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For example, let’s suppose that you are afraid of something, or angry.

Then it
would not serve you to force yourself to
focus on something happy, because this would just push your fear or anger into your
subconscious, where you would continue
to empower it.

In this case, it would be better to work on for example your fear directly. You can
just be fully present with your fear
and consciously witness it without judgement and without trying to change it or
suppress it. Whatever you’re feeling, you’re
healing. This heals fears and pain and so-called negative emotions, much more
quickly than you think it will.

Or you could do exposure therapy, where you slowly expose yourself to that fear,
bits by bits. The book, “a course in miracles,
“ also contains some great tools to deal with fear. Youtuber Aaron Abke has a great
introduction to this text.

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