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(Study at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 6 Metro)


SN. 1801071032


1442 H / 2021 M


A. Background of the problem

Language is one of the important things in establishing communication

with each other. Using language properly and correctly is the key to success in a

relationship, and is a must for everyone. There are so many varieties of languages

that exist in an area or region. Each region has its own language to communicate.

One of the most important languages to learn is English. English is an

international language used to communicate between citizens. As an international

language, English is one of the important subjects to be studied at school.

In line with a more sophisticated and evolving world, we are required to be

able to communicate not only using our mother tongue, but also using a foreign

language, especially English which is clearly more difficult to do because we have

limited knowledge of foreign languages. On the other hand, as an international

language, English is used to get information sharing, which is often the case in the

fields of science and technology.1

English, which is the main capital for communicating in international

relations, is now a common need that must be met. One way to master English in

order to prepare the nation's generation to be competent in the global market is by

learning English through various channels, both formal and non-formal education,

such as elementary school, courses, or extracurricular activities.

Mulyadi and Mutmainah. Using english movie akeelah and the bee with english subtitle to improve
students' listening ability Journal. 2018.
In Indonesia, education itself is an alternative to improve the quality of

human resources in facing the challenges of the times. In line with this, Ahmadi

argues that education that is able to support future development is education that

is able to develop the potential of students, so that those concerned are able to face

and solve the problems of life they face.2

Related to this, education in schools that teach various subjects needs to be

optimized. Learning English is not just passively learning the language, but must

be active. This is because language is a means of communication, so the use of

language includes both passive and active language. In learning English, it is

necessary to emphasize not only the speaking and writing aspects, but also

learning through listening activities.

Teaching listening is one of the tasks that must be done by teachers or

lecturers in teaching English to improve students' ability in English. Listening

skill is one of the important items in a person's language proficiency test. Besides

that, listening activities are sometimes fun, such as: listening to the radio, listening

to English songs, especially watching English movies. These are also closely

related to listening skills.

Learning by emphasizing the listening aspect can actually be done in

various ways. However, in reality in the field there are many teachers who still

carry out learning that only emphasizes the aspects of writing and speaking. This

can cause students' listening skills not to be honed. As a result, the learning value

of students in the listening aspect is less than the maximum compared to the

writing aspect.

Ahmadi, Abu. The Educational Psychology. (Jakarta: Gramedia Putaka, 2011), p. 290
Based on the fact, the results of the pre-survey conducted on February 28,

2022 at SMA Negeri 6 Metro, the results of daily test scores for English subjects

in the listening aspect of the 2021/2022 academic year are as follows:

Table 1.
Data on the results of daily Listening Test for class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 6
Metro for the academic year 2021/2022
No Mark Many Students Percentage
1 <70 20 66.7%
2 ≥ 70 10 33.3%
Amount 30 100%
Source: Documentation of Grade X High School Daily Exam Scores

Table 1 is the learning outcomes of students on the daily English test on

the listening aspect. Based on the table above, the Minimum Completeness

Criteria (KKM) set by schools for english lessons is 70. Students whose scores

are 70 are 33.3%. Furthermore, students whose score is < 75 are 66.7%. The total

number of students in class X IPA 1 is 30 students.

Many students do not meet the minimum completeness criteria set by the

school because there are still many students who have not been able to listen well

to the questions read by the teacher. In addition, the ability of students to

understand various grammar pronunciations is still lacking so that errors occur in

interpreting what students hear.

Responding to the problems above, there are many ways that need to be

done to increase student interest in learning so that the learning outcomes

achieved can be optimal.

In learning English, sometimes students get bored with the way the teacher

teaches. Teachers can use various techniques to teach reading, writing, speaking,

and especially listening. Some teachers think that listening is the easiest skill to

teach, so many materials or English handbooks put it at the beginning of the

material. Actually we can use many interesting media to teach them English skills.

For example by using English songs, movies, or maybe chatting in interesting


Watching English movies as one of the teaching and learning media in

language lessons helps increase students' sensitivity in understanding language.

This is because movies are very interesting and students at all ages like it. There

are stories to follow and observe. This will make the teaching and learning

process more interesting and enjoyable for both teachers and students. related to

watching English movies, subtitles are one of the factors that a teacher must pay

close attention to. Subtitles in any language are a wonderful tool that allows

people to enjoy movies from other cultures and countries, but for language

learners subtitles may actually tend to make students lazy to understand the

language. The National Center for Innovative Technology and the Center for

Implementing Technology in Education (2010) confirms that for students who are

studying English (or a foreign language), movies with subtitles can have benefits.

