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Activity Theory as a Framework for Designing

Constructivist Learning Environments

[ ] David H Jonassen

The epistemic assumptions of constructive [] In order for any discipline to survive, it must
learning are d~J~rentfrom those of traditional accommodate changes in theory and practice
instruction, so classical methods of needs and and do so in a way that adds value to the discipl-
task analysis are inappropriatefor designing ine (Kuhn, 1972). In recent years the field of
constructivist learning environments (CLEs). instructional design has begun to accommodate
This paper argues that activity theory provides constructivist beliefs and practices related to
an appropriate framework for analyzing needs, learning, as evidenced by the recent focus on the
iasks, and outcomes for designing CLEs. Activ- use of constructivist learning environments
ity theory is a socio-cultural, socio-historical (Jonassen, 1999), open-ended learning environ-
lens through which designers can analyze ments (Land & Hannafin, 1996), microworlds,
human activity systems. It focuses on the inter- anchored instruction (Cognition and Technol-
action of human activity and consciousness ogy Group, 1992), problem-based learning (Sav-
within its relevant environmental context. ery & Duffy, 1995), and goal-based scenarios
Since conscious learning emergesfrom activity (Schank & Cleary, 1995), hereafter referred to
(performance), not as a precursor to it, CLEs collectively as constructivist learning environ-
should attempt to replicate the activity struc- ments (CLEs). Constructivist approaches to
tures, tools and sign systems, socio-cultural learning are clearly based on distinctly different
rules, and community expectations that per- epistemic and pedagogical assumptions than
formers must accommodate while acting on classical approaches to instructional design
some object of learning. After explicating (Jonassen, 1991).
assumptions of activity theory and briefly
As with nearly every innovation, a problem
describing the components of CLEs, this paper
with constructivism for instructional design has
describes a processfor using activity theory as
been that, while detailed conceptions and exam-
a framework for describing the components of
an activity system that can be modeled in pies of the kinds of CLEs exist, less practical
CLEs. advice is available on how to construct them and
especially how to perform the analysis phase of
the design and development process for CLEs.
Although design recommendations are forth-
coming (Reigeluth, 1999), none explicate meth-
ods for needs or task analysis. If we agree that
the epistemic beliefs of constructivist learning
approaches are fundamentally different from
those of traditional instruction, classical meth-
ods of needs and task analysis are inappropriate
for designing CLEs. For example, behavioral
and job analysis techniques and learning analy-
sis methods, such as hierarchical task (prerequi-
sites) analysis, or even cognitive task analysis

ETR&D. VoL 47, No. I, 1999,pp. 61[-79 ISSN 1042-1629 61

62 .~?,~&D /ol aT. No

methods, cannot provide an appropriate foun- alternative perspective to the mentalistic and
dation for designing CLEs because they assume idealist views of human knowledge that claim
that relevant knowledge can be embedded in the that learning must precede activity. Activity the-
instruction for transfer to the learner in any con- ory posits that conscious learning emerges from
text. Therefore, designers committed to activity (performance), not as a precursor to it. So
designing and implementing CLEs need an activity theory provides us with an alternative
appropriate set of design methods for analyzing way of viewing human thinking and activity.
learning outcomes and designing CLEs that are Activity theory is a powerful socio-culturat
consistent with the fundamental assumptions of and socio-historical lens through which we can
those environments. analyze most forms of human activity. It focuses
We argue in this paper that a powerful on the interaction of human activity and con-
framework for analyzing needs, tasks, and out- sciousness (the human mind as whole) within its
comes for designing CLEs is provided by activ- relevant environmental context. This is essential
ity theory. It is a useful framework because the for designing CLEs, which are activity-oriented.
assumptions of activity theory are very conso- Also, the instructional design community needs
nant with those of constructivism, situated to be more concerned with the context in which
learning, distributed cognitions, case-based rea- learning and performance, as well as the design
soning, social cognition, and everyday cognition process itself, occur (Tessmer & Richey, 1997).
that underlie CLEs (Jonassen & Land, 1999). It is Because contemporary, anthropological learn-
also useful because activity theory has been used ing theories claim that learning occurs only in
often enough in designing human-computer the context of meaningful activity, it is import-
interactions in order to provide a clear opera- ant to analyze the activity and the context as part
tional framework for designing CLEs. of the instructional design process. Activity the-
In this paper, we first elaborate the assump- ory is a useful framework for understanding the
tions that underlie activity theory, then describe totality of human work and praxis (Bodker,
the components of an activity system, and 1991a), that is, activity in context.
finally describe how activity theory may be used Activity cannot be understood or analyzed
to analyze activities and settings for the purpose outside the context in which it occurs. So when
of designing CLEs. analyzing human activity, we must examine not
only the kinds of activities that people engage in
but also who is engaging in that activity, what
their goals and intentions are, what objects or
products result from the activity, the rules and
norms that circumscribe that activity, and the
Activity theory has its roots in the classical Ger- larger community in which the activity occurs.
man philosophy of Kant and Hegel which These are all parts of the activity system, which
emphasized both the historical development of we will briefly describe next.
ideas as well as the active and constructive role
of humans. This philosophy provided the foun-
dation for the more contemporary philosophy of
Marx and Engels and the Soviet cultural-histori- ACTIVITY SYSTEM
cal psychology of Vygotsky, Leont'ev, and Luria
(Kuutti, 1996) on which activity theory is based. The most appropriate unit of analysis is activity.
Activity theory is not a methodology. Rather it is The components of any activity are organized
a "philosophical framework for studying differ- into activity systems (Engestr6m, 1987), a model
ent forms of human praxis as developmental of which is depicted as a triangle in Figure 1. The
processes, both individual and social levels primary focus of activity systems analysis is the
interlinked at the same time" (p. 532). Activity top triangle of Figure I (the production of some
theory adopts Marx's dialectic materialist view object), in which the activity is accomplished.
of activity and consciousness as dynamically The production of any activity involves a sub-
interrelated (Leont'ev, 1972), which provides an ject, the object of the activity, the tools that are

