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Autosys Usage

Corporate Finance, Wells Fargo

In Corporate Finance Office @Wells Fargo, we use Autosys as our primary scheduling Tool. All ETL and
application engine scripts/jobs are scheduled using this tool. The main advantage if this tool is that it
manages workload processes through an event-based graphical interface. This interface also helps you
to change the job inputs via real time.

Apart from scheduling, we can also do load balancing and job prioritization which helps us in scheduling
and running the jobs efficiently. Also, autosys helps us to schedule jobs across different environment
which especially helps the corporate finance’s PeropleSoft/ETL group. Application Engine jobs are
scheduled in CBSZP2001.WELLSFARGO.COM while the ETL Jobs are scheduled in
CPSVP2002.WELLSFARGO.COM and the job flow becomes simpler by adding the dependent conditions
in Autosys.

This document will provide you the basic Autosys tutorial and some best practices for corporate finance
tam, WellsFargo.

Defining Jobs:
There are 2 ways an autosys job can be defined.

 Using the AutoSys Graphical User Interface (GUI).

 Using the AutoSys Job Information Language (JIL) through a command-line interface.

Generally we use Jil to develop jobs as it is fasters.

Autosys Jobs Types:

There are 3 types of jobs in Autosys. There are

 Command Job
 Box Job
 File Watcher
Let’s see Each job is detail.

 Command Job :

A command job is the job where the physical execution of Application Engine jobs/Datastage
Jobs/ UNIX Scripts… etc takes place. Thus when this type of job is run, the result is the execution
of a specified command on a client machine. The exit event is either success or failure

For the command Jobs, we can also specify a profile script. A profile script contains all the
parameters which can be sourced before the execution of the command and this inturn defines
the environment in which the command is to be run. The job type for command job must be
specified as “C” while developing the JIL.

Sample command Job

insert_job: CFEPM.FTP.ETL.21008.RM.FDR_READY.C job_type: c

command: /bin/rm $FTPROOTDIR/inbound/compass/Fdr_instr_ready.txt

machine: CFEPM_DSServer

owner: dsadm

permission: gx,wx,mx

condition: (s(CFEPM.FTP.ETL.21007.FDR_SUCCESS_EMAIL.C))

std_out_file: $ALOGDIR/s21008.txt

std_err_file: $ALOGDIR/c21008.out

alarm_if_fail: 1

profile: /opt/IBM/data/FTP/scripts/

Job Explanation

o Insert job contains the Autosys command job name. Job Type for command job must be
specified as “C”

o Command is a section where we specify the actual job command. Some common types
of command which are used by us are

 Unix Command:
/bin/rm ……………………………………………
 Datastage Command:
value is sourced from profile)

 Application Engine:
$ftp_script/ CV_INS_CHUNKING.parm

 Autosys Command:

o Machine is a physical box where the job execution takes places

o Owner is the user profile which has permission to execute the command in the machine

o Condition is a place where we specify the dependents job. In the above example, the
job is dependent on success of “CFEPM.FTP.ETL.21007.FDR_SUCCESS_EMAIL.C”. some of the
status command which can be used are “s”, “t”..etc

o std_out_file and std_err_file are places where autosys job log and error log are written

o alarm_if_fail is a palce we specify whether an alarm has to be generated if the

command job fails or not. If it is set to “1”, an alarm will be generated and if it is set to
“0”, alarm won’t be generated.

o Profile is the destination of profile file which can be sourced before the execution of the
command job. In the above mentioned JIL, value of “$FTPROOTDIR” comes from the
profile file. Profile file format is as follows.



 Box Job :

Autosys Box job is a container which physically combines the autosys jobs. The main
advantage of the Box job is to organize and control process flow. For example, if we
have jobs with similar starting conditions, we can group them in box and kick start the
box when the condition is met rather than staring each job with a condition.
The box by itself performs no actions but other autosys jobs can be dependent on this
box job. The job type for box job must be specified as “b”. When a box jobs kicks off, the
entire jobs under the box gets activated and if there are no dependent conditions
attached to it, it starts running immediately.

Sample Box Job

insert_job: CFEPM.FTP.ETL.20000.FDR.BOX.B job_type: b

owner: dsadm

permission: gx,wx,mx

date_conditions: 1

run_calendar: WELLS.1st_bus_dom

start_times: "1:00"

description: "Inactivate Box"

alarm_if_fail: 1

profile: /opt/IBM/data/allocations/scripts/

timezone: US/Pacific

Job Explanation

o run_calendar specifies the day the box job must kick off.
“ WELLS.1st_bus_dom” is a Autosys calendar attached to this box job.

o start_times specifies the time the job must start running during the specified
caslenday day.

o Timezone specifies the time zone associated to the specified start time.

 File Watcher Job :

A file watcher job looks for a specified file at the specified location. Once the file is arrived and it
satisfies a specified minimal file length, the exit status is success. There are parameters
associated with this job which helps us to abort the job if it didn’t arrive within a particular time.
The job type for file watcher job is specified as “f”

Sample File Watcher Job

insert_job: CFEPM.FTP.ETL.20001.FDR_READY.F job_type: f

box_name: CFEPM.FTP.ETL.20000.FDR.BOX.B

machine: CFEPM_DSServer

owner: dsadm

permission: gx,wx,mx

term_run_time: 1440


std_out_file: $ALOGDIR/s20001.txt

std_err_file: $ALOGDIR/c20001.out


watch_file_min_size: 0

alarm_if_fail: 1

profile: /opt/IBM/data/FTP/scripts/

Job Explanation

o box_name associates the corresponding autosys job to the box. Thus when
the box job kicks off, this particular job gets activated and since it has no
dependent condition associated to it, it runs immediately.

o term_run_time specifies the duration, in minutes, the file watcher job must
look for a file.

o watch_file_min_size specifies the minimum size the file must be in order

for job to be success.
o watch_file contains the actual file name and file path to look for.

For further information, you can refer Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX

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