The use of movies with subtitles has been shown to be more effective at

improving overall auditory comprehension than movies. Students who watched

movies with subtitles to learn a foreign language had shown improvements in

reading and listening comprehension, word recognition, decoding skills,

motivation and vocabulary mastery.

Movies with the same subtitles as the actors and actresses in the movie

(English subtitles) are expected to enable students to identify how to express and

pronounce English text directly from native speakers so that with this learning

process students are expected to be familiar with hearing conversational

expressions. in English. With this process, students can improve their listening


With the facts above, the researcher hopes that teaching listening skills

increasing with English-language movie media. Researcheris expected to be one

of the new ways to teach listening, alternative techniques, motivate students to

learn English and can be useful for them. who are interested in learning and

participating in the listening teaching process.

B. Identification of problems

Based on the background of the problem above, the following problems can be


1. Most of the students still have difficulty in learning English

2. Students have not been able to understand the explanations or instructions

given by the teacher in English

3. The response of students to the teacher's orders in English is still slow

4. There are still many students who get low scores in the aspect of listening


C. Scope of problem

Based on the identified problems above, the researcherlimited this research to

improving students' listening skills by using english movie.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the identification above, the formulation of the problem in this

research is how to improve English listening skills by using English movies?

E. Research Objectives and Benefits

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives and benefits of

this research are:

1. Objective

The purpose of this study is to improve students' listening skills through

English movies.

2. Benefits of research

a. Theoretically, this research can be useful in the scientific field, namely

adding reference sources and knowledge on how to improve listening

skills in students, especially at the high school level.

b. Practically this research can be useful for:

1) For teachers, it can be a reference and study related to improving

learning outcomes and listening skills in students, namely in

English subjects.

2) For students, the results of this study can be used as a reference or

self-reflection in improving listening skills.

F. Relevant Research

Research related to improving listening skills in English subjects has been

carried out by many previous researchers. The search results related to research

relevant to this research are as follows:

1. Dung's research entitled “The Effects of Audiovisual Media on Students'

Listening Skills”. The results of his research show that The Students of

english students a significant increase in understanding after learning with

videos and students the positive attitude for using videos in listening to

listening skills.3

2. Afriyuninda and Oktaviani's research entitled "Pthe use of English Songs to

Improve English Students' Listening Skills". The results of the research

show that The use of English songs in teaching listening that listening to

English songs can help improve their listening, not only that they can also

practice good and correct pronunciation, and can learn new vocabulary by

practicing listening to English songs to improve their skills. .4

3. Hasani, Nahvi and Ahmadis’ research entitled Design and implementation

of intelligent virtual environment for improving speaking and listening

skills. The results of his research show that intelligent virtual environment

can increase speaking and listening skills.5


A. The Concept of Listening skills

1. Understanding Listening skills

Listening skills is the initial language skill possessed by

humans. This skill forms the basis of the other three language skills,

namely speaking, reading, and writing. In the early stages of life,

children first learn to understand spoken language by hearing and

The Effects of Audiovisual Media on Students' Listening Skill
Eicha Afriyuninda and Lulud Octaviani. The Use of English Songs to Improve English Students'
Listening Skills. Journal Of English Language Teaching And Learning. 2(2), p. 80-85.
Hasani, Nahvi and Ahmadi Design and implementation of intelligent virtual environment for improving
speaking and listening skills Journal of University of technology.
listening from the closest environment, namely from their father,

mother, or relatives at home. By listening, children learn language

from spoken language that is heard repeatedly. 6 The proof is that

newborns are always invited to talk by the people around them. Over

time, through listening skills the baby will be able to speak by

imitating simple words little by little will increase, and other

language skills will increase.

Sarıçoban believes listening is the ability to identify and

understand what others are saying. For learners, listening is how

spoken language becomes input (ie, it is the first stage of learning a

new language).7

Suyanto, op. cit., h. 53.
Sarıçoban, A, The teaching of listening. (The Internet TESL Journal 5 (12), 1999),
( April 10, 2022 at 09.17
Listening is the ability to identify and understand what other people

are saying. For learners, listening is about how the language being

spoken becomes an input which is the first step in learning a new

language. So, according to Saricoban, listening is the first stage in

learning a language through understanding verbal communication.

