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ARSERCH BODAR2 [Mentor: Ar.FIdelaPaz]

Session 4: February 6, 2023

1. CHOOSE TWO (2) articles from academic journals (whether online or physical resource) that are MOST
RELATED to your chosen topic or research.
2. READ each article in full and as you do, take note of the key information provided.
3. FILL IN the information required for each box (representing each of the two articles chosen).
4. WRITE a REVIEW (singular narrative essay to be submitted online via a dropbox) of the two articles
(whether by contrast, comparison, or both) to establish how they are related to your chosen research
topic. In writing your review, you may be guided by the general questions:
a. What are these articles generally about?
b. How are they related to each other?
c. What are their similarities/differences?
d. How will/do they contribute to your research?

Box 1: Article 1:
Box 1: Article 1:
Write the full CITATION of the Article (complete publication information as typically
included in a bibliographic entry following APA 7th Edition format)

Box 2: Article 2:
Write the full CITATION of the Article (complete publication information as typically
included in a bibliographic entry following APA 7th Edition format)

List down 3-5 WORDS or PHRASES that are KEY to the research topic as repeatedly
mentioned in the chosen articles. Provide a brief description/definition for each based on
how it was discussed/presented in the articles.

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