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Comic Strip: “The World Where Mathematics is a Language”

Scene 1
One day, Alex saw her sister Joey, staring blankly at the sky.
A: Hey sis, what are you wondering?
J: Nothing, I just had a conversation with a co-accounting student from Korea. Its funny how he can
say the same math terms like what we have in here. I just wonder if Math is the same all over the
Scene 2
A: I think it is all the same, we can consider that Math can act as a universal language. I have already
thought of it while im watching my math class in youtube where the instructor in the video is an
Indian. He is explaining about Patterns and Sequence.
J: Really? Did you understand what he is saying?
Scene 3
A: Yes, the formula and phrases that he is using has the same meaning as what we have here,
regardless of another languages that accompanies it, I still manage to understand what he is
explaining. He explains how patterns and sequences have become part of our everyday lives, we see
them everywhere, in plants, dresses, even animals have their patterns too. The layouts of buildings
and designs in stuffs, shows patterns.
J: Oh I know that, as what I have learned, sequences are also part of our life and nature, one
example is the Fibonacci Sequence and its importance to the nature, it plays a vital role in phyllo taxis
which studies the arrangement of leaves, branches, flowers or seeds in plants with the main aim of
highlighting the existence of regular pattern.
A: True, that’s why you can say that Math is a universal language, because its terms being used are
all the same.
Scene 4
Then joey suddenly thought of something again.
J: But why do you think they have to be the same? I mean, they should have their own applications
and principles that is just exclusive for their country.
A: That wont do Sis.
Scene 5
J: Why? They have their own language.
A: Exactly my point, they have their own language thus Math helps people learn and communicate
even if other communication barriers exist.
Scene 6
J: Well I guess you are right, thanks for filling me up sis, that helped answer my thoughts.
A: Anytime sis…

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