In line with Saricoban, Johnson argues listening as the ability

to understand and respond effectively to oral communication.8

Johnson defines listening as the ability to understand and respond

effectively to verbal communication. It can be stated that listening

requires understanding of the communication conveyed.

Cameron argues that listening is the receptive use of

language, and since the goal is to make sense of the speech, the

focus is on meaning rather than language.9 Listening is a process of

receiving and the goal is to give meaning to a conversation so that

the focus of listening is more on understanding. so that the content of

the message can be conveyed effectively. Listening skill is key to

receiving messages effectively. It is a combination of hearing what

another person says and psychological involvement with the person

who is talking. Listening is a skill of Language. It requires a desire

to understand another human being, an attitude of respect and

acceptance, and a willingness to open one's mind to try and see

BizMove Management Training Institute,How to Improve Your Listening skills Effective Strategies
for Enhancing Your Active Listening skills, (
skills.htm). Downloaded April 9, 2022 at 20.00
Cameron, L.Teaching Languages to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
things from another's point of view. It requires a high level of

concentration and energy.10

Listening skillsis the key to receiving messages effectively.

Listening skill is a combination of listening to what other people are

saying and psychologically relating to the person speaking. Listening

is one of the language skills. Listening requires a desire to

understand others, an attitude of respect and acceptance, and a desire

to open one's mind to see things from another point of view.

Listening demands higher concentration.

It can be said that listening has a relationship with hearing

even though there are differences between the two. In connection

with this, David stated: "Hearing is with the ears, but listening is

with the mind'."11 This means that hearing uses the ears, but listening

uses thoughts. factors of concentration, attention and an earnest

effort to understand the content of the message or information

conveyed.Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas

listening requires more than that: it requires focus. Listening means

paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of

language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body.

In other words, it means being aware of bothverbal and non-verbal

messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to

which you perceive and understand these messages. Hearingrefers to

Babita tyagi, An Important Skills and Its Various Aspects,
Biz Move Management Training Institute, How to Improve Your Listening skills Effective Strategies for
Enhancing Your Active Listening skills.
the sounds we hear, while listening requires more than that: listening

requires a person to be more focused. Listening means listening, not

only to the story that is told, but also how the story is told, the use of

language and voice, and how other people use their body language.

In other words, listening is very concerned about both verbal and

non-verbal messages. Effective listening skills depend on how much

we can understand and receive the message. Understanding will be

maximized if the listening activity includes five stages. The process

of listening occurs in five stages. They are hearing, understanding,

remembering, evaluating, and responding.

Referring to the theory that has been described, in listening

skills there are activities to remember and understand. Both activities

are included in Bloom's taxonomy as proposed by Anderson and

Krathwohl. According to Anderson and Krathwohl in the Learning

Evaluation task report made by Septri Rahayu, the cognitive process

dimensions of Bloom's revised taxonomy, especially on dimensions

C1 and C2, consist of:on C1 Remember: (a) Recognizing, (b)

Recalling and C2 Understand (understanding): (a) interpreting ((b)

exampliying , (c) summarizing (d) inferring (interesting inference),

(e) compairing (comparing), (f) explaining.

1. Remember

Remembering is the ability to retrieve relevant knowledge from

long-term memory.

a. Recognizing
RecognizingRetrieval of relevant knowledge from long-term

memory and then compare it with the information presented.

b. Recall

Recall isRetrieval of appropriate knowledge from long-term memory

when responding to a problem or given a command. The command

can be in the form of a question.

2. Understand

Understanding is the ability to formulate the meaning of learning

messages and be able to communicate them in oral, written or

graphic form.

a. Interpreting

Interpretingis the ability to change the information presented from

one form to another. Interpreting can be in the form of changing

sentences to sentences, pictures to sentences, numbers to sentences,

sentences to numbers, and so on.

b. Examplifying

Exemplifyingis the ability to give specific examples or examples of

general concepts. Exemplifying can also mean identifying the

meaning of the parts of the general concept.

c. Classifying

Classifyingis when students know that something is part of a

category. Classifying can also be interpreted as detecting

characteristics or patterns that indicate that these characteristics or

patterns correspond to certain categories or certain concepts.

d. Summarizing

Students are said to have Summarizing ability when students can

provide a single statement that states the information conveyed or

the topic in general.

e. Inferring

Inferringmeans being able to look for patterns from several case

examples. Students are said to have the Inferring ability if students

can imagine concepts or principles that are part of the example by

coding the appropriate characteristics of each example and more

importantly with no relationship between the examples.

f. Comparing

Comparingis the ability to show similarities and differences between two

or more objects.

g. Explaining
Explainingis the ability to formulate and use causal modelsresult of a

system. Students who have the ability to explain canusing cause-and-effect

relationships between parts in a system with thus researcher conclude that

in processlisteningthere are activities of remembering and understanding

which are part ofof C1 and C2 in Bloom's taxonomy. In Bloom's taxonomy

there aretwo dimensions C1 and C2, consisting of C1 Remember and C2

Understand. However, the researchers narrowed these listening skills into

only a few aspects, including recognizing (recognizing), and recalling on

C1, and Interpreting.12

Recognizingon C1, in this study students will be able to analyze

the sound of words, messages, or symbols that have been heard and seen

before. Furthermore, recalling (remembering), in noticing (paying

attention), recognizing (recognizing), recalling (remembering), interpreting

(interpreting), classifying (classifying), and comparing (comparing) and

requires a high concentration and attention factor, thus demanding

someone to focus more on being able to understand and respond to the

content of messages or information conveyed through verbal and non-

verbal communication so that communication takes place effectively.

2. Purpose of Listening skills

Someone listening certainly has a goal to be achieved, as well as

learning listening skills. The learning objectives of listening skills proposed

by Kasihani in English for Young Learners include: (1) listening to

instructions or orders to do something; (2) obtain the required information

or answers; (3) get messages, news, and news which be delivered by

oral.13Besides for listen suat instruction, listeningalso could used

forconvey orders to do something. This learning is also intended to obtain

information, messages, news, and stories that have been conveyed.

Whereas objective listening according to Hunt and Logan inSaddhono

and Slamet are (a) to be able to gain knowledge from the speaker's speech

Septri Rahayu, Bloom's Taxonomy Marzano's Learning Dimensions, (Palembang: Evaluation
of Learning Tasks 1, 2012) p. 4-5.
Kasihani Eko Suyanto.. English for Young Learner. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. 2008.
material, (b) to enjoy something speech material (performances) especially

in the field of art, (c) to assess listening material, (c) to be able to enjoy and

appreciate the material. listening, (d) to communicate ideas, ideas, feelings

to others smoothly and precisely, (e) to be able to distinguish sounds

correctly, (f) to be able to solve problems creatively and analytically, (g) to

be able to convince oneself of a problem or doubtful opinion.14

Through this attitude, a speaker will feel that what is being

discussed gets good attention from the listener. Besides that,through sitting

posture, listeners (students) will be more concentrated, focused, andrelax in

understanding what is being discussed. After that, every studentwill hear all

the words spoken well. The last is the clarity of the language spoken by the

speaker. Information willconveyed well if the speaker has the ability to

speakwords and good word choice.

3. Steps in Listening skills

Listening skills have stages or steps so that the processcan take place

effectively. The process of listening occurs in five stages. They are hearing,

understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding. In listening skills,

the goal to be achieved is understanding, hearingis a basic activity for a

person to be focused. Furthermore, this is achieved when someone is able to

understand the meaning of the sound or symbol conveyed. Remembering is

also an important part of the listening process becauseThe information that

has been obtained will be useful if the information can be converted into

Liz Spooner and Jacqui Woodcock, Teaching Children to Listen (London: Continuum International
Publishing, 2010), (, p.7
long-term information. Then evaluating, only active listeners will take part

in this stage. Active listeners will consider and select information based on

opinions or factsto avoid any bias or prejudice from the

informationobtained. Then the last one is responding, this stage

iscompletion stage or the end of the listening process and requiressomeone

to provide feedback both verbally and non-verballyverbal, as an indicator

that the listening process takes place effectively.

In listening skills learning activities,Tarigan states that there are

several steps in the activity Skills listening, Among other: (1) determine

mean; (2) demonstrating expressions; (3) ordered to repeat; (4) give practice


Based on the two statements above, the researcher concludes:that

the first step in listening is to determine the material andintroduce students

to new expressions, in the form of sentences, speech or vocabulary and then

explain their meaning. This activity is the initial stage that involves hearing.

Then students will understand (understanding) by paying attention and

accepting it.After that, students are able to remember (remember) and

evaluate (evaluating) by being trained to demonstrate and repeat each

expression in the form of a sentence, speech, motion or behavior as well as

extensive training on the material that has been taught or in combination

with the material.