used in the activity, and the actions and opera- model that is used will be adapted with each
tions that affect an outcome (Nardi, 1996). new application. It cannot be applied identically
in different contexts, as many traditional design
models assume. We can even think of activity
Figure 1 ~ Activity system theory itself as a mediating tool for research and
development. In the context of this article, it rec-
ommends an approach to analyzing situations
for instructional design.
The activity consists of a goal-directed hierar-
chy of actions (see Figure 2) that are used to
accomplish the object--the tasks, actions, and
Goal operations that transform the object. Activity
(e.g., designing instructional materials) is the
performance of conscious actions and consists of
chains of actions (such as needs assessment,
Rules Community Division objective writing, drawing graphics, shooting
of Labor video, etc.). Actions are chains of operations
(e.g., camera operations, spreadsheet entries,
telephone calls). All operations are actions when
The subject of any activity is the individual or they are first performed because they require
group of actors engaged in the activity. For conscious effort to perform. With practice and
example, in an instructional design context, the internalization, activities collapse into actions
subject may a single designer or a team consist- and eventually into operations, as they become
ing of designers, a manager, subject matter more automatic, requiring less conscious effort.
experts, and media producers. The reverse dynamic is also possible: operations
can be disrupted and become actions. So the
The object of the activity is the physical or relationships among activities, actions, and
mental product that is sought. The object is acted operations are dynamic, as indicated by the bi-
on by the subject. It represents the intention that directional arrows in Figure 2.
motivates the activity. For the instructional
design example, the object of instructional
design may be a curriculum design, hypertext Figure 2 [] Hierarchicalnature of activities,
program, workshop, or a videotape that is pro- actions & operations
duced. Whatever it is, the object is transformed
in the course of activity, so it is not immutable
(Nardi, 1996). Activity - Motive
Tools can be anything used in the transfor-
mation process (physical such as hammers or Action - Goal
computers or mental, such as models or heuris-
tics). The use of culture-specific tools shapes the
way people act and think. For the instructional Operation - Conditions
design example, tools may consist of the design
models and methods, the software production
tools, project management system, or any other
We will use the instructional design process
kind of tool that instructional designers use to
to exemplify the activity theory model (Figure 1)
transform the object (the instructional materi-
because it is familiar to the readers of this jour-
als). That is, the tools alter the activity and are, in
nal. If the goal of the activity were "solving a
turn, altered by the activity. For example, using
skill-knowledge problem by designing, devel-
an inquiry design model will result in dramati-
oping, implementing, and evaluating instruc-
cally different instructional materials (object)
tion," the subject would be the individuals and
than a direct instruction model. Yet the inquiry
64 ETR&D, Vo147. No. 1

work groups that would be formed in the orga- constructed based on the intentionality,history,
nization to fulfill goals (effident and effective culture,and tool mediation used in the process.
instruction) through the activity of instructional Consciousness isnot a set of discrete,disembod-
design and development. That activity would ied acts (design, decision making, classifying,
consist of numerous actions: conduct needs remembering) as conceived by traditionalcon-
assessment, perform task analysis, design ceptions of learning.Rather, consciousness isthe
instructional interactions. These actions are result of everyday practice.The conscious pro-
likely to be undertaken by individuals while the cess of meaning making for any actor or group
activity (instructional design) would likely be a of actors in the network emerges from activityor
group responsibility. Although the object of the the personal reflectionon activity.Next, we will
activity would be efficient and effective instruc- elaborate some of the assumptions underlying
tion, the form and function of that object is likely activitysystems and activitytheory.
to be modified as the activity unfolds. The tools,
signs, and instruments would include the design
models and methods employed (e.g., Dick and ASSUMPTIONSOF ACTIVITYTHEORY
Carey, critical incident method, syntactic analy-
sis), the physical apparatus and tools (comput- Activity: Minds in Context
ers, fax machines, telephones, video cameras),
and reasoning (e.g., problem solving skills, task
The most fundamental assumption of activity
decomposition, synthetic thinking) that mediate
theory is the unity of consciousness and activity
the group's activity toward designing and
(Kaptelinin, 1996). Activities are the human
developing the instruction. The community con-
interactions with the objective world and the
sists of the interdependent aggregate (e.g., conscious activities that are a part of those inter-
designers within the organization, subject mat- actions. Rather than learning before acting, as
ter experts, designers within professional associ- traditional theories prescribe, activity theory
ations, customers) who share (at least to some believes a priori that the human mind emerges
degr~;e) a set of social meanings. Rules inher- and exists as a special component of interactions
ently guide (at least to some degree) the actions with the environment, so activity (sensory, men-
or activities acceptable by the community, so the tal, and physical) is a precursor to learning. For
signs, symbols, tools, models, and methods that example, instructional designers understand the
the community uses will mediate the process. instructionaldesign process only through prac-
For example, corporations that emphasize effi- ticinginstructionaldesign in some context.They
ciency may not accept constructivist models and can memorize its features through direct
methods of learning to mediate the design activ- instruction,but they understand what the pro-
ity. The division of labor prescribes the task spe- cess means only through performing it.
cialization (designers, developers, producers) by The learner (the subjectin activity systems,
individual members of groups within the com- see Figure 1) is the central,driving character in
munity or organization. The outcome, of course, defining activity.While traditional theories of
is the form of instruction that is developed and learning assume a Cartesian mind-body dual-
implemented. ism with respect to the mind and external
The point of this illustration is not simply to behavior, activitytheory challenges that separa-
recast familiar activities in new terminology. tion. Mind and body (mental and physical) are
Traditional conceptions of instructional design interrelated,so knowing can only be interpreted
assume that knowledge (both as an object and in the context of doing.
outcome of instructional design) can be trans- Not only do activity and consciousness co-
ferred and acquired by learners. Activity theory, exist, they are mutually supportive. There is a
on the other hand, focuses on the dynamic rela- reciprocal regulatory feedback between knowl-
tionship between consciousness and activity edge and activity(Fishbein,Eckart, Lauver, van
(Nardi, 1996). Rather than being a process of Leeuwen, & Langemeyer, 1990). As we act, we
knowledge transmission, knowledge is socially gain knowledge, which affects our actions,

