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A. Rewrite the conversations with the adverbs o frequency.

1. A: Do you shop online? (ever) Do you ever shop online?

B: Yes, I shop online. (often) Yes, I often shop online
2. A: Do you share potos and videos online? (ever)
Do you ever share potos and videos online?
B: No, I do. (usually) No, I usually do not.
3. A: Do you write messages? (ever) Do you ever write messages?
B: Yes, I write messages. (usually) Yes, I usually write messages.
4. A: Do you download movies? (ever) Do you ever download movies?
B: No, I do that. (hardly ever) No, I hardly ever do that.

B. Look at Jackie´s activities in a typical week. Check how often the activities are
done and
complete the sentences with the right adverb.

Activities S M T W TH F S
Do homework after lunch.     

Check e-mail.       

Play computer games.

Watch TV at night.  

Walk the dog in the afternoon.   

1. Jackie Usually does her homework after lunch. Always

2. Jackie Always checks her e-mail. Usually
3. Jackie never plays computer games. Hardly ever
4. She Hardly ever watches TV at night. Never

5. She Sometimes walks the dog in the afternoon.

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