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TALYS: Comprehensive Nuclear Reaction Modeling

A.J. Koning , S. Hilaire† and M.C. Duijvestijn

Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group NRG, P.O. Box 25, NL-1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands

Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, DAM/DIF/DPTA, Boîte Postale 12, 91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel, France

Abstract. TALYS is a nuclear-reaction program which simulates nuclear reactions that involve neutrons, gamma-rays,
protons, deuterons, tritons, helions, and alpha-particles, in the 1 keV - 200 MeV energy range. A suite of nuclear-reaction
models has been implemented into a single code system, enabling us to evaluate basically all nuclear reactions beyond the
resonance range. An overview is given of the main nuclear models used, such as newly developed optical models, various
compound nucleus, fission, gamma-ray strength, level density, and pre-equilibrium models, all driven by a comprehensive
database of nuclear-structure parameters. The predictive power of the code is demonstrated by comparing calculated results
with a very diverse set of experimental observables. Our aim is to show that TALYS represents a robust computational
approach that covers the whole path from fundamental nuclear-reaction models to the creation of complete data libraries
for nuclear applications.

INTRODUCTION existing experimental database.

After the nuclear physics stage comes the second func-
With the advent of fast computers, software that sim- tion of TALYS, namely as a nuclear data tool: After
ulates nuclear reactions is able to play an increasingly fine-tuning the adjustable parameters of the various re-
important role in nuclear data. It is possible to pro- action models using available experimental data, TALYS
vide an exact computational scheme for sophisticated can generate nuclear data for all open reaction channels,
nuclear models, not only new ones but also those that interpolating between and extrapolating beyond exper-
have been lying on the shelf for decades, and only now imental data, on a user-defined energy and angle grid
become amenable for numerical implementation. Large- beyond the resonance region. The associated nuclear-
scale comparisons with measurements are within reach. data libraries that can be constructed provide essen-
TALYS is a nuclear reaction program created at NRG tial information for existing and new nuclear technolo-
Petten, the Netherlands, and CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel, gies. Important applications that rely directly on the out-
France. The idea to make TALYS was born in 1998, put of nuclear-reaction simulation software like TALYS
when we decided to implement our combined knowledge are conventional and innovative power reactors (GEN-
of nuclear reactions into one single software package. IV), accelerator-driven systems, and transmutation of
The objective is to provide a complete and accurate radioactive waste, fusion reactors, homeland security,
simulation of nuclear reactions in the 1 keV - 200 MeV medical-isotope production, and radiotherapy, oil-well
energy range, through an optimal combination of reliable logging, geophysics, and astrophysics.
nuclear models, flexibility, and user-friendliness.
There are two main purposes of TALYS, which are
strongly connected. First, it is a nuclear physics tool that NUCLEAR MODELS
can be used for the analysis of nuclear-reaction exper-
iments. The interplay between experiment and theory Figure 1 shows the nuclear models implemented in
gives us insight in the fundamental interaction between TALYS.
particles and nuclei, and precise measurements enable
us to constrain our models and their parameters. In re- Nuclear Structure and Model Parameters
turn, when the resulting nuclear models are believed to
have sufficient predictive power, the prediction can even
All nuclear models make use of structure and model
give an indication of the reliability of measurements. The
parameters. There is an automatic reference to parame-
many examples of TALYS presented in this paper and
ters as masses, resonances, etc.; see the lower left box of
in various other contributions to this conference confirm
Fig. 1. With a few exceptions, our database is based on
that our software project would be nowhere without the
the Reference Input Parameter Library [1].

CP769, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology,

edited by R. C. Haight, M. B. Chadwick, T. Kawano, and P. Talou
© 2005 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0254-X/05/$22.50
Loops possible over: Direct reaction: Preequilibrium: Output:
* Spherical OM * Exciton model *File ’output’
* Incident energies − 2−component
* DWBA defined by
* Natural isotopes * p−h LD phenom.
* Rotational CC
− surface effects keywords
* Vibrational CC
Optical Model: * Kalbach systematics *Dedicated
* Giant resonances − angular distribution
* Phenomenology * Weak−coupling files with
Input: local / global − cluster emission
spectra, ...
* Keywords, eg: * γ −ray emission
projectile n
element fe
mass 56
energy 14. Nucl. Structure: Compound: Multiple emission:
* Abundancies
* Width fluctuations * Exciton (any order)
* Discrete levels * transport libs
− Moldauer
* Hauser−Feshbach * activation libs
* Deformations − GOE triple integr.
* Masses − HRTW * Fission competition
* Level density par. − isotopic yields
* Hauser−Feshbach
* Resonance par. * γ −ray cascade
* Fission competition
* Fission barrier par. − isotopic yields * All flux depleted
* Thermal XS * γ −ray emission * Exclusive channels
* Microscopic LD * GC+ Ignatyuk * Recoils
* Prescission shapes

FIGURE 1. Flowchart of TALYS.

Optical Model and Direct Reaction Model Compound Nucleus Model

We use the coupled-channel code ECIS-97 [2] as a The term compound nucleus reaction is commonly
subroutine for all optical model and direct reaction cal- used for two different processes: (i) capture of the pro-
culations. It is the only module in TALYS that is not jectile in the target nucleus to form a compound nucleus,
written from scratch but adopted from outside. ECIS- which subsequently emits a particle or gamma; (ii) mul-
97 delivers the basic observables such as the elastic an- tiple emission from the chain of excited residual nu-
gular distribution, the reaction, and the total cross sec- clides following the binary reaction. Both are included
tions. Moreover it yields the transmission coefficients in TALYS. At low incident energy (i) plays an important
for compound-nucleus calculations and all cross sec- role. It differs from (ii) at two important points: (a) the
tions and angular distributions for discrete states. The presence of width-fluctuation corrections and (b) non-
default optical-model potentials (OMP) used in TALYS isotropic, though still symmetric, angular distributions.
are the local and global parameterisations for neutrons It is calculated with the Hauser-Feshbach formalism in-
and protons of [3]. For nuclides outside the scope of this cluding width fluctuation corrections (WFC). The WFC
OMP, i.e., strongly deformed nuclides, we allow input factor accounts for the correlations that exist between the
of potentials on an individual basis. With this, coupled- incident and outgoing waves. From a qualitative point of
channel calculations for various types of deformation view, these correlations enhance the elastic channel and
(symmetric-rotational, harmonic-vibrational, vibration- accordingly decrease the other open channels. In gen-
rotational, and asymmetric-rotational) can be automati- eral, the WFC factor may be calculated using three dif-
cally performed. For near-spherical nuclides, direct re- ferent expressions, which have all been implemented in
actions are calculated with DWBA, and inelastic scatter- TALYS: The HRTW model, the Moldauer model, and the
ing off odd-A nuclei is described by the weak-coupling model using the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE).
model. For deuteron, triton, Helium-3, and alpha OMPs, A comparison between the three models is given in [4],
we use a folding approach applied on the aforementioned where the Moldauer model is confirmed as the best de-
OMPs. fault choice. All WFC models are generalized to include
continuum particle emission, gamma-ray competition,
and fission. Gamma-ray coefficients are modeled with

Kopecky-Uhl’s generalized Lorentzian and the appropri- Pre-Equilibrium Model
ate giant-dipole resonance parameters. Besides cross sec-
tions, compound angular distributions are calculated us- For energies above a few MeV, pre-equilibrium reac-
ing Blatt-Biedenharn coupling factors, again within a full tions play an important role. For nucleon reactions, we
Hauser-Feshbach expression with WFC. