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Đề Bài: In some countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father.

Why do
you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future?

People hold differing views about what the roots for the discrepancies in the role of men and women in
todays world and how may parenting develops in the forthcoming years.

There are some explicit and compelling justifications why it is obviously a vast difference between the
duties of a father and a mother. On the one hand, males are the breadwinners of the whole family by
courtesy of the high efficiency and productivity that they can supposedly obtain from work. Needless to
say, men are self-assured, more career-orientated, physically strong and also have longer endurance,
good elasticity as opposed to women and can effectively work under external key factors regardless of
factors like stress, fatigue, burnout,.. This can greatly foster the overall workforce, positively boosting
their employability with promising remunerations so as to enhance the income of an extended family.
Moreover, men can bottle up their feelings, seemingly hide their actual thoughts, which are undeniably
of paramount importance when they have to not only to grapple with but also to fully adapt to
demanding and even hazardous circumstances. On the other hand, women are the weaker sex who
purportedly prefer to stay at home, spend much time supporting, nurturing and lending a helping hand
to other family members and to be housewives. Compared to males, females are more reserved and
self-conscious and are free and open to express their emotions widely, and are more sensitive to
modifications in life. They also have more vulnerability in terms of both physical fitness and mental
being. This apparently makes them more suitable for doing houseworks, taking essential cares of others,
bringing up children, and concerning daily oft-done things. In other words, these genders are radically

Irrespective of the aforementioned idea, I would emphasize that the trend tends to alter in the
upcoming period when women would pursue a career and men would stay at home, look after kids and
cook daily meals. It appears that people will no longer always be under the impression that females are
rigorous obligated to dedicate only for family, they are, conversely, going to be granted equal and
egalitarian opportunities to follow the path of career that they opt for and adore to do. Uniquely, with
the proliferation of cutting-edge technology, women will be suffered from any old-fashioned
xenophobia prejudice and, on the other hand, would be empowered to various options to choose from.
This by all means gives fathers a chance to get closer to and spend time with their children, which is
something that they hardly ever do. Kids can also receive cares and love from both their parents rather
than mainly from their moms in the previous years, hence developing a family gatherings and emotional
bonds where both mums and dads share parenting as well as vocational duties. In my view, this
development is allegedly natural and positive due to the fact that this will create a civilized utopia
without discrimination, stereotype and objectification. On the whole, the pattern that the role of men
and women will be replaced and conversed will be an unavoidable change in the near future.
In conclusion, although there are still tangible differences or distinction between 2 opposite sexes in
present days, I potently endorse the point of view that there will be a contrast change in the
responsibility of men and women.

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