which changes our knowledge, and so on. This some goal. Activity theory focuses on the pur-
transformational process is critical to the activity- poseful actions that are realized through con-
theory conception of learning. Consciousness scious intentions.
informs activity, which embeds consciousness. Before intentions are manifest in actions in
As novice designers perform instructional design the real world, they are planned. Humans orient
activities, they come to better understand the their activity and plan their activities. Their
process, which in turn affects the way they per- intentions and plans are not rigid or accurate
form instructional design activities, which affects descriptions of the intended action, but rather
their performance. are always incomplete and tentative. Nearly
every instructional design project, for instance,
is adjusted, reconceptualized, and renegotiated
Consciousness in the World
during the design and development process.
Activity theory conceptualizes consciousness According to activity theory, intentions emerge
much differentlythan traditionalcognitive psy- from contradictions that individuals perceive in
chology. Consciousness is not a set of discrete, their environment, such as differences between
disembodied acts (e.g.,decision making, classi- what they believe they need to know in order to
fying, remembering) that are regulated by exec- accomplish a goal and what they do, in fact,
know at any point in time. Their intentions,
utive control mechanisms (Nardi, 1996), which
is the way that instructional designers typically however, can exist only in the context of the
analyze conscious knowledge. Rather, con- intended activity.
sciousness is the phenomenon that unifies atten-
tion, intention, memory, reasoning, and speech Object-Orientedness
(Vygotsky, 1978). Consciousness is manifested
in practice---"you are what you do" (p.7). What So, activity theory claims that learning and
you do is embedded in a social matrix, com- doing are inseparable, and that they are initiated
posed of people and artifacts (physical tools and by an intention. What is the source of that inten-
sign systems) that are used in the activity. There- tion? Intentions are directed at objects of activity
fore, it is necessary to analyze the activities in (see activity system in Figure 1). The object of
which performers engage in the context of the activity can be anything, so long as it can be
performance. For example, designers who work transformed by subjects of the activity system.
for a school district conceive of themselves and Objects may be physical objects (e.g., a house
the design process differently than do designers that is built), soft objects (e.g., computer pro-
who work for large corporations, because the gram), or conceptual objects (e.g., a theory or
systems of people (their goals, needs, and model of activity that is negotiated). The object
beliefs) and artifacts change the nature of the of an instructional designer, for example, may
conscious activity. That is, consciousness is be the objectives written, the HTML file coded,
embedded in the wider activity system that sur- or the conversation conducted by that designer.
rounds an individual's activities, so that changes The transformation of that object (e.g., comple-
in the physical, mental, or social conditions of a tion of code) moves the subjects toward the
person's situation are internalized and directly accomplishment of their goal (Figure 1). Because
reflected in the person's conscious activities. If a this transformation process continues to moti-
company implements new design processes, it vate activity (e.g., getting the code to work), the
redefines the designers' understanding of their object of activity focuses the intended actions on
job and the activities that comprise it. the object. The transformed object is the motive
of the activity.
Intentlonallty Just as environmental cues provide affordan-
ces for perceptions (Gibson, 1979), objects pro-
All animals, including humans, interact with vide affordances for activity. The object of
their environments and learn about their world activity affects the nature of the activity, which
through those interactions in order to fulfill affects the object in a dynamic relationship.
66 ETP~&D. vo147. No. I

Extending the analogy, different objects provide and so on. When analyzing activity systems for
different affordances. That is, different objects the purpose of designing CLEs, then, it is neces-
require or engage different activities. The sary to embed these different aspects of commu-
affordances of the object alter the role of con- n i t y - t h e activities and the rules, division of
sciousness (Nardi, 1996), but there is always an labor, symbolic and social mediators that define
asymmetry between people (subjects) and those activities.
objects. However, it is important to note that,
unlike ecological psychology, humans have
intentions and consciousness; objects do not.
Activity is a historically developed phenome-
Community: A DialecticContext non. That is, activities evolve over time within a
culture. In order to understand the dynamics of
As stated before, activitiesare sociallyand con- a particular situation, it is necessary to grasp the
textuallybound. So, any activitysystem can be changes or evolutions of that situation over time.
described only in the context of the community For example, the ways of "doing instructional
in which itoperates (see Figure I).The commu- design" have changed as new technologies and
nity negotiates and mediates the rules and cus- learning theories evolve and are shared in the
toms that describe h o w the community instructional design community.
functions, what itbelieves,and the ways that it From an activity theory perspective, the pro-
supports differentactivities.Within the commu- cess of instructional design or any activity can
nity,individualssupport differentactivities.For only be understood by analyzing its historical
example, instructionaldevelopment isnormally development. For example, the military orienta-
accomplished in teams. Team members have tion of instruction in the '50s and '60s is easily
negotiated roles based on skills,preferences,or interpretable in view of the fact that most
availability.Formal and informal rulesevolve to instructional designers worked for the military
guide their activity.Their assignment to those and accepted its beliefs and values, which in
activitiesdefines the division of labor,which is turn permeated the design processes they used.
also mediated by rules and social negotiation Instructionaldesign skills,likeallhigher mental
(e.g., people in certain departments are responsi- functions,are internalizedforms of activitythat
ble for specific activities in the process). Any are c o m m o n to the community in which an indi-
work community negotiates the rules, customs, vidual acts.Activity theory focuses on the cen-
and division of labor that mediate its activity. trality of activity in a cultural theory of
Different communities negotiate different rules cognition.
and customs.
Because we are all simultaneously members Tool Mediation
of various communities (the community in
which w e live,the community within which w e Activity always involves artifacts (instruments,
recreate, and the professional community in signs, procedures, machines, methods, laws,
which w e work), w e must continuously alterour and forms of work organization). While cogni-
beliefsto adjustto the sociallymediated expecta- tive psychology traditionally has focused only
tions of differentgroups. Conflictsbetween our on mental representations, ignoring artifacts or
roles in the various communities often arise, mediating tools and signs, "activity cannot be
leading to transformationalactivitiesrequired to understood without understanding the role of
harmonize those contradictingexpectations. artifacts in everyday existence, especially the
instructionaldesigners alsohave a rolein the way that artifacts are integrated into social prac-
contextually important framework of activity tice" (Nardi, 1996, p. 14). This focus is one that
theory. They interpret the rules and roles of the has tong been recognized in anthropological
community into a series of learning activities in research and one that can be useful to instruc-
which learners may assume different roles, per- tional designers.
form different actions, negotiate different roles, A fundamental assumption of activity theory

