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Aleha Marie R.

Angelada BSECE-4A
The Productive and Reproductive Divide

1. How does sexual division of labor complement and separate men and women
from their economic roles?

To support their families and communities, men and women in each community
do gender-specific responsibilities. These so-called gender-specific roles may separate
men and women from what is expected from them in our society. The allocation of
different jobs or types of work to women and men is referred to as gender division of
The concentration of women employees in specific vocations and sectors of the
economy is one of the most visible manifestations of the sexual division of labor, which
still exists in all facets of society. This is based on the conceptual division of the
production and reproduction spheres into "work" and "home/family." The former is
considered a man's realm, whilst the latter is considered a woman's domain, with
earnings acting as a link between the two. Due to the patriarchal character of
production, this field is dominated primarily by men. They join the job force and begin
earning a living for themselves and their families. However, they must continue to strive
for success and advancement in order to care for their family's necessities.
Reproduction, on the other hand, is primarily a female biological activity, but men have a
part in the reproductive division as well. That is, he is providing for his wife's necessities
and sharing child-rearing responsibilities. Women, like men, can earn a living in this day
and age. In today's society, we can see a gender role reversal between men and
women, as we can see in our own neighborhoods. For example, in families when the
mother works overseas and the husband looks after the children. Alternatively, if a
mother earns a higher salary, she is more likely to be always busy and unable to be
there for her children; as a result, the father fills in for the mother in terms of child care
and housekeeping. These cases, which are very common in Filipino families, make us
realize that our community is now more gender fluid, and that women now have greater
opportunities and freedom to choose what is best for her family, whereas before, the
father always had the upper hand in deciding what is best and convenient for the family.
As we can observe these gender-specific responsibilities when it comes to labor
and how men and women’s economic roles are affected by these are still prevalent in
our society nowadays. It can also cause a division between men and women when it
comes to job opportunities and equivalent salaries. Oftentimes women have lesser
opportunities when it comes to the production workforce but sometimes these situation
is reversed because a lot of women nowadays are working in the production sphere. In
addition, there are a lot of cases where the women in the family is the primary financial
source as opposed to the ideological belief that men must provide for the family.
Thus, in this modern and industrialized world we’re living in even though there is
still a sexual division of labor but the inequalities between men and women has

2. Describe the productive and reproductive divide that you can observe in your
Women and men both have multiple roles in their lives, both in the productive
domain (which includes activities related to the production of goods for consumption or
trade, as well as income-generating activities) and the reproductive domain (which
includes tasks and activities related to the creation and maintenance of the family and
Men's functions in the producing sphere are dominant in most communities, while
their reproductive – or domestic – roles are secondary. Men's productive job is
frequently done outside the home, allowing them to perform their tasks in a sequential
rather than simultaneous fashion. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to have to
juggle many activities at once due to their proclivity to perform different roles within the
reproductive and productive spheres (a practice known as 'multitasking'). In the case of
our family the primary source that supports us financially or the “bread winner” is the
one who works outside the country as a seafarer. That is solely concentrated in the
production sphere wherein he will fulfill his role in supporting us by enduring heavy and
difficult work in a marine vessel. Thus during his time aboard the reproductive role will
only become secondary since providing the needs of the family is the priority especially
financially and he will not be physically aid most of the time in taking care of the house
or the children. That is in the case of my brother that even though he already have his
own family but he still assumes that role in order to support us and his wife does mostly
the reproductive and productive roles also. Productive in the sense that she also takes
care of their children and house and also productive since she also manages their
business. Another productive divide is the in the case of my father which is a farmer,
who does the manual labor on managing the farm and my mother doing mostly the
domestic work as well as guiding us. But, not only men can do productive roles but also
women, that is in the case of my sister who is working as an engineer.
In a family, in spite of the productive and reproductive divide there is still harmony
as each and everyone helps each other to make life better. There may be reversed
roles or multiple roles for one person but everything can be bearable if we continue to
support and help each other for the betterment of our lives and for the sake and welfare
of our family.

