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Foundations of Faith

My Angel In the Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Angels Everywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Angels Watching over Me . . . . . . . . . . 8
My Angelic Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Someone Was There! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Prayer and Memory Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Dot-to-Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A-maze-ing Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Angel Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
From Jesus–with Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Thank God for His angels, who are watching

over us continually, even your own personal
angel, whose job is you!

By Amber Darley and Agnes Lemaire

Copyright © 2006, Aurora Production AG, Switzerland.
All Rights Reserved.
My Angel In the Forest
Many years ago when I was just a young boy, I came to learn that
God had given me a special comforting gift that would be with me
My name is David and I come from Nigeria. My family was poor, and
we had many troubles. My father died when I was young and I often felt
alone, sad, and scared. I felt afraid that if something happened to me,
there would be no one there to help me.
This is what happened to me when I was 10 years old. It was evening
time and the sun was beginning to set. I had spent the day in the village
on the other side of the forest; it had gotten dark suddenly and I rushed
to head home. To get home, I had to go through the forest, which was
dark and full of snakes and creatures. I had no light to help me see
my way. I was scared, very scared. I was afraid that if something went
wrong, there would be no one there to help me.
My heart was pounding and I was shaking as I started to walk
through the bushes. Oh God, please be with me! I thought to myself. I
knew there was a God, but I didn’t know of the many things He could do
for me, and I didn’t trust Him like I should. Crack, crack! … “What was
that? ... Oh, just a dead branch I stepped on.”
Everything became darker and darker as I headed into the bushes,
but I knew I must go on.
I started to hear strange noises and I thought the whole forest could
hear my frightened heartbeat. Then it happened … “Who … what …
what is that?” A very tall man stood in front of me. I don’t know why, but
I wasn’t scared. He reached out his hand and said “Come, my son, I
will guide you through.” Where did this man come from, I thought, how
come I didn’t see him before? I felt peace come over me as I held his
hand tightly. He told me I had nothing to fear, that we would make it
through the forest together.
“I am sent from God to care for you,” he told me. “Whenever you
need help, all you have to do is ask. You won’t always see me, but you
have to believe that I’m there.” His words made me feel warm inside. I
knew I would never have to fear again, because I’d never be alone. “I
am sent to be with you as you go through life,” he told me. “Jesus has
sent me to be your guardian angel. I will be here when you need me at
any time, and even as you sleep, I will watch over you.”
As we walked on, we talked and I forgot all my fears, for I knew now
that if I fell, my own angel sent by the God of love would be there to help
me. As we approached the end of the forest, I asked him, “Will you leave
me now?” “No,” he said, “I will always watch over you, and though you
will not always see me, you must trust that I am there.” As we came out
of the forest, I could see my village ahead. My angel had vanished just
as silently as he had appeared, but my life had changed in that walk
through the forest.
This man that talked to me didn’t speak in words, but I felt his words
in my heart and mind and I understood. As I lay down to sleep that
night, I thanked God for sending His angel of love to watch over me. I felt
I was beginning to know God better, for I had felt His love and care.
I never did see my guardian angel again, but I knew that he was
always watching over me even though I couldn’t see him. Many people
never see their own special guardian angel, but that doesn’t mean that
they’re not there. The Bible says, “He shall give His angels charge over
you to keep you in all your ways, in their hands they shall bear you up”
(Psalm 91:11,12).

 Do you have to see your guardian angel to know he’s there?

 Does everyone have their own special angel?
 What are some ways your angel protects and comforts you?
Angels Everywhere

I believe in Angels,
Their presence is everywhere
In the warmth of a helping hand,
In the smiles that people share.
Angels are at the heart
Of the good things people do,
And when our days are troubled
Their caring guides us through.
Angels’ love is all around
In stars that light the night,
In a mother’s gentle words
And arms that hold you tight.
I believe that Angels
Are special messengers of love,
God’s way of making earth
A bit more like Heaven above.
—Author Unknown

Angels Watching over Me
One hot summer day in 1900, in a dirt-farming* community of
Northern Georgia, four-year-old Ernest and his mother went out to
gather the straw from their large broom-straw farm. As far as Ernest
could see, there was acre after acre of broom-straw growing high
above his head. He and his mother worked side by side all morning.
Soon the sun began getting hotter and Ernest became very hungry.
He looked up from his work to complain to his mother, but she wasn’t
there. He began to run up and down the aisles of broom-straw crying
her name, but he couldn’t find her any place. By now he was very
frightened because he was lost and didn’t know how to find his way
out of the tall lanes of straw. He sat down on the dirt and began to cry.
Suddenly he saw his mother. She was holding out her hand to him and
saying in a gentle voice, “Come, let’s go home.”
When he arrived at the house, Ernest’s worried mother was standing
on the porch.
“Where have you been, son?” she asked.
Through his dried tears, Ernest replied, “I was lost until you came and
got me.”
“I didn’t come and get you,” his mother said in surprise. “I couldn’t
find you and thought you had wandered back to the house.”
Isn’t that amazing? God had sent an angel in the form of Ernest’s
mother to guide him safely home! Your guardian angel is always
watching over you, ready to help you when you need it!

 How did Ernest find his way home?

 Has your guardian angel ever done something special for you?
 Did you know that our guardian angels do special things for us every day that we don’t even know
about or see?
 Can God do the same miracle for you if you need it?
 Angels can appear in many different disguises. What disguise did the angel use for Earnest?

