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Evidencias de aprendizaje.

Construcción gramatical I


Alumna: Dalia Ordoñez González

Docente: Laura Daniela Beltrán Arriaga
Asignatura: Inglés básico en nutrición
Grupo: NA-NIBN-2201-B1-002
1. Lee el texto que se presenta a continuación

Mediterranean and DASH Tie for Top Spot in Recent Ranking

Each year, U.S. News & World Report releases a ranking of popular diets—assessed by a
panel of health experts based on seven categories, including weight loss, nutrition, safety,
and ease of compliance.

Topping 2018’s list of “best diets overall” is a tie between the Mediterranean and DASH
Diets, which received high marks for being healthy and easy to follow, and potentially
effective for weight loss in both the short- and long-term.

“No single diet works for everybody, but the DASH and the Mediterranean diets have the
strongest biological underpinning, and also have been tested in the largest and longest
studies,” says Dr. Eric Rimm, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at the Harvard Chan
School of Public Health, who served as one of 25 panelists for the 2018 ranking. “I’m glad
the other panelists agreed with me since it is not always the case that nutrition experts

Other popular diets—such as those that involve fasting or severe dietary restrictions—fell
lower on the list, with the Ketogenic Diet ranking last. Although these and other diets may
result in short-term weight loss, many were rated as difficult to follow, which factored into
lower scores for weight loss in the long term.

“Some diets that fell further down the list have only been tested short term, and should really
be considered prescriptions—not long-term lifestyle solutions” says Rimm. “Choosing a diet
that is both healthy and easy for you to follow is crucial for lasting results.”

Remember that even if a particular diet may result in weight loss for one person, it may not
be effective for another due to individual differences in genes and lifestyle. And while
research shows that calories matter, focusing on food quality is an equally important part of
the equation for preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss.


Staff. (2018). Mediterranean and DASH Tie for Top Spot in Recent Ranking. 24 de enero
de 2018, de Harvard T.H. Chan Sitio web: terranean-dash-diets-top-

2. Identifica las estructuras gramaticales aprendidas en la Unidad 1 dentro del


In the previous text we can see that there are factors that help us locate some phrases or
words that are related to grammar, in English there is much to talk about based on grammar
and we can find from simple topics as more advanced topics but in This time we can only
identify some connectors, prepositions, adverbs, comparatives and well in most of the time
we will be able to find pronouns as adjectives and this time it was not the exception.

3. Escribe una opinión acerca del artículo y compárala con una dieta de tu
preferencia. (Máximo dos párrafos)

As mentioned in the text, diets for a lot aspects are published each year and this seems very
interesting to me since people who want to have a healthy lifestyle would do well to improve
their physical condition and mainly to be healthy, since many people want to diet for any
purpose but the time comes when you don’t know what to eat and the variety ends and with
this type of publications you can follow a diet or get an idea to create a diet.

In my case, over the years I have practiced many sports but currently I am doing calisthenics
and I have always been skinny, so I have created my own diets but my main objective is to
increase muscle mass and they have worked well for me, I have to do from four to five meals
a day but healthily like vegetables, lots of meats, dairy products, water but also the moment
comes when I give myself a space or a luxury to eat a pizza, a hamburger that are very
delicious foods but if you eat them every day you can have very serious consequences, so
it is better to take care of yourself eating well and exercising and occasionally indulging in
breaking the diet.

4. Realiza un vocabulario con las palabras desconocidas del texto colocando su

• Assessed= Juzgado
• Underpinning= Apuntalamiento
• Glad=Contento
• Further=Mas lejos


After reading the material in unit 1, I understand the importance of English in our
development as future nutritionists, since although it is a complex language, it is true that
using it will open up many opportunities for us.

Throughout this unit it was very difficult for me to understand and familiarize myself with
many of the requested activities, because even understanding English is not enough, so I
had a couple of complications in carrying out my activities.

but this only increases my interest in further strengthening and developing my understanding
of English.




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