is that tools mediate or alter the nature of human hall, and the accompanying conductor and
activity and, when internalized, influence orchestra. So "the human individual's activity is
humans' mental development. Kaptelinen a system of social relations. It does not exist
argues that all "human experience is shaped by without those social relations" (Leont'ev, 1981,
the tools and sign systems we use" (1996, p. 10). pp. 46-7). Individuals involved in a particular
Just as activity can be understood by compre- activity are simultaneously members of other
hending the tools and signs that mediate it, the activity groups which have different objects,
nature of a tool can be understood only in the tools, and social relations. However, we natu-
context of human activity--by looking at the rally are caught up in some of the unrelated
way that people use it, the needs it serves, and activities of our collaborators. Co-workers, for
the history of its development. Tools are instance, may be engaged in building a house
changed by the ways in which they have been addition or coaching their daughter's soccer
used. In other words, tools are a reflection of team, which engages different activities and cul-
their historical development--they change the tures. There is a "horizontaIness" in activity-the-
process and are changed by the process. ory dynamics. Activities are complex and
interactive, which necessitates collaborative
Collaboration In addition to horizontal activity systems,
there are dynamics that underlie ("verticalness")
Very little, if any, meaningful activity is accom- any activity (see Figu~ 3). Each component of
plished individually. People may perform indi- an activity is the result of other activities which
vidually in contexts such as school, but their produced it. A particular learner group m a y be
ability to perform is predicated on groups of the subject of a given instructional activity, yet it
people. The solo concert pianist, for instance, may be the result (object) of a particular
relies on teachers, the manufacturers of the instructor's assignment to find like-minded peo-
• piano, the designers and builders of the concert ple to work with on a project. Engestr6m (1987),

Figure 3 ~ Nested nature of activity theory dynamics

Activity//~ ~ T~

- Sab act

X /\/\
c =mm a6ZmAm"

Activi~, Community-
Pmducin~ Ac ~vity
68 ETR&D, Vo147, No. I

described activity as "systems of collaborative activities of everyday living (Korvela, 1997;

human practice." Winegar, 1992), organizational behavior
(Engestr6m, 1987; Koistinen & Kangasoja, 1997)
and anthropology-psychology (de Vos, 1986).

Activitytheory provides a differentlens for ana- Methodological Assumptions of Activity

lyzing learning processes and outcomes for the Theory
purpose of designing instruction. Rather than
While activity theory focuses on practice, it is
focusing on knowledge states,it focuses on the
primarily a descriptive tool rather than a pre-
activities in which people are engaged, the
scriptive theory. Care must be taken in general-
nature of the tools they use in those activities,
izing the descriptive lenses of activity theory.
the social and contextual relationships among
While Engestr6m (1993) believed that activity
the collaborators in those activities,the goals
theory does not offer ready-made techniques
and intentionsof tLLoseactivities,and the objects
and procedures for research, its widespread
or outcomes of those activities.Rather than ana-
application as a lens for analyzing activity has
lyzing knowledge statesas detached from these
yielded some generally accepted practices. First
entities,activitytheory sees consciousness as the
and foremost, whatever the focus, the activity
mental activitiesthatsuffuse allof these entities.
must be studied in real-life practice with
Concepts, rules,and theories that are not associ-
researchers as active participants in the process
ated with activityhave no meaning. Articulating
(Kuutti, 1991). Activity theory necessitates a
each of these entitiesand theirdynamic interre-
qualitativeapproach to analysis.In CLEs, itwill
lationships is important when designing
be necessary to study the in situ practices that
instruction, because the richer the context and
you hope to simulate in the learning environ-
the more embedded the conscious thought pro-
merit. More importantly, Kuutti recommends
cesses are in that context, the more meaning
that researchers constantly refocus the object of
learners will construct both for the activitiesand
interest in order to provide differentviews but
the thought processes.
also to advance the activityas much as possible.
In thislight,activityresearch can serve as a kind
METHOD of formative evaluation where the researcher
attempts to improve the outcome of the process.
If the most appropriate unit of analysis is activ- In order to analyze learning situations, it is
ity, then CLE designers need to analyze the important that the analysis assume certain char-
activity systems for their components and acteristics:
dynamic relations. We next describe a method
• The research time frame should be long
where activity theory functions as a framework
enough to understand the objects of activity,
for designing CLEs. The CLE will simulate the
and changes in those objects over time and
activity system in the environment. Although
their relations to objects in other settings.
there is not an established methodology for
Activities and their objects in groups of work-
using activity theory to design CLEs, there are
ers necessarily overlap. Designers, for
numerous precedents for using activity theory
instance, may be working simultaneously on
as an analytic tool.
different design projects. Compare objects
Activitytheory or components of activitythe- and goals of others with those you are exam-
ory have been used to analyze activityin a broad
inin 8.
array of domains, including information sys-
tems (Nissen, Klein, & Hirschheirn, 1991), • Analysts should pay attention first to broad
human computer interactions (Kuutti, 1996), patterns of activity before considering nar-
user interface design (Bellamy, 1996; Bedker, row episodic fragments which don't reveal
1991b), network communications, education the overall direction and importance of the
(Engestr6m & Middleton, 1996),communities of activity.
expertise (Engestr0m, 1992), decision theory, • Analysts should use varied data collection

