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How can healthy habits be encouraged in children?

(Final version - Write & Improve)

Over the years, the concern about introducing healthy eating habits in children have increased
a lot, not only at home but also at schools.

On the one hand, parents are the obligation to input healthy eating habits in their children and
encouraging them to eat fish, fruit and vegetables. However, many times parents haven’t time
enough to cook healthy meals, so, eat fast food is often an option. Furthermore, families
believe this is a cheaper and easier option and consider that doesn’t matter if children eat well
at home because they always are expose to advertisements for fast food, and, at some
moment, will eat it.

On the other hand, if school lunches have healthier options, children easily eat vegetables and
fruit. Some schools has adopted measures to improve healthy eating habits, for example, have
one space where children can plant and take care of vegetables and have an active
participation on the preparation of school meals.

In conclusion, this kind of measures, contributes not only to educate children to eat better and
healthier but also to understand how easier and cheaper can be prepared our own meals.

(Original Version)

Over the years, the concern about introducing healthy eating habits in children have been
increased a lot, not only at home but also at schools.

On the one hand, parents are the obligation to input healthy eating habits in their children.
Preparing meals with fish and also eat fruit and vegetables are good options that parents want
to do with some frequency. However, the fact of both parents work all day, contributes to
haven’t time enough to cook healthy meals. For this reason, eat fast food is often a frequent
choose to many families. Furthermore, a lot of people believe that it is a cheaper and easier
option and consider that doesn’t matter if children eat healthy meals at home because they
always are exposed to advertisements for fast and sugary food, and, at some moment, they
will eat “plastic” food.

On the other hand, schools should contribute to improve healthy eating habits in children, too.
Maybe if school lunches have healthier options, children easily eat more vegetables and fruits.
In some countries, because the alarming increase of child obesity, many governments adopted
measures to encourage healthy habits in schools. For example, some schools have an outdoor
space where children can plant and take care of vegetables. So, when vegetables are ready to
eat, children collect them and have an active participation on the preparation of school meals
(where they use these vegetables).

To sum up, this kind of measures, contributes not only to educate children to eat better and
healthier but also to understand how easier and cheaper can be plant our own vegetables and
prepare it to eat.

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