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Glory To God Ultimate-Guitar.

Dan Schutte
Dan Schutte, Mass of Christ the Savior - "Glory to God"
*Ending 1, returning to the Refrain after each verse.

F C/E Dm Am/C A# Gm7 Csus4 C

F C/E Dm Am/C
Glo-ry to God. Glo-ry to God.
A# F/A Gm C
Glo-ry to God in the high - est.
F C/E Dm Am/C
and on earth peace, on earth
A# F/A Csus4 C Fsus4 F
peace o peo-ple of good will.

[Verse 1]
Gm C F F/A
We praise you, we bless you,
Gm/A# C F F/A
we a - dore you, we glo-ri-fy you,
A# C C/A# F/A Dm7
we give you thanks for your great glo - ry,__
Gm A Dm Dm/C
Lord God, heav'n-ly King.
A# Gm Csus C
O God, al-might - y Fa-ther.__

F C/E Dm Am/C
Glo-ry to God. Glo-ry to God.
A# F/A Gm C
Glo-ry to God in the high - est.
F C/E Dm Am/C
and on earth peace, on earth
A# F/A Csus4 C Fsus4 F
peace o peo-ple of good will.

[Verse 2]
Gm Csus4 C F F/A
Lord Je - sus Christ,__
Gm/A# Csus C F F/A
On - ly Be-got-ten Son,__
Gm Csus4 C F/A Dm A# F/A A# C
Lord God,__ Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-ther,
A# Csus4 C F/A Dm
you take a-way the sins of the world,
Gm F/A Gm/A# C
have mer-cy__ on us;
A# Csus4 C F/A Dm
you take a-way the sins of the world,
Gm F/A A# Csus4 C
re-ceive our__ prayer;__
A# C F/A Dm
you are seat-ed at the right hand,__
Gm A Dm Dm/C
the right hand of the Fa-ther,
A# Gm Csus4 C
have mer-cy__ on us.__

F C/E Dm Am/C
Glo-ry to God. Glo-ry to God.
A# F/A Gm C
Glo-ry to God in the high - est.
F C/E Dm Am/C
and on earth peace, on earth
A# F/A Csus4 C Fsus4 F
peace o peo-ple of good will.

[Verse 3]
Gm C F F/A
(For) you a-lone are the Ho-ly One,
Gm/A# C F
you a-lone are the Lord,
A# C F/A Dm7
you a-lone are the Most__ High,
Gm F/A Gm/A# C
Je - sus Christ,__
F A7 Dm Dm/C
with the Ho-ly Spir-it,__
A# F/A Gm C
in the glo-y of God the Fa-ther.__

F C/E Dm Am/C
Glo-ry to God. Glo-ry to God.
A# F/A Gm C
Glo-ry to God in the high - est.
F C/E Dm Am/C
and on earth peace, on earth
A# F/A Csus4 C Fsus4 F
peace o peo-ple of good will.

Gm F/A Gm Csus4 C Fsus4 F

A - men. A - men.__

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