methods (interviews, observations, video, tools, the object, the community', the rules, and
historical materials) and points of view (sub- division of labor of the activity system. The
ject, community, tools). The researcher needs problem should be authentic and engaging,
to commit to understanding the activity sys- involving all parts of the activity system. Soon,
tem from all of these different perspectives. virtual worlds and environments will be the
default for representing phenomena in CLEs.
Before describing the activity analysis meth-
The problem presentation simulates the prob-
ods, we briefly describe the components of a
lem in the context in which it is normaUy and
CLE. Later, we describe how the results of the
naturally encountered and provides the
activity analysis are mapped onto the CLE com-
challenge for the learners.
The problem or project space must also pro-
vide students with the opportunity to manipu-
Constructivist Learning Environments late aspects of the problem (the activities in the
activity system) in order to allow learners to
make it more meaningful. Students cannot
CLEs consist of several interdependent compo-
assume any ownership of the problem unless
nents: a problem-project space, related cases,
they know that they can affect the problem situ-
irtformation resources, cognitive tools, and con-
ation in some important way. So, manipulating
versation and collaboration tools (]onassen,
the phenomena in a problem and seeing the
results of those manipulations are important.
Problem-Project Space. The problem-project space
captures the activity system that is embedded in Related Cases. Understanding the world
a CLE. It must present learners with an inter- requires experiencing it and constructing con-
esting, relevant, and engaging ill-structured scious models of how it functions. The more
problem to solve or project to conduct. Prob- experiences that you have, the more you learn
lems-projects emerge from real world contexts. through relevant activity. Novices lack experi-
What kinds of problems do practitioners solve? ence. So, it is necessary that CLEs provide access
Engineers design bridges, circuit boards, air- to a set of related experiences that the student
planes, or processes for reusing chemicals. Phi- can draw on to represent that deficient experi-
losophers apply ethical principles by rendering ence. Related cases in CLEs support learning by
judgment on ethical dilemmas, such as right-to- scaffolding memory and by representing com-
die cases. Problems are everywhere. The prob- plexity.
lem-project space in CLEs consists of three Related cases enable learners to examine
integrated and highly interrelated components: prior experiences and relate them to the current
the problem context, the problem presentation problem. Case reviews should be indexed to the
or simulation, and the problem manipulation problem that learners are solving to scaffold
space. access to the relevant information.
The physical, sociocultural, and organiza- Related cases also help to represent complex-
tional context that surrounds any problem or ity in learning environments by providing mul-
project helps to constrain and define the prob- tiple perspectives or approaches to the problems
lem. In order to define the problem, CLEs must or issues being examined by the learners. An
describe all important details of the context in important model for designing learning envi-
which the problem will be solved, including the ronments, cognitive flexibility theory, provides
physical context, the actors and stakeholders, multiple representations of content in order to
and the organizational and cultural climate. The convey the complexity that is inherent in the
context of the problem describes the rules, com- knowledge domain (Spiro & Jehng, 1991). It
munity, and division of labor components of the stresses the conceptual interrelatedness of ideas
activity system. and their interconnectedness by providing mul-
The problem presentation describes the tiple perspectives or themes that are inherent in
object of the activity system and replicates the cases.
70 ETR&D. VO| 47, NO 1

lnformation Resources. In order to investigate PROCESSFOR APPLYING ACTIVITY

phenomena, learners need information about THEORY FOR DESIGNING CLES
them. Provide information banks (text docu-
In the six steps presented below, we describe
ments, graphics, sound resources, video, anima-
how activitytheory may be used as a framework
tions) about the subject that support problem
for determining the components of the activity
resolution. Information banks need to be organ-
system that will be modeled in the components
ized in ways that support the kinds of thinking
of any CLE. W e break each major design step
that are engaged by the activities. Hypermedia
into substeps, and for each substep in the pro-
is a useful method for making information
cess, we provide sample questions and actions
accessible in most environments. Providing
that we would ask to analyze an activitysystem
learners the information they need helps them
for the purpose of designing a CLE for the fol-
make meaning when it is provided in a timely
lowing instructional situation. Following those
recommendations in each step, we describe the
outcomes of those steps for the following
Cognitive Tools. The complexity of CLEs often instructionalsituation.
calls on activities that learners do not possess. In
order to scaffold their performance of those You have been asked to design a series of CLEs for a
activities, designers should identify the skills graduate executive management program on prob-
that are required to solve the problem and build lems and practices in management. Participants are
in cognitive tools that help learners to perform professionally oriented persons with five to ten years
those tasks. Cognitive tools replicate the media- of experience as midlevel managers in corporations.
tion tools in any activity system. They may be An important component of their success has been
visualization tools that enable learners to see their ability to be se~-initiators and independent
phenomena in different ways or tools for repre- thinkers.
senting conscious models of phenomena that are
being studied. So, learning environments should
Step One: Clarifypurpose of activity
also attempt to embed a suite of tools to help
learners think in appropriate ways. Cognitive
tools include semantic organization, dynamic Engestr6m (1987) emphasizes clarification of the
modeling, information interpretation, knowl- motives and goals of the activity system. What
edge building, and conversational tools are participants' goals and motives? What are
(Jonassen, in press). These scaffolds support the their expectations about the outcome? The pur-
learner's exploration, articulation, and reflection pose of this step is twofold: (a) to understand the
in the environment. context within which activities occur, and (b) to
reach a thorough understanding of the motiva-
Conversation and Collaboration Tools. CLEs use a tions for the activity being modeled and any
variety of computer-mediated communication interpretations of perceived contradictions. For
methods to support collaboration among com- creating CLEs, this step will provide critical
munities of learners. Learning most naturally information about relevant and appropriate con-
occurs not in isolation but by teams of people tradictions that can be introduced into the learn-
working together to solve problems. Modem ing environment.
learning environments provide access to shared Many techniques might be appropriate at this
information and shared knowledge-building initial stage, induding the analyses of formal
tools to help them cotlaboratively to construct and informal documentation, user observations,
socially shared knowledge. CLEs should use interviewing, and even psychoanalyses (deVos,
computer conferencing, chats, UseNet groups, 1986).While thisstep isnot always addressed in
Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs), and Object-Ori- traditional instructional design, activity theo-
ented MUDs (MOOs) to facilitate dialogue and ristsbelieve that itmight be the most important
knowledge building among the community of step of the process. Given that CLEs are created
learners. to instill,encourage and scaffold learning, a

