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Villar, Jhon Michel V.

ZGE_1108 – 1B
20221142105 September 6, 2022

Essay on Psychological Perspective of the Self

For me, there is no theory of self; there is only the realization of what is self and what is
not. Strengths and weaknesses are contingent on their application as it applies to culture
and self-propagation within a particular paradigm and is subjectively based. I think we all
change as we get older and learn more about our human life on earth that the things used
to be my belief did change by my life experiences teaching me to correct them, and I did.
I am confident that God will let me know in time to improve myself or go ahead with my
plan and choices, and I will obey my parents. I am always delighted that I listen to their
commands. I have gained a keen understanding of my strengths and weaknesses
through studying Nietzsche’s concepts regarding what a strong or weak person looks like;
this is specifically focusing on the idea of an independent being. I realize that feeble
people always tend to lose themselves in the masses. But this often looks like strength
since deferring to the masses causes them to be welcomed with acceptance. But it is a
concealed state of weakness that would unconsciously court the approval of the masses.
Life is all about evolution and upgradation of the consciousness level through experience
of suffering and happiness. Spiritual knowledge of self-cleared all my concepts about
myself. Yes, through this, I recognized my strengths and weaknesses and got to know
the true nature of life and existence to some extent. The journey is still on. Powerful
dreams and visions gave me a direct knowing that helped me sift through various theories
of self, separating the wheat from the chaff. Reading helped me integrate the intellectual
and spiritual. Dealing with my weaknesses helps me learn my strengths.

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