3. Can the males do other reproductive functions performed by the females?

Justify your answer.
It is known that reproduction is matriarchal in nature, hence it is performed by
women in majority of cases. These include, childbearing, delivery, lactation, and
childcare which are all biological functions, that roles are assumed by women.
Although the reproductive functions are mostly performed by women, men too
have a part in this reproductive divide. Those are giving supports to his wife during the
pregnancy and sharing a responsibility in rearing a child. In addition, in the social
reproduction wherein males are also capable in performing the activities which in what
the majority believes are done by females. Taking care of oneself and one's family is the
most common type of social reproduction in the home. Some of them also happen in
public places like schools and hospitals. With these I strongly believe that men can also
perform domestic work, in the household realm example are cooking, cleaning, taking
care of the children or even taking care of the sick and the elderly. Another thing
wherein the gender roles are reversed is in the case where the women assume the
responsibility as a provider to her family. This is where the concept of “House Husband”
came into existence where men assume the responsibilities of women inside the house.
Which is very common especially in Filipino families where the woman needs to work
abroad for a higher salary in order to provide for the family, hence the domestic roles
like child care is done by the husband. Aside from the reproductive roles done in the
domestic realm there is also that exists in public and private institutions like schools,
hospitals, and restaurants. For example there are a lot of male nurses and caregivers
that render their services in the medical field.
These exchange responsibilities either in the household or social realm implies
that change is not bad after all, instead it shows men and women’s role can be
Gender Issues and Concerns in the Workplace

1. What do you think are the top 3 reasons why there is a gender gap in the workplace?
In my own perspective the reason why there is still an existing gender inequality
in the workplace is because first there is job segregation. The division of labor is one of
the factors that contribute to gender inequality in the workplace. In most countries, there
is an underlying idea that men are more prepared to perform specific tasks than women.
Those are, for the most part, the highest-paying positions. Women's income is lowered
as a result of this prejudice. Women also bear the brunt of unpaid labor, so they do
extra work that goes unnoticed financially even when they work full-time. Next, is racism
unfortunately, race appears to play a significant effect in how women are treated and
compensated at work. Depending on her race and ethnicity, a woman's pay may differ.
Then, sexual harassment, sexual harassment is a barrier that many women confront in
the workplace. Work-related factors are also linked to an increased likelihood of sexual
harassment or assault in the workplace. Women who rely on tips for their main source
of income at restaurants are twice as likely to be sexually harassed. Women who do not
have legal immigration status or who are on a temporary work visa are likewise more
likely to be sexually harassed or assaulted.

2. Harassment happens in the workplace. Who do you think are the victims of this
harassment? List down three.
I think the mostly affected individuals when it comes to the harassment in the
workplace are first, the women of color or the members of LGBTQIA+, because they
continue to face barriers to advancement in leadership positions and are more likely to
be subjected to micro-aggressions (offensive statements or insensitive questions)
based on race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity. Next, are the individuals who are
over 40 years old. Discrimination based on age is surprisingly frequent... and on the
rise. More than one-third of workers believe that their age has prohibited them from
finding work once they turn 40. Insults, taunting, harsh criticism, and being left out of
meetings or events because of the worker's age are all examples of age-related
harassment. And also the people with mental or physical disabilities. It might be overt,
such as using racial slurs, making offensive jokes, or barring employees from specific
work-related gatherings, or it can be more subtle.
3. What do you think are the top 3 reasons why people become victims of human
One of the most significant causes to human trafficking is poverty. Traffickers
prey on the impoverished and disenfranchised in order to deceive vulnerable people
into believing they can improve their lives. To provide for themselves and their families,
these individuals are more likely to accept higher risks. Many indigenous peoples are
marginalized in many countries, making them vulnerable to human trafficking. Next is
lack of education, a lack of education can lead to fewer chances for work that pays a
livable wage, as well as a lack of understanding about one's rights. People may be more
vulnerable to human trafficking as a result of either consequence. And, lack of legitimate
economic opportunities. People who lack genuine economic opportunities are more
vulnerable to human trafficking. Migrants without work permits, those without education,
those who reside in remote areas with less job opportunities, as well as women and
certain ethnic groups who may be unable to find work owing to prejudice, are all
particularly susceptible in this area. People who are unable to find work elsewhere are
lured into forced labor, sex trafficking, bonded labor, and other forms of slavery by


1. How is poverty related to a high case of human trafficking in the country?
Human trafficking is a complicated issue that stems from poverty,marginalization,
and notions about women's and children's subordination, as well as a lack of effective
human rights protection.
Poverty is one of the most powerful indicators of trafficking vulnerability, and the
rationale for this is simple. People grow frantic for answers when they are unable to pay
for food, rent, school, or health care. They become easy prey for smugglers. They are
ripe for exploitation when other issues such as statelessness, lack of education, or
being underage prohibit them from obtaining legitimate jobs. Although it may appear
evident that poverty makes people vulnerable to trafficking because they are desperate
to get out of debt, hence, poverty makes people vulnerable for a variety of less obvious
reasons. People's ability to manage decision-making, such as risk assessment, is
harmed by poverty, which is critical for navigating their way out of poverty and away
from harmful situations when they have few options. If a child has been mistreated, they
may never develop the sense of self-worth necessary to believe they do not deserve to
be harmed, which is likely to be a key factor in viewing trafficking as exploitation and a
violation. Children who have been trafficked have a higher likelihood of having been
sexually abused.
Indeed, human trafficking is largely a sign of relative and economic inequality.
Gender inequality and a lack of regard for children's rights are additional factors. Human
trafficking is a difficult crime to combat thus, several policy areas and segments of
society require a broad range of actions.