thorough understanding of the intentional lish the goal of the system based on the contra-
dynamics of the activity system is critical. Activ- dictions they perceive in the system. The analyst
ities and questions for clarifying the purpose of must describe how they perceive their roles in
the activity system are shown in Table 1. relationship to the goals of the system.
The object isthe thing to be acted upon, tangi-
Outcome. The information that is collected in ble or intangible. Its transformation moves the
this stage will guide the construction of the subject toward the goal. The object will be par-
problem space. All CLEs are goal-directed, so tially defined by the first step of analysis, but it
clearly understanding the goals of the partici- needs to be explicated. The object may be a prod-
pants represented in the CLE is essential. The uct, a communication, a theory, or any combina-
goals will define the object of the problem that tion of elements. Clearly defining how that
challenges learners in the CLE. The motives will object will fulfill the goals or intentions of the
also determine whose perspectives are import- system is essential.
ant to represent in the related cases. For our
scenario, we would examine management prob- It is also important to examine the commu-
lems in several organizations to determine who nity in which the subjects work, the nature of the
is involved, what their motives are, and what social interactions among participants, and the
the expectations are of the problem solver. Those beliefs and values that define or impact the
positions will be represented in the problem activity. Who are the agents or players in the
space as well as the information resources in community of practitioners? Lave and Wenger
terms of personnel backgrounds, resumes, mis- (1991) claim that learning is the centripetal
sion statements, annual reports, industry stan- movement toward the center of a community of
dards, and so on. practice. The community of practice comprises
the activity system. The successful subject
(learner) becomes the central character in that
Step Two: Analyze the ActivitySystem community that is represented in the CLE.
Depending on the activity, the nature of the
This step involves defining in depth the compo- community will change, providing the instruc-
nents of the given activity,namely, the subject, tional designer with different, and very import-
object,community, rules,and division of labor. ant, perspectives on what and h o w the activity
Understanding the subject is essential. The should occur. For example, in a traditionalclass-
subject of the activity,w h o is the learner in the room-based learning activity, the community
CLE, drives the system. The participants estab- might simultaneously be defined as the learners

Table I [] Applying ActivityTheory: Step O n e

Clarif'y purpose of activity system.

1.1 Understand relevant Generate a listof problems thatexecutivestypicallydeal with.What
context(s)withinwhich participantsor groups are involved in the successfulcompletion of the
activitiesoccur activity?
Where and when do thoseproblems normally occur? Prioritizethe list.
Examine communications thatsurround the situationor activity.

1.2 Understand thesubject, Generate a comprehensive list of subject-driven motives and goals for
hisor her motivationsand each of the groups involved that might drive the activity.
interpretations of What expectations are there of the performer? Who sets those
perceived contradictions expecta~.ons?
in the s~Jtem
Which might contzibute to the dynamics of the situation under review?
Interview persons directly and peripherally associated with activity
to understand contradictions, overall factors that affect activity.
72 ETR&D. Vo147. No. I

that are coworking on the project, the larger Outcome. The outcomes of this step will
community of the school and school system, and describe all aspects of the problem or project that
the professional community to which the learn- will be modeled in the CLE. The subject's roles
ers want to belong. Each of these communities will determine the perspective of the CLE, that
has its own set of norms or explicitly or is, whose tasks are being assumed by the
implicitly stated roles for each of its members, learner. In this case, the subject would be the
and different perspectives on the importance (or manager confronted with a problem. The out-
lack thereof) of the objective to be accomplished. come will also recommend how to represent the
ha describing the activity system, it is also import- problem, the requirements of the problem
ant to examine the division of labor that mediates manipulation space, and the kinds of cognitive
the relationship between the community and the tools needed by the learner in order to manipu-
object. Activities and questions for analyzing the late the problem. All of the other actors in the
activity system are listed in Table 2. activity system need to be identified (who is

Table 2 ,~ Applying Activity Theory: Step Two

Analyze the Activity System

2.1 Define the subject W h o are the participantsin the activitysystem? What are theirroles?
What are theirbeliefs?
What isthe expected outcome of the activity?What criteriawillbe
used by the community to evaluate itsutility?
What are the implied rules or rolesfor each member of the group?
What struggles did the group survive in order to reach itscurrent state?
What are goals-motives of the activityand h o w are they relatedto goals-
motives of others and society?
What is the divisionof labor within the activitysystem?
What perceived rewards await the subjectifor when itaccomplishes

2.2 Define the relevant To what extent does the subject's work community impact the subject-
community-communities. object pair?
How mature is the group? How formally are the rules of interaction
What is the structure of social interactions surrounding the activity?
How might coni~icts that o r i ~ a t e in other communities affect
H o w do other communities in which participantsare involved view this
task? D o they value the goals of the activity?
What perceived rewards await the subjectifor when itaccomplishes

2.3 Define the object What is the expected outcome of the activity? Is the end product a
presentation, a report, a theory or a combination of these (or other)
What criteria will be used to evaluate the quality of the outcome?
Its viability?
Who will apply the specified criteria? How much credibility does that
individual or group have with participants?
How will completing the object move the participant toward fulfilling
the intentions of the individuals? Of the program?

causing the problem, bosses, human resources agendas, and anticipating staff needs for aggre-
department support staff, anyone who may be gate planning activity; and selecting a therapeu-
related to the case). The relationships among the tic approach, establishing a career placement
actors will be represented later by hyperlinks service, and resolving conflicts for the counsel-
between the actors. The object represents the ing activity. The same activity may be realized
goal of the CLE, that is, what represents an by different actions, depending on the situation.
appropriate and adequate problem solution. Conversely, the same actions can belong to dif-
That will, of course, depend on the nature of the ferent activities (Kuutti, 1996). According to
problem, however the object will normally be activity theory, actions cannot be understood
the resolution of the problem by dealing with without the frame of reference created by the
employees, reengineering the setting, or chang- surrounding activity, which goes back to the
ing incentives. It will also identify the contextual argument of the importance of fully understand-
elements that need to be identified and indexed ing the context within which activities occur.
in related cases, worked examples and problem Actions, too, are complex, and can be further
situations given. The community and its rules divided into chains of operations.
determine the problem context, and the division Operations are automatized or routinized
of labor determines with whom the learner must behaviors. Subjects conduct operations in order
interact while manipulating the problem. These to complete the conscious actions, meaning that
also recommend perspectives in the related most operations do not require conscious inten-
cases and information about their roles and per- tions. Examples of operations include tabulating
spectives that must be represented in the infor- surveys and drawing graphics for the training
mation resources. The tools are analyzed in Step activity; averaging sales and reviewing applica-
Four. tions for the aggregate planning activity; and
greeting clients and exchanging small talk for
the counseling activity. There is a dynamic rela-
Step Three: Analyze the Activity
tionship between actions and operations. Ini-
tiaUy, operations are conscious actions with both
Another key process is analyzing the activity orientation and execution phases. Over time, the
structure (all of the activities that engage the orientation phase is eliminated, and action col-
subject) that defines the purpose of the activity lapses into an operation. At some time, a newer,
system. Activities consist of individual and broader action will form with this newly formed
cooperative actions and chains of operations. operation as a subpart.
This hierarchy of activity, actions, and opera- Together, these three levels (activity, action,
tions describes the activity structure operation) comprise an activity structure. Activ-
The activity level has been interpreted as the ity structures describe the interrelationships of
intentional level because it focuses on the inten- all of the conscious and unconscious thinking
t-ions or motives (conscious needs, values, and performances focused on the object (e.g., the
desires) as its driving force(s) (Linnard, 1995). house, the software, or the course). By extension,
Examples of activities relevant to this manage- therefore, activity defines CLEs because CLEs
ment problem include developing training pro- focus on an activity. So for any activity, it is nec-
grams, aggregate planning, and counseling essary to identify all of the actions and opera-
employees. From these examples it is evident tions that support the activity.
that activities are complex. This perspective This is not unlike the traditional needs and
describes the goal of the system. task analysis phases of instructional design.
The action level is the functional level Defining and identifying activity structures,
(Linnard, 1995) that uses planning and problem however, suggest purposely including an
solving actions to fulfill the activities. Examples understanding of the intentionality of the action
of actions include conducting needs analysis or operation for the learner. Why are people
and designing presentations for the training doing this? Further, it situates these actions and
activity; predicting demand, setting marketing operations in contexts that are both external and
74 ETR&D, Vo147.No I

