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Practice 1

In the past, there were some responsibilities imposed on women by society. People believed
that women should stay at home. In other words, women only had the responsibility to care for
their children and husbands. However, nowadays , this situation is changing.Women now have
more roles in business life. Besides, ıncreasing number of women in business. In this essay we
will discuss the reasons for the increase in the number of working women.

The first reason for the increase in the number of working women is the bad economy.While in
the past it was enough for only one person in the family to work, this is not the case today.For
example; the money a single person earns is no longer enough to support the family.Therefore,
women are involved in business life to help the family economy. Moreover, There are various
rights for women to work today.For instance; In the past, society did not approve of women
working.Also, some countries had bans on this situation.Many of these bans have been lifted
and social pressure has eased.Thus, women can work more easily

In conclusion; the number of working women continues to increase today.Women can achieve
anything they want. They are very successful in business. Therefore, they will continue to be in
business life as in every field.

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