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List of Demons by order of Decan

1st—Ruax (also Rhyx), or “the Lord”: He causes headaches and is dispatched by the words “Michael,
imprison Ruax.

2nd—Barsafael: He causes those who live in his period to have pains in the sides of their heads. He is
repelled by the words “Gabriel, imprison Barsafael.”

3rd—Artosael: He damages eyes and is sent away by the words “Uriel, imprison Artosael.”

4th—Oropel: He causes sore throats and mucus and is thwarted by the words “Raphael, imprison

5th—Kairoxanondalon: He causes ear problems and is dispatched by the words “Ourouel (Uriel),
imprison Kairoxanondalon.”

6th—Sphendonael: He causes tumors of the parotid gland and tetanic recurvation (the body bent
backward rigidly) and is quelled by the words “Sabael, imprison Sphendonael.”

7th—Sphandor: He paralyzes limbs, deadens the nerves in hands, and weakens shoulders. He is subdued
by the words “Arael, imprison Sphandor.”

8th—Belbel: He perverts the hearts and minds of men and is dispatched by the words “Karael, imprison

9th—Kourtael: He causes bowel colic and pain and retreats when he hears the words “Iaoth, imprison

10th—Methathiax: He causes kidney pains and is sent away by the words “Adonael, imprison

11th—Katanikotael: He causes domestic fights and unhappiness. To dispel him, write on seven laurel
leaves the names of the angels who thwart him: “Angel, Eae, Ieo, Sabaoth.”

12th—Saphthorael: He causes mental confusion. To get rid of him, write down the words “Iae, Ieo, sons
of Sabaoth” and wear the amulet around the neck.

13th—Phobothel: He causes loosening of the tendons and retreats when he hears the word “Adonai.”

14th—Leroel: He causes fever, chills, shivering, and sore throats and retreats when he hears the words
“Iax, do not stand fast, do not be fervent, because Solomon is fairer than eleven fathers.”

15th—Soubelti: He causes shivering and numbness and is dispatched by the words “Rizoel, imprison

16th—Katrax: He causes fatal fevers. He can be averted by rubbing pulverized coriander on the lips and
saying, “I adjure you by Zeus, retreat from the image of God.”
17th—Ieropa: He causes men to collapse and creates stomach problems that cause convulsions in the
bath. He retreats if the words “Iouda Zizabou” are repeated three times in the right ear of the afflicted

18th—Modebel: He causes married couples to separate but will retreat if the names of the eight fathers
are written down and posted in doorways.

19th—Mardeo: He causes incurable fevers and is sent away by writing his name down in the house.

20th—Rhyx Nathotho: He causes knee problems and is repelled if the word “Phounebiel” is written on a
piece of papyrus.

21st—Rhyx Alath: He causes croup in infants and is dispelled if the word “Rarideris” is written down and
carried on a person.

22nd—Rhyx Audameoth: He causes heart pain and is dispatched by the written word “Raiouoth.”

23rd—Rhyx Manthado: He causes kidney disease and is thwarted by the written words “Iaoth, Uriel.”

24th—Rhyx Atonkme: He causes rib pain. If a person writes “Marmaraoth of mist” on a piece of wood
from a ship that has run aground, the Demon retreats.

25th—Rhyx Anatreth: He causes bowel distress and is quelled by the words “Arara, Arare.”

26th—Rhyx, the Enautha: He alters hearts and “makes off” with minds. He is thwarted by the written
word “Kalazael.”

27th—Rhyx Axesbuth: He causes diarrhea and hemorrhoids. If he is adjured in pure wine given to the
sufferer, he retreats.

28th—Rhyx Hapax: He causes insomnia and is subdued by the written words “Kok; Phedisomos.”

29th—Rhyx Anoster: He causes hysteria and bladder pain and is thwarted when someone mashes laurel
seeds into oil, massages it into the body, and calls upon Mamaroth.

30th—Rhyx Physikoreth: He causes long-terms illnesses but retreats when the sick person massages his
or her body with salted olive oil while saying, “Cherubim, seraphim, help me.”

31st—Rhyx Aleureth: He causes choking on fish bones. If one places a fish bone into the breasts of the
afflicted one, the Demon retreats.

32nd—Rhyx Ichthuron: He detaches tendons and retreats when he hears the words “Adaonai, malthe.”

33rd—Rhyx Achoneoth: He causes sore throats and tonsillitis. He is sent away by writing “Leikourgos”
on ivy leaves and heaping them into a pile.

34th—Rhyx Autoth: He causes jealousy and fights between people who love each other. He is subdued
by writing the letters alpha and beta.
35th—Rhyx Phtheneoth: He cast the Evil Eye on everyone and is thwarted by the “much suffering eye”

36th—Rhyx Mianeth: He holds grudges against the body, causes flesh to rot, and demolishes houses. He
flees when the words “Melto Ardad Anaath” are written on the front of the house. King Solomon orders
the Demons of the decans to bear water and prays that they will go to the Temple of God (Jerusalem).

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