internal (interpreted) to the individual. This and a set of 5-7 related cases (examples of activ-
decomposition of activities into its supporting ities with similar activity structures), the actions
actions and operations creates the depth neces- available to the manager need to be added to the
sary for the design of good CLEs. Activities and problem manipulation space. In the problem
questions for analyzing the activity structure are manipulation space, you need to define what
listed in Table 3. actions the manager can take. For each, what
will be the result? Additionally, the activity
structures will isolate the actions and operations
Outcome. The outcomes of this stage of any that may need to be modeled or scaffolded in the
activity analysis will be a description of the learning environment.
activities, actions, and operations that are
required to solve the problem in the CLE. The
activity structure defines the problem manipula- Step Four: Analyze Tools a n d Mediators
tion space; that is, how will learners in the CLE
be able to manipulate the object being simulated The components of the activity system (subject,
in the CLE? This process should be repeated in community, object) do not act on each other
different contexts. For our scenario, you would directly. Instead, their interactions are mediated
want to analyze and represent in the CLE man- by signs and tools, which provide the direct and
agement problems in 6-10 different settings. In redirect communication between the objects.
order to understand the social roles and cultural Analyses of mediators and their transformation
context (discussed later) that surrounds the over time also provide important historical
activity, you would need to see how managers information about h o w and w h y activity sys-
work in these different settings. Analyzing dif- tems exist as they do. In other words, it is
ferent activities provides the basis for the prob- important to examine the role that persistent
lem manipulation space for 3-5 of the problems structures, such as artifacts, institutions, and cul-

Table 3 [ ] Applying Activity Theory: Step 3

Analyze the activity structure

3.1 Define the activity itself How is work being done in practice?
Identify the activities in which subjects participate.
How has the work (actions and operations) been transformed over time?
What historical phases have there been on the work activity?
What was the nature of the changes that occurred in different historical
What norms, rules, and procedures in the actions and operations have
been documented?
What forms of thought, "rationality types," or theoretical foundations
have dominated the work and how have they changed?
What do the workers think about them?
What are goals-motives of the activity and how are they related to
other concurrent goals?
What are the contradictions, as perceived from the standpoints of all
relevant subjects that drive this activity?

3.2 Decompose the For each activity, observe and analyze the actions that are performed
activity into its and by whom. Examples may include problem isolation, calling and
component actions managing meetings, developing operational plans, etc.
and operations For each action, observe and analyze the op~ations that subjects perform.
Examples of operation include: note taking, calling on the telephone,
sending messages, or setting up routine equipment.

rural values, play in shaping activity. Recall that Outcome. The tools and mediators primarily
mediators can be instruments, signs, proce- describe the kinds of models and methods that
dures, machines, methods, languages, formal- constrain activity. Those will be reflected in the
isms, and laws: forms of work organization. problem manipulation space as well as the infor-
mation resources. For instance, settling an
The most common conception of mediators is
employee problem in a union shop will require a
tools. Leont'ev (1974) believed that tools mediate
description of the labor agreement, protocols for
activity that connects a person not only with the
interacting with union employees, and so on.
world of objects but also with other people.
Second, mediators are needed to describe the
Those tools distribute thinking, problem solv-
problem manipulation space, specifically the
ing, or other mental actions between the tool and
kinds of mediators that are used to manipulate
the user (Nardi & Miller, 1991). That is, some of
objects in that space. How can employees be
the cognitive responsibility is off-loaded to the
contacted and treated? Do they need a represen-
machine. When the computational or physical
tative present? This step will also provide rec-
actions that tools perform better are off-loaded
ommendations about the kinds and formats of
to the tool, the user plus the tool are more effec-
information resources that need to be included
tive (Perkins, 1993).
in a CLE. This might include appropriate back-
Today, the most common form of tool in ground readings or information about theories,
learning environments is the computer. Infor- models, and methods when dealing with
mation technology can serve as a tool in manip- unions. The collaboration tools that will be nec-
ulative and transformative actions directed to an essary depends on the allowable interactions
object (symbol manipulation tools). A computer among different actors in each of the settings.
can be the principle enabler for an activity; it can
make activity feasible and possible (by network-
ing or linking) (Kuutti, 1996). Computers may
also enable an activity to have an object that Step Five: Analyzing the Context
would have otherwise been impossible to grasp.
According to Leont'ev (1978), in principle, all The issue that activity theory addresses most
operations can be automated. So, the use of cog- directly and that is perhaps most relevant to the
nitive computer tools to supplant some or all design of CLEs is contextuality. Traditional
operations in an activity in order to off-load cog- methods of task analysis focus only on the tech-
nitive responsibility will more intensely focus nical core of performances, ignoring the real-life,
consciousness on actions and activities. noninstructional contexts within which activities
Mediators also assume the usage of formal occur. Activity theory argues that decontextua-
rules or models. Rules mediate the relationship 1/zed performance produces l/ttle if any under-
between the subject and the community or com- standing. Activity itself is both defined by and
munities in which they participate. The models, defines context. Context is not merely the outer
procedures, or methods that are culturally container in which people behave in certain
accepted in any context can also mediate activ- ways. Rather, people consciously create context
ity. In instructional design contexts, for instance, through their own objects. Context is both inter-
certain models for design or methods for con- nal to people (involving specific objects or goals)
ducting needs assessments provide cultural and external (involving artifacts, other people,
norms. At the Institute for Learning Sciences, and set~gs).
goal-based scenarios dominate the design pro- Analyzing context is essential for defining
cess. A set of case-based reasoning methods is the larger activity systems within which activity
commonly used for representing intelligencefor occurs (subject, community, object) and the
the purpose of rendering context-specificadvice. dynamics that exist within and between the sub-
These methods and formalisms dearly mediate ject and the mediators. The designer is seeking
the CLE design process there. Activities and information in order to describe "how things get
questions for analyzing the tools and mediators done in this context." Why? Because different
are listed in Table 4. contexts impose distinctively different practices.
76 ETR&D.Vo147,No. I

