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Implementation of Singing Habits to Improve Student’s English Speaking Skills in

State Elementary School Trosmemi 1

Eka Nur Sukrisna / A320210243



A. Research Background

Education is an important means of creating quality human resources. Quality human resources
can be formed if education is applied as the main key to the development of science and
technology. Education is a communication process that contains the transformation of
knowledge, values, and skills inside and outside of school, which lasts throughout life (a lifelong
process), from generation to generation. Education has been going on since humans existed. The
education in question is what adults and parents do in teaching their children how to live every
day, the traditions that apply, and the skills that have been mastered by their parents so that in the
future children can live well without difficulty. The educational process takes place naturally and
continuously, even though it is in a simple form.

Education is not only obtained in the family environment; it can also be obtained from the social
environment of society or from school. The definition of education in a school environment has a
broader meaning than teaching. Teaching is more focused on the affective process of knowledge
transformation. Education is a two-way communication process that is not only a process of
knowledge transformation but also a process of internalizing character values. The character of
each student is different and must be mastered by a teacher if the teaching and learning process
in the classroom can be successful. It is the teacher's job to understand each student's character,
and each student has a different way of understanding and mastering the material presented by
the teacher.

In the English Local Content Curriculum (2006), it is stated that the aim of learning English is
for students to have the following abilities: (1) develop communication competence in limited
oral form to accompany action (language accompanying action) in the school context; and (2)
have awareness of the nature and importance of English to increase the nation's competitiveness
in the global community. This means that elementary school graduates who have studied English
as a local content subject are expected to have basic spoken English skills, which are expected to
develop well when they enter a higher level of education in the future. Apart from that, they are
also expected to have a high awareness of the importance of mastering English for mastering
science and technology. The drive to master English must be demonstrated by continuous efforts
to learn and practice it in real, everyday life.

Based on previous research from Arfin Nurcahyani (2020), it was stated that the lack of learning
media, inadequate strategies, and non-optimality of teachers in delivering material influenced the
mastery of English speaking skills in class 3 of SDN Putat 02.

Learning English is very important to implement in a school, especially at the elementary level.
Students are expected to be able to master English well. Due to the low level of students'
English-speaking competence in learning English, The learning process of introduction,
understanding, and application in daily life is really needed to achieve ideal English language
learning. English language learning should begin to be implemented for elementary school
English learning for grade 5 at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1, Gatak, and Sukoharjo lasts
for one class hour. In one meeting, the teacher teaches speaking skills using several English text
formats and does not include the exercises given to students. Teachers need more time to teach
English-speaking skills.

Based on the results of observations, it is also known that the teacher's lack of ability to
maximize learning media in delivering material can affect students' mastery of speaking skills.
Such learning will have an impact on students' mastery of word pronunciation. Therefore,
mastery of speaking English at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 needs to be improved by
using learning media that attract students' interest in learning English. So media that can help
students carry out English learning is very necessary, so one alternative used is singing English
songs to improve students' skills in speaking English.

By singing English songs, it is hoped that it can help students master words in English
pronunciation and help teachers provide good pronunciation in English material to elementary
school students. Each student will receive a sheet of paper containing song lyrics, so students are
expected to be able to learn how to speak English independently. Learning by reciting English
songs is a learning process that uses English song lyrics, so it is hoped that it will be able to
stimulate students' minds and interest in improving their ability to pronounce words in learning

Based on the description above, research regarding the application of singing habits to improve
students' English speaking skills at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 needs to be carried out.
It is hoped that the habit of singing English songs will help students develop their English-
speaking skills.

B. Research Question
1. How is the singing habit implemented at State Elementary School Trosemi 1?
2. What challenges do teachers face in implementing the singing habit?

C. Research Objectives

1. To explore the implementation of singing habits at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1,

including the teaching methods used and students' responses to singing activities.

2. To identify the challenges faced by teachers at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 in

implementing singing habits, including obstacles that may arise in the process of teaching
singing to students.
D. Benefits of the Study

Contributions that can be taken from this research are as follows:

1. For students
a. Students are expected to be more interested and active in improving their English-speaking
skills through their singing habits.
b. Students get an interesting learning experience through singing, and it is different from
previous learning of English skills because they sing during the learning process.
c. For elementary school students, the results of this research are expected to increase their
motivation to learn English.

2. For teachers
a. Teachers can take advantage of learning by singing English songs to improve their English-
speaking skills.
b. Teachers can increase the effectiveness of learning by improving speaking by singing English.
c. For English teachers in elementary schools, it is hoped that the results of this research can help
teachers improve students' English-speaking skills.

3. For schools
a. Schools can take advantage of the habit of singing English songs to support learning.
b. Schools can improve the quality of learning so as to produce quality learning.
c. For policymakers related to English language learning in elementary schools, it is hoped that
the results of this research can be used as input.

A. Relevant Research

The following are 10 studies that are relevant to the application of singing skills to improve
students' English speaking skills at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1:

a. Muhardi (2004): This study examines the use of English songs in developing English-speaking
skills in elementary schools.

