also launched a biodiversity program in Butterfly Park and other areas with the twin aim which is:

 To convert their existing campuses to biodiversity zones.

 To develop them as platforms for wider education and advocacy, both within their organization
and outside.

The initiatives may lead to an increase in the environmental costs of Wipro at a certain level, but these
definitely help in the following:

1. Reducing wastage and recycling has an overall benefit as it helps in removing operating
inefficiencies and helps in reducing the operating cost of the business.
2. Water Conservation can be helpful. It removes the dependency on outside bodies for water
procurement and can reduce operating costs.
3. Renewable Energy Sources also lead to reducing the overall energy cost.
4. Overproduction can also lead to a lot of revenue loss, so reducing waste can mean reducing
the overall cost of production.
5. A company that practices sustainability gains goodwill and is prepared by customers, which
leads to increased revenue.

Wipro has a formal process to identify strategic suppliers for its sustained business performance. The
suppliers are classified into two categories: Strategic suppliers and Tactical suppliers. The Global
Procurement Group finalizes the supplier categorization based on annual performance evaluation.
Strategic Suppliers are suppliers who are essential for the success of strategic business outcomes for

Supply Chain Risk Assessment – Wipro's approach to identifying sustainability risks in the supply chain
includes cross-functional analysis of the risks pertaining to different organizational functions. The Group
Sustainability Function partners with Central Procurement Organization, Facilities Management Group
and other relevant stakeholders to identify environmental and social risks in Wipro's supply chain
through periodic independent studies.

Strategic Approach – Based on their understanding of risks in their supply chain, their supply-chain
approach is based on the principles of ethics and integrity, ecological sustainability and workplace

1. Ethics - Wipro expects its suppliers to adhere to similar standards of ethics and integrity as its
2. Ecological Sustainability - They expect suppliers to supply products and services that exceed
environmental standards and establish an ecological sustainability program in their operations.
3. Workplace Responsibility - Wipro expects its suppliers to adhere to human rights principles,
employee welfare, health and safety, minimum wages and fair working hours. They encourage
sourcing from the local economy and supplier diversity.

Four guiding principles inform Wipro's supply chain governance program:

1. Understanding Socio-economic Context – They are mindful that while one may have ambitious
policies, commitments, and codes of conduct in place, one must consider the complex socio-
economic realities in which it has to be operationalized. For example, in developing economies,
supplier staff may not be aware of the nuances of human and labour rights.
2. Ability to monitor, influence and control – The 'secondary supply chain' in many procurement
categories extends across multiple branches/levels/tiers. Their ability to influence supplier
practices is much more limited. Industry bodies and large government procurement programs
have a larger role in influencing change.
3. Regulatory compliance – Given the spread of the supply chain across different geographies as
well as sectors, the compliance landscape can be quite complex. The supply chain's impact on
different stakeholders depends on the nature of the business and its operational context. As a
result, one supplier category's compliance requirements can vary.
4. Integrating best practices in supply chain engagement – Managing supply chain externalities is
of vital interest to the business due to the deepening of complexities in the supply chain and
the resultant risks. Customers and investors are looking at compliance levels and the ethics of
organizations as key differentiators in their decision process. They intend to adopt and
integrate best practices from all these sources to drive Sustainability in their supply chain.
Green initiatives in ICT Hardware –

1. Green Procurement: Wipro adopted the EPEAT standard from Green Electronic Council in
2016 for its IT hardware procurement – across categories such as laptops, desktops,
printers, mobiles and servers. In 2020, they purchased more than 10,000+ EPEAT certified
y products across desktops, laptops, displays, imaging equipment and mobiles. In tangible
terms, their procurement of EPEAT-certified hardware translates into a saving of 1.5 million
kWh of energy over the lifetime of products.
2. Enhancing Virtualization Platform: They have migrated 20000 users from traditional
physical desktops to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) across 5 locations. This has led to
a reduction in energy consumption, easier operations and cost saving.
3. Asset re-utilization: Through proactive maintenance and upgrades, they have reutilized
18% of the assets – desktops, laptops and thin clients post their scheduled end of life.

The initiatives Wipro has taken up to make its supply chain more sustainable have the following

1. Greater business efficiency reduces operating costs – A lower carbon footprint not only
improves a company's performance when it comes to the 'E' of ESG but also reduces business
costs significantly.
2. Better continuity of supply – Vetting their suppliers on their business continuity strategies and
working to build a more diverse and robust supply chain can pay dividends when the
unexpected happens.
3. Helps win business – A Euromonitor survey found that 64% of consumers believe they can
make a difference in the world with their purchases. These consumers must know how their
purchases are made and by whom, how they are transported, and the environmental impact.
Companies can tap into this discerning market, once they are known for their supply chain
4. Improved talent attraction, employee retention and increased employee satisfaction – Supply
chain sustainability helps companies attract and retain a more engaged workforce. They save
money by lowering recruitment costs, reducing employee attrition, and avoiding the need to
up compensation to make their sector more attractive to potential recruits.

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