Table 4 --_ Applying Activity Theory: Step Four

Analyze Mediators

4.1 Tool mediators and What tools might be used in thisactivity? H o w readily available are
mediation those tools to participants?
What are the physical (instruments, machines) and cognitive
(signs,procedures, methods, languages, formalisms, laws) tools used to
perform activitiesin differentsettingsand across activities(projects)?
H o w have the toolschanged over time?
What models, theories,or standardized methods will guide thisactivity?
H o w might participantsuse these? Is their use flexible,or is
adherence required?

4.2 Rule mediators and What formal or informal rules,laws, or assumptions guide the activities
mediation in which people engage?
H o w might these rules have evolved (formal-informal, internal-external)?
Are they task-specific?
H o w widely understood are these rules?

4.3 Role mediators and Who traditionally has assumed the various roles? How does that
mediation affect work group assignments or breakouts?
How do these roles relate to the individual's nonacademic experiences?
What forces drive the role changes? How much freedom will individuals
have to force others to take on new or different roles within the
work group?

Table 5 [ ] Applying Activity Theory: Step Five

Analyze the context

5.1 Internalor subject- What are the beliefs,assumptions, models, and methods that are
driven contextual bounds commonly held by working groups?
H o w do individuals referto theirexperiences in other work groups?
What type of language do they use?
What tools did they find (un)helpful in completing those projects? How
willing are they to use them again? To try new tools in similar contexts?

5.2 External or community- How much freedom do individuals have about entering a work group?
driven contextual bounds What is the structure of the social interactions surrounding the activity?
What activities will be considered to be critical (i.e., assessed,
measured, or graded)?
What type of limitation will be placed on this activity by the company
or outside agencies?
How are the tasks organized among the members of the aggregate who
are working toward the object? Will these structures be dictated or
allowed to emerge from within each group?
How are tasks divided or shared among participants? Who does what?
How flexible is the division of labor? How will these roles and their
con~'ibution be evaluated (by evaluator or partidpants)?
Is there a difference between the implied rules-roles for each member of
the group and those that are formally stated?
What formal or informal rules, laws, or assumptions guide the activities
in which people engage? To what degree will the groups be expected
to explidtly state those?

Activities and questions for analyzing the con- normally communicate with each of these peo-
text are listed in Table 5. ple? What are the communication protocols?

Outcome. The outcomes of these actions will Step Six:Analyzing ActivitySystem

describe the problem context that is modeled in Dynamics
the CLE. The community of actors needs to be
identified and invested with capabilities, restric- The final stage of activity analysis requires step-
tions, actions, privileges, and so on. Those attri- ping back from the system that you have
butes need to be the basis for connecting the described and assessing how components affect
actors and their relationships in the CLE each other. This process provides a final reality
(described in the next step). What social rela- check of the system. Activities and questions for
tions and division of labor should be repre- analyzing the activity system dynamics are
sented in the problem context? These features listed in Table 6.
make the environment ill structured, complex,
and (most importantly) relevant and meaningful Outcome. This is the step where you link the
to learners. Analyzing the activity context will components of the CLE. Make sure that relations
also identify the contextual elements that need among members of work groups and the media-
to be'identified and indexed in the related cases tors they use are hyperlinked together. That is,
in order to help learners access them. What tools the different parts of the problem space need to
and mediators are used by managers? Case be interconnected. The problem manipulation
access or moving between cases or problems is space needs to be connected to work group
often based on similarity of contextual elements. members and the cognitive tools needed to per-
Finally, analyzing the context will make obvious form the task. The problem representation needs
the kinds of conversation and collaboration tools to be connected to the related cases and informa-
that are required to support the activity struc- tion resources. The collaborative tools need to
ture. What kinds of interactions are the manag- interconnect the members of the learning com-
ers allowed with other employees, outside munity who are working on the CLE. After
contractors, attorneys, or others? How do they interconnecting all of the components, the sys-

Table 6 [] Applying ActivityTheory: Step Six

AnalyzeActivity SystemDynamics
6.1 Whatare the What are the dynamics that exist between the components of the
interrelationships activity system?
that exist within the How formal-informalare the relationships described?
components of the Are there contradictions or inconsistencies within the needs of this
system? population and the goals of these learning activities?
How do the individuals perceive these goals, particularly vis-a-vis their
own successes and their perceptions of what has led to those successes?

6.2 How formally estabIL,~hed How formally will the relationships between members be determined?
are those relationships? What are the drivers of change?
How lasting and permanent are these changes?
How accepted are those relationships perceived within the framework
of the larger graduate school culture?

6.3 How have those What factors have driven the formation of work groups within this
interrelationships population in the past?
changed over time? How lasting and permanent have these groups been in the past?
What factors kept those groups together or drove those groups apart?
78 ET~&D. vo147, No i

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