4. Rubrick of Listening Skill

According to Febtriningsih that Criteria assesment for several types of

Henry Guntur Tarigan, Listening as a Language Skill, (Bandung: Amgkasa, 2008), pp.14-15.
possibility errors in listening skill ias following: a) spell or misreprest

previous words, unread words, b) gramatical c) words or phrase d) change

in words order f) placement of words with synonym that suitable.16

The rubric of listening skill is understand the speech such as listening for

the gist, for the main idea, and making inferences.17

B. Movie

Karakas and Saricoban show that watching movie with English

subtitles the learners‟ can get more benefits. This study suggests that

learners may improve their spelling, word recognition ability, pronunciation

of new words and words they have already acquired, their understanding of

spoken language, and intonation when they watch movies with the second

language subtitles.18

Therefore, English movie with English subtitle can be a good

technique in teaching listening. While watching a video, the person is

exposed to both audio and visual inputs; for that reason, this project is based

on videos to develop listening skills. In addition, Helgesen supports that

listening helps the learner to be “flexible listeners”, to know how to listen in

order to get the general idea or the specific information needed to

understand videos.

Images of videos benefit students as was found in Ting Hung study,

where his participants benefit from the visual part of the video, that

supported them to self-analyze their own performance; thus, students

Febtriningsih. Improve listening skill competences through dictation Method in Descripstive text in SMP
Negeri 22 Surakarta. Journal of Education Reach Research. 11(3), p. 146-159.
Mutiara O. Panjaitan. The Scored of English Studied. Journal of Education and Cultural. 16(1), 2010.
William Karakas and Saicoban. The Movie in Teaching Learning. (Jakarta: Gramedia. 2012)
become autonomous learners and critical thinkers not only for them but for

others´ learning process; focus on analyzing images, comprehend the video

and identify their “weaknesses and strengths”.19 Additionally, according to

Beare videos support students to become more conscious of their learning

process. They allow the learner to get an immediate feedback being videos

more effective than “simple teacher correction”.

Moreover, Esseberger claims that videos can be used ina diverse way

in a language classroom since they are an exceptional medium of learning.

However, videos can be used not only in a classroom, but also on distance

learning settings where facilitators can interact with students via the internet,

as Ramal points out. In this way, through videos, an immediate feedback can

be provided in addition to the opportunity to have self-monitoring and self-

evaluation processes. Besides that, the English movie that was educational

moral value is not only entertaining but can also motivate and encourage

students to master English subject especially in mastering listening abilities

from native speakers.20

C. The Teaching Using Movie

According to Panjaitan that teaching with movie in the lesson are doing watch

a movie, retell the contents of the movie that was watched to friends in front

of the class, the task ends by making written synopsis of the movie.21

According to Nurmala that steps to learn english with movie media is:

1. Choosing movie

This step is movie selected. The atractive movie can provided special
Ting Hung. Jurnal of educational multimedia and Hypermedia. Norfolk, 2009.
Robert Essenberger. Perceived organizational support. Jurnal of apllied pshycology. 2011.
Mutiara O. Panjaitan. The Scored of English Studied. Journal of Education and Cultural. 16(1), 2010.
entertainment to students

2. Watching Movie

In this activity students are expected listening and pay attention to movie

displayed so that stydents can movie retelling.

3. Listening Activity

In this activity students can acquire new vocabulary in the movie as well

as develop listening skill to students through pronnunciation words.22

Dewi Nurmala. Movie Media Using English Language in Teacing Listening. Journal of Society. 1(1),


A. Research design

This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is focused

on classroom situations. According to Arikunto, stated that, classroom action

research, which in English is called Classroom Action Research (CAR), is a

research activity carried out in the classroom. CAR is a strategic way for

teachers to improve educational services that must be carried out in the context

of classroom learning and improving the quality of the school program as a


Broadly speaking, in classroom action research there are four stages

that are commonly passed, namely, (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3)

observation, (4) reflection.Each cycle is carried out according to the changes

achieved, as planned

B. Research procedure

This research used classroom action research (CAR). This study

describes a dynamic process that includes aspects of planning, action,

observation, and reflection, which are sequential steps in the next cycle. This

study uses English movie media in the teaching and learning process in the

classroom. The implementation of this research carried out a continuous

improvement process or repeated actions (cycles) so that from the first cycle,

Arikunto, Suharsimi. Quantitatif and qualitatif Researc in Teory and Practise. Bandung: Remaja
Rosdakarya. 2014.
the second cycle onwards which aims to reduce students who are less active in


To see student learning outcomes, a test is given which serves as an

initial evaluation. While preliminary observations were made to determine the

actions given in order to improve student learning outcomes, especially in

learning business communication.

The classroom action research model used in this study has a four-step cycle as

shown in the following figure:







Next cycle

Figure 1. Classroom Action Research Schematic

Based on the initial reflection, classroom action research is carried

out with the following procedures:

Cycle I

1. Planning Stage

At the stage researcher determines the class that we be the subject of

research. The researcher took class whose students’ scored low on

listening skill tes. The selected class was then given treatment using

movie. After determining the class, the next step is to develop learning tool

such as lesson plan and instruments. After that, the researcher prepares for

the pretest and conduct learning using movie.

2. Implementation Stage

This implementation stage is the implementation stage of the

learning activities that have been prepared in the planning, while the

procedures are as follows:

a. Introduction

1) The teacher reminds the previous concepts.

In this step, the researche give ti students any concept of listening

skill. The researcher try to reminds the subject with spelling five

untill ten words related to the movie. And then, the student ask to

written those word in their book.

2) The teacher conveys the learning objectives.

In this step, researcher explaining to students about the purpose of

the study and give reinforcement that listening is the importing


3) The teacher motivates students to study hard.

In this step, the researcher giving motivation to students about

usage of english in daily life or the other.

b. Core activities

The teacher prepares the movie at the preparatory stage. Then the

teacher explains the instructions about learning with movies. Students are

asked to listen to English movie, listen carefully, and summarize the

conversations in the movie.

c. Closing

After everything is done the teacher gives value and appreciation to

students who present the results of their discussions well. The teacher

confirms and asks which questions the students think are the most


3. Stages of Observation/Observation

At this stage, observations are made to determine the suitability of

the implementation of the action with the action plan that has been

prepared previously, as well as to find out how far the implementation of

ongoing actions is expected to produce changes for the better.

4. Reflection Stage

After the learning process is complete, the results of reflection are

carried out, namely to reiterate what has been done, it can be found that

there are student deficiencies in the learning outcomes obtained and the

teacher's performance.
Cycle II

The Cycle II will bw carried out if the first cycle hasnot given result that are

in accordance with the indicator of succes. The steps of the cycle II will be

doing as in the Cycle I.

C. Operational definition

An operational definition is a definition based on defined and observed

properties. The operational definitions of the variables in this study are as follows:

1. English Movies.

English movie with English subtitle can be a good technique in

teaching listening. While watching a video, the person is exposed to

both audio and visual inputs; for that reason, this project is based on

videos to develop listening skills.

2. Listening Skills

Listening skill is the process that allows the listener to understand a

determine message, to identify the parts that contains the speech and

also it allows the listener to be an active participant in the society

he/she is involved. For that reason, it is important to take into account

the verbal communication characteristics established by the society

that surrounds them. Therefore, the community requires processes by

which second language learners are trained to be active listeners, and

also to have a high role in an academic environment

D. Research subject

The subject of this research is class XI IPA with 31 students at SMA

Negeri 6 Metro in the academic year 2022/2023.

E. Data collecting technique

Data collection techniques used in classroom research were collected

through tests.

1. Test

The test given is a formative test, which is a test used to determine

the extent to which students get grades after participating in the learning

process. If in Cycle I, it has reached the Indicator of succes, it will not

proceed to cycle II,. If has not been succesful, it will continue next cycle

untill reaches the indicator of succes.

2. Observation

At this stage, observations of learning outcome are carried out wether they

have reached the target of succes or not.

3. Documentation

At this stage, researcher conducts documentation or photos related to

learning using movie media.

F. Research Instruments

The types of data collection instruments are as follows:

1. Test Questions

The test is carried out at the end of each cycle and is carried out to

obtain data relating to the extent to which students' absorption of the material

provided by the teacher during the cycle will result in data on student learning

outcomes or the level of student success during lessons. The form of the cycle

test that will be given is a description question with a total of 10.

G. Data Analyst Engineering

1. Learning Outcome Data Analysis

To find out student learning outcomes after learning by applying

movie media, data is taken from the test at the end of each cycle using the

following formula:

The percentage of students' completeness is calculated using the formula:

Y= x 100%

Information :

Y = Percentage of student completeness

R = Number of students who scored 70

N = Number of students

H. Indicator of Success

Indicators of the success of the action in research need a reference to

consider the results to be achieved after the action is taken. Indicators of

success in researchIn this case, the expected learning outcomes are 75% of the

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