The study discusses the use of English songs in developing English-speaking skills in elementary
schools. It explains that songs are a very good tool to help English language learning, and they
are believed to motivate students during English language learning. Songs are also considered
important for international information exchange through various media.

b. Arfin Nurcahyani (2020): This research evaluates the influence of learning media and teacher
skills in delivering material in English language learning.

This research explains how learning media can help improve students' English-speaking skills.
Some important findings from this research include the following:
 The use of learning media, such as flashcards, can help students understand and
pronounce English vocabulary more efficiently.
 Students who use learning media to learn English feel more active in the learning
 The media used in learning must be simple and easy to manage by teachers and students.

The use of learning media in learning English can improve students' English-speaking skills.

Overall, the research results of Arfin Nurcahyani (2020) show that the use of learning media and
teacher skills in delivering material in English learning can help students improve their English
speaking skills.

c. Susanto (2015): This study explores the use of songs in developing English-speaking skills in
elementary schools.

Some findings that can be concluded from various related sources are:

 The use of children's song media in developing the English vocabulary skills of early
childhood education students can be effective.
 Learning strategies such as movement and song methods can also improve students'
English-speaking skills.
 Other research shows that children's songs can be used to foster understanding of English
at an early age.

Overall, this study shows that the use of songs, especially in the context of learning media and
learning methods, can be effective in developing English-speaking skills in children, especially
at the early childhood education and elementary school levels.

d. Hasanah (2018): This research examines the use of English songs in improving English-
speaking skills in elementary schools.

Some findings that can be concluded from various related sources are:

 English songs can be used as an effective learning tool to improve English-speaking

skills in children.
 Movement and song methods are very beneficial for children's English-speaking skills.
 This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods to explore movement and
song methods for learning English language skills.

Overall, Hasanah's (2018) research results show that the use of songs, especially in the context of
learning media and learning methods, can be effective in developing English-speaking skills in
children, especially at the elementary school level.

e. Sugiyono (2021): This study evaluates the influence of singing skills on developing English-
speaking skills in elementary schools.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using songs in improving students' English-
speaking skills. This study uses a literature study method and finds that the use of songs in
learning English can help improve students' listening and speaking skills. This study also shows
that the use of songs can help students understand English vocabulary better and increase student
motivation to learn English. Overall, this study shows that the use of songs in English learning
can be effective in improving students' English-speaking skills in elementary schools.

f. Wahyuni (2019): This research examines the use of English songs in developing English-
speaking skills in elementary schools.

Some findings that can be concluded from various related sources are:

 English songs can be used as an effective learning tool to improve children's English-
speaking skills.
 The use of songs in learning English can help students understand English vocabulary
better and increase student motivation in learning English.
 This research uses descriptive and qualitative research methods to explore the use of
songs in English language learning.
 Overall, Wahyuni's (2019) research results show that the use of songs in English learning
can be effective in improving English speaking skills in elementary school children.

g. Astutik (2022): This study explores the use of English songs in developing English-speaking
skills in elementary schools.

This study aims to determine students' perceptions of the use of English songs in improving their
English-speaking skills. This study found that the use of English songs can help improve
students' English-speaking skills and increase students' motivation to learn English. This study
also shows that the use of English songs can help students understand English vocabulary better.
Overall, this study shows that the use of English songs can be effective in improving English-
speaking skills.

h. John Molloy (2018): "The 5 biggest challenges singing teachers face."

In his research, Molloy identified five main challenges faced by singing teachers. These
challenges include increasing self-confidence, overcoming discomfort or feelings of
unworthiness, finding the right time to introduce new learning techniques, exchanging good
practices with peers, and experimenting with new musical styles. This research provides in-depth
insight into the obstacles faced by singing teachers and provides solutions to overcome these

i. Fauzan (2018): This study evaluates the influence of singing skills on developing English-
speaking skills in elementary schools.
Some findings that can be concluded from various related sources are:

 The singing method can be used to improve English-speaking skills in children.

 Developing children's speaking skills can be done through the singing method by
following the right steps.

Overall, the results of Fauzan's (2018) research show that using singing skills in learning English
can improve English-speaking skills in elementary school children.

j. Neli Afifah (2018): "The Correlation between Habit in Singing English Song and Students'
Pronunciation Ability at the Second Semester of the Eighth Grade of MTs Al-Ishlah South
Lampung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018."

Research conducted by Neli Afifah in 2018 discussed the correlation between the ability to sing
English songs and the pronunciation ability of students in the 8th grade at At-Al Islam Middle
School, South Lampung (MTs Al-Ishlah South Lampung) in the 2017-2018 academic year. In
this research, Afifah tested the hypothesis that the ability to sing English songs is related to
students' pronunciation abilities. This research uses a qualitative correlation research method and
involves collecting data from students, teachers, and nugra guardians (people who are
entrepreneurs in the field of language) by following research procedures established by Raden
Intan at Lampung Islamic University. The results of the research show that the ability to sing
English songs has a positive and significant influence on students' pronunciation abilities in the
8th grade.