*dirt farmer: a farmer who does all the work on his or her property
My Angelic Guide
My, my, it sure is cold this morning, I thought to myself as I got out of bed. “Thank
you God for a good nights sleep. Please keep me safe today.” I was 20 years old and
had been blind all my life. As a child I had a caretaker to lead me around when I went
out, but since I’d grown up and moved away from home and was living alone in an
apartment, I now had a guide dog to lead me around.
What’s going on out there? I questioned as I heard barking outside the apartment.
It sounds like my dog, Dustin, and he sounds frightened! This was his first snowstorm,
and he was confused. Since I’m blind I wasn’t doing so well. I quickly dressed and
went out with Dustin for my morning walk.–Guide dogs must be walked regularly.
No one was out, so there were no sounds to steer me. Contrary to what people think,
guide dogs do not find the way for a blind person. The blind person directs the dog.
After a difficult 45 minutes, Dustin and I finally made it back home. “Next time why
don’t you ask God to go with you?” a friend suggested. And so I did. The next time I
was going to go out I prayed, “Lord, go with Dustin and I. The wind is so fierce it’s hard
to concentrate on our direction. Please lead us, dear Jesus.”
Snow stung our faces and it was difficult to make a path. Dustin whined a little.
“Okay, boy,” I said to him, “the Lord is with us.” And then I gave him a command that a
blind person gives only when another person is leading the way. “Dustin, follow!”
Dustin perked up and to my astonishment took off as though he knew exactly
where to go. We made it to the street, then headed back to our building, no problem.
A young woman trudged up and offered to walk us to our door. After seeing us into
the apartment, she said, “It sure is snowing out there, all the roads are covered with
snow. I’m glad I can just follow yours and that other person’s footprints back into town.”
“What other person?” I asked.
“There’s a dog’s prints. And your prints. And a larger person’s prints. Wasn’t
someone with you?”
I paused for a moment, and then I answered, “Oh yes, there was someone with
us.” There always is.
Isn’t that a miracle? God had answered prayer and sent an angel to walk with us!

 Who was the third person walking with them?

 How did the man know that it was an angel walking with them?
 Why do you think God let the man know that there was an angel with them?
 Do we have to see angels before we can believe that they’re there? Why or why not?
10 Angels
Angels 11
Someone Was There!
A couple of years ago, Tina Lee’s husband, David, was clearing some land
to make a vegetable garden near their home. The Lees enjoyed gardening,
and their crop of spinach, beans, tomatoes, and potatoes (among other things)
fed them all year ‘round. As David drove the tractor, Tina went inside to answer
the telephone, which was by the window. From there she could watch both her
husband and their two-year-old son, Joshua, who was playing near the house.
As she picked up the phone, she was horrified to look outside and see David
on the ground, and the tractor on top of him. “Joshua, stay right there!” she yelled
to her son as she raced past him to try to save her husband. Tina arrived to find
the tractor pinning David down by the rubber sole of his work boot. The *ignition
key was turned halfway off, which had kept the large tractor from moving any
more. Tina helped David out from under the tractor. By a miracle he wasn’t hurt,
except for a twisted ankle.
As they discussed the accident, David shook his head and said he didn’t
understand what had happened: He remembered the tractor being right over
him, then moving away from him, as if someone had pushed it aside. He also
had no idea why the engine had stopped moving when it did. He had expected
to lose his leg, if not his life.
Just then little Joshua came running over to his parents:
“Did you see him, Daddy?” Joshua asked.
“Who?” asked David.
“The man,” the little boy said, his eyes still wide. “He was as tall as the trees!
He moved the tractor when it was falling on Daddy. Then he turned the key.”
Tina and David hadn’t seen, but they both knew that “from the mouths of
babes” had come the only explanation for what had happened (Psalm 8:2). “I’ve
always believed in angels and felt their comfort,” says Tina, “but this showed me
that angels are always protecting us, too!”

 Who do you think stopped the tractor from running over Daddy?
 Can your guardian angel help you when you need it too? Talk about some ways your angel may help you.

*ignition key: key used to start the tractor

12 Angels
Angels 13
Thank You Jesus for Your angels that watch over
us night and day, guarding, protecting, and
comforting us. Thank You for giving me my own
special guardian angel who is with me always!

Please keep
and protect me,
He shall give His
Jesus! angels charge
over you.
Psalm 91:11

14 Angels
Connect the dots to finish the picture
and then color it.

24 25

23 26

22 27


18 15
2 1 16





7 8

Angels 15
A-maze-ing Angels

Find your way through the angel maze.



Can you find the 9 differences in the angel

pictures below?

16 Angels
Angel Figures

cut on
d line

ed lines
mall dott
cut on s

small cut on
otted lin


es lin

How to:

 Color and cut out the angels and wings.

cut on

 Glue the sides of each angel skirt

together to form a cone shape.
 Glue the wings on.

glue to back glue to back

of angels of angels

Angels 17
(This page intentionally blank)
18 Angels
I send you special guardian angels to take care of you
and to love you and to help you to rest.
I love you so much that I always want to see you safe
and cared for, and I send My angels of love to put their
sweet loving arms around you, to kiss your cheek and to
make you feel alright.
If you’ve had a bad day and you’ve been sad or worried, then when
you go to sleep, I send My angels of love to comfort you and to cheer
you up so that you can wake up the next morning feeling all happy and
inspired and ready to start a fun new day.
So remember, you don’t have to worry about anything, you don’t
even have to be sad, because I will send My angels of love to cheer you
up and to take real good care of you.

Angels 19
Help your children establish firm
foundations of faith through the 20
lessons in this series.

The STEPS Foundations of Faith series is a unique

personal development topical study program to help
children learn about God and His Word. Children will grow
and mature quickly in spiritual depth, behavior, character,
and faith as you guide them through the various Scripture-
based study units.
This program includes stories and many excellent
teaching resource materials for parents, pastors,
counselors, caregivers, and teachers that will stimulate
discussion and help children discover answers to the
many questions they have about God and their own
spiritual growth and importance.

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