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Teacher Candidate: Teresa Doran

Grade Level and or Subject: Kindergarten

Date: 2/28/2023
Unit Topic (if applicable): Identifying shapes
What is the focus of this For today's lesson Students will spend time watching a video on
lesson? shapes and identifying them. Then they will be given a mixed set
of shapes and asked to separate all the shapes into their own
National / State Learning ISTE Standard - 1.1c - Students use technology to seek feedback
Standard/s: that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.
TEK Content Standard - Mathematics
TEK Technology - Knowledge and skill
Goal/s of the lesson At the end of this lesson I hope my students can properly identify
the shapes circle, square, rectangle, and triangle.
Specific learning target(s) / ● Students will learn how to identify basic 2-d and 3-d
objectives: shapes such as triangle, rectangle, square, and circle.

● From this lesson students will be able to classify and

separate the shapes into their own categories. Using this
information for future class lessons

● Students will be able to identify these shapes in different

objects such as tires or a slice of bread

● After the class views the video “The Kiboomers: Shapes

song” Students will go over drawing different shapes. The
students will then be separated in groups and given
multiple objects in different shapes for visual and physical
learning. After going over shapes and separating them
the class will then finish by watching the video “Jack
Hartman: Name the shapes game”.

● An indicator I will have that the students have learned

from the lesson is if they can independently classify and
separate each shape successfully. This will be measured
through playing the shapes game


A. Opening/Introductio ● First I will ask students before starting the lesson what
n shapes they are familiar with and where they see them in
their day to day life.
● I will then explain to my students that these shapes are all
around us and why it it is important to be able to
recognize them

B. Procedures 1. First I will draw a triangle, square, circle, and rectangle on

the board for students to see in 2D. Then I will give a
description of different methods to identify shapes, such
as counting the sides.
2. Students will be given a small worksheet to cut out and
color the shapes and then match them to the category
3. Students will gather around the carpet, with a variety of
3D shapes laid out. Like doritos, oranges, a set big foam
dice, and rectangular tissue boxes. Then I will explain that
these are examples of shapes in real life, they will be able
to pass the objects/examples around to see how they look
and feel.
4. After spending a few minutes discussing the shapes,
students will put up the example objects and watch the
video, Shape Songs by KiBoomers.
5. Students will then sit at tables in groups of 4 (varies on
class size) with a bag of objects in a bag for them to
organize based on the shape. During this time, I will be
going around asking each group to point out specific
shapes and helping with any questions.
6. Near the end of class, students will put the objects back in
the bags and clean up. Afterwards, we will play a game
based on a video they will watch called Jack Heartmen’s
the ‘Shape Game’.
7. For the last activity I will take the different object from
step 3 and ask students to name their shapes
independently. I will also point out different object around
the room and ask them to identify them
C. Formative I will be walking around assessing the different methods each
assessment student uses to identify the shapes and what shapes they might
methods/tools: have a hard time identifying.
D. Grouping structure/s: Group Structure: Students will be placed in groups of 4 and
handed a mix of the shapes to separate in their categories. They
will help each other to identify and understand the shapes. I will
also be asking the groups to point out or hold up specific shapes.

The Common Lesson Plan Format is a CAEP EPP-Wide Assessment

8/21/18 pg. 2
Individual Structure: Students will do the shapes worksheet and
evaluate the best way they identify shapes. They will also use the
shapes in group activity to analyze and identify
E. Accommodations/
Modifications Accommodations For any students who have a learning disability
or language barrier they will be placed in a group together during
the group activity so that I can better assess their learning
methods and and direct my attention on those methods
Modifications I will gauge the students throughout the activity
and see what area of the lesson they struggle with the most and
based on this information I will conclude if they only have the
energy to learn 3 out of the four or two out of the four shapes.
The rest of the shapes can be learned t

F. Instructional ● Shapes worksheet

Materials, Equipment ● Smart board (For Videos)
and Technology: ● Orange, doritos, small inflatable ball, big foam dice,
rectangle tissue boxes
● 3 bags of mixed triangle, square, circle, rectangle shapes
for group activities
● Computer


Summative I will not be including a summative assessment. However, to ensure that my

Assessment: students have fully taken in the information I will point to objects around the
classroom and ask them to name their shape out loud as a group. After this I
will then tell them individually a shape and ask them to point to an object in
the room matching that shape.
Assessment If the student feels overwhelmed or strained trying to learn all shapes. I will
Accommodation see fit that they pick up the rest of the shapes the next day. I will provide one
s& on one time to properly help and address the students needs


Reflection For me the most challenging part of this lesson plan was remembering that It
is for kindergarteners. I first was trying to incorporate harder activities but
then realized that these particular students are still developing the attention
span and Their activities should be shaped around that.
TEKS: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
ELPS: English Language Proficiency Standards
CCRS: College Career and Readiness Standards
IEP: Individualized Education Plan
BIP: Behavior Intervention Plan
ELL: English Language Learner
The Common Lesson Plan Format is a CAEP EPP-Wide Assessment
8/21/18 pg. 3
The Common Lesson Plan Format is a CAEP EPP-Wide Assessment
8/21/18 pg. 4

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