2. How can you help narrow down, if not eradicate, the gender gap in the labor force?
Finding a job for women is significantly more difficult than for men all around the
world. When women do find work, it is usually in low-paying, dangerous jobs, with little
hope of improvement in the foreseeable future. Despite greater public awareness and
discussion of women's employment inequities, there is still much work to be done to
reduce the gender gap.
I think as a woman, being part of the vulnerable group when it comes to this
issue I can help narrow down the gender gap by starting working hard and operating in
a smart way. In that case I can represent and carry myself in a dignified manner. To this
extent I can be one of the empowered women who knows how to break the odds and
realizes their worth, hence, this can be a way to make other women feel empowered
too. As we can observe nowadays there are a lot of women who finish college and get a
job in business or managerial positions, also in the engineering and architecture realm
where ideologically these jobs are dominated by men. Even though women works hard
for many years to break the chains of oppressions, criticisms and discrimination there
are still preavailing inequalities up to this day. I think what we lack is the
underrepresentation of women especially in the high-level roles. It’s not about the lack
of education or attrition rates, I think it's time to change the mindset of the people or the
companies regarding this issue. And, I think this can be done by proving to them that
women are capable of the jobs that their male counterparts are qualified for. Let’s
empower every woman to go the extra mile in fighting for what is right and not be
content or settle for less. Because we deserve more than that, we deserve equality.
Human welfare depends on the freedom to work — on one's own terms, in
conditions of dignity, safety, and justice. Ensuring that women have access to this right
is a significant goal in and of itself. In the end, narrowing gender gaps in the workforce
benefits not only women and their families, but the global economy as a whole.

3. From the preceding discussion, it was stressed that harassment in the workplace is
detrimental both to the person and the organization. Can you suggest ways on how to
stop harassment in the workplace? Write your suggestions in the box.

Workplace harassment is described as conduct, acts, or words aimed at or about

a person or a group of individuals that creates a hostile work environment for both those
who are directly targeted and others who are offended but are not directly targeted.
It's evident that most firms' approaches to sexual harassment aren't working.
Bystanders become skeptical when difficulties persist, and business executives declare
they have zero tolerance for harassment but make large exceptions for "high value"
employees. It’s time for the HRs, legal, and business leaders to "think strategically"
about how to solve and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. They can increase
their company's worth and establish a healthy, self-sustaining atmosphere, allowing for
increased production and engagement. For the part of the employers or companies,
combating sexual harrassment can start in creating a strong anti-harassment policy,
encouraging their employees to participate, workplace risks should be assessed and
mitigated, they must consider reporting systems. As well as provide anti-harassment,
diversity, and equality training, know what to do if someone makes a complaint, and
know what to do if you/someone is confronted with sexual harassment from a third
party. On the other hand, for the employees side they can can be cautious when it
comes to sexual harrassment by keeping a record of all instances of harassment,
including the name of the harasser, their position within the firm, and the type of
harassment you were subjected to. Next, obtain witnesses by speaking with your
coworkers and ensuring that they will support you by corroborating your evidence.
Then, Maintain a professional demeanor and avoid making rash decisions or acting
irrationally. Take your time to gather evidence. It is important to make an appointment
with your supervisor or an HR representative; bring your incident report and any
witnesses with you, and practice what you'll say before the meeting. Make sure you
follow up on your complaint; the last thing you want is for the harassment to continue
while your complaint is ignored. If nothing is being done, you have the right to pursue
this further and go higher up the food chain. Don't give up until your concern is resolved
and steps are taken.
Sexual harrassment cannot be mitigated if we just continue to turn a blind eye
and tolerate it. Instead we must take courage to fight against it if not for ourselves but
also to help others who suffer from this type of cruelty.

TEST III. Slogan Making

Instruction: Create a campaign slogan to support the fight against human
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a clan, political, commercial,
religious, and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the
goal of persuading members of the public or a more defined target group. The Oxford
Dictionary of English defines a slogan as "a short and striking or memorable phrase
used in advertising." A slogan usually has the attributes of being memorable, very
concise and appealing to the audience
NOTE: Write your campaign slogan inside the scroll. Be creative.

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