B. Framework of Thinking

Implementation of Singing Habits at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1

Implementation of singing habits at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 can be done by using
appropriate teaching methods and paying attention to students' responses to singing activities.
Some teaching methods that can be used are:

a. Use songs that are appropriate to the students' age and interests.
b. Using appropriate vocal techniques to teach correct singing techniques.
c. Encourage active student participation in singing activities.

Challenges in Implementing Singing Habits

The challenges faced by teachers at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 in implementing

singing habits include:

a. Encourage students' voluntary participation and motivate them to be actively involved in

singing activities.
b. Overcoming technical obstacles in teaching singing, such as class management and the
use of vocal techniques.
c. Overcoming students' psychological barriers, such as a lack of confidence in singing,.
Relevant Theories

Several theories that are relevant in the context of implementing singing habits at State
Elementary School Trosmemi 1 are:

a. Music learning theory, which emphasizes the importance of using music as an effective
learning tool.
b. Motivation theory, which emphasizes the importance of motivating students to be
actively involved in learning activities.
c. Psychological theory, which emphasizes the importance of understanding student
psychology in overcoming psychological barriers to learning to sing.


A. Types and Research Design

The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research on the
implementation of singing habits to improve students' English speaking skills in state elementary
school Trosmemi 1. Qualitative research is used to gain an in-depth understanding of the
implementation of singing habits, the challenges faced by teachers, and student responses
towards singing activities.

B. Place and Time of Research

The place where this research was conducted was at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1, while
the research period for the implementation of singing habits to improve students' English
speaking skills in State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 was carried out within a period of one
month, namely from the beginning of October to the beginning of November. The first week of
October will be dedicated to finalizing the research design and preparing interview questions.
The next two weeks will be used for data collection, including observations as well as interviews
with teachers and student progress. The third and fourth weeks will be dedicated to writing up
research findings, discussing the implications of these findings, reviewing the literature, and
preparing publications or presentations. This timeline ensures a systematic and thorough
approach to the research study.

C. Research Objects and Subjects

The object of research in this study was the implementation of singing habits at State Elementary
School Trosmemi 1, Gatak, Sukoharjo, while the research subjects were teachers and students at
State Elementary School Trosmemi 1, Gatak, Sukoharjo. For the teachers themselves, the focus
is on English teachers who are involved in teaching English speaking skills using the singing
method, while the students focus on grade 5 students at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1
who are involved in singing and English learning activities.
D. Data and Data Sources

Data and Data Sources:

a. Teacher Data:

Interview with an English teacher involved in teaching English speaking skills using the singing
method Interview questions included teachers' experiences in implementing singing habits,
teaching methods used, obstacles faced, and strategies used to increase student participation.

b. Student Data:

 Observation of student participation during singing and English learning activities.

 Interviews with grade 5 students of State Elementary School Trosmemi 1 were conducted
to understand their response to singing activities, the extent to which singing habits help
them in their English speaking skills, and whether there are any challenges they face in
the process.
 Collection of song lyrics used during singing activities.

c. Documents and Notes:

 Learning materials are used by teachers during singing activities.

 Teacher observation notes about students' progress in English-speaking skills.
 Notes regarding the obstacles teachers face in implementing singing habits.

d. School Data:

 School structures and policies related to the implementation of singing habits.

 Availability and condition of infrastructure that supports singing activities.

e. Supporting data

Data from relevant previous research, such as research by Arfin Nurcahyani (2020), which
discusses obstacles to mastering English speaking skills in class 3 at SDN Putat 02.

E. Data collection techniques

The data collection techniques used were interviews and observations.


 English teachers were interviewed to gain an understanding of the implementation of

singing habits, teaching methods used, obstacles faced, and strategies to increase student
 Grade 5 students were interviewed to understand their response to singing activities, the
extent to which singing habits helped them in their English speaking skills, and whether
there were any challenges they faced.


Conduct direct observations by directly observing class 5 at State Elementary School Trosmemi

F. Data Validity

a. Triangulation:


 Teachers, from the teachers themselves, by implementing the habit of singing can
improve the English language skills of grade 5 students at State Elementary School
Trosmemi 1.
 Students, based on interviews and observations made by students at State Elementary
School Trosmemi 1, are active and do not get bored with English subjects because, with
the habit of singing, they find it easier to memorize vocabulary in English.
 Previous research literature, based on previous research from Arfin Nurcahyani (2020),
stated that the lack of learning media, inadequate strategies, and non-optimality of
teachers in delivering material influenced the mastery of English speaking skills in class
3 of SDN Putat 02.


Using two main data collection techniques, namely interviews and observation, to get different
perspectives. In the interview itself, it was from the perspective of the 5th grade English teacher
at State Elementary School Trosmemi 1, while also from my own observations, namely from me
directly as a researcher.

b. Key Informant Review:

Data analysis is appropriate between data and findings.

c. Member Check:

Based on responses from the 5th grade English teacher, State Elementary School Trosmemi 1,
this research is appropriate based on data that actually occurred at State Elementary School
Trosmemi 1.

G. Data analysis techniques

The qualitative data analysis technique that can be used in this research is theme analysis. Theme
analysis aims to identify, analyze, and report patterns or themes that emerge from the data. This
theme analysis technique can help dig up in-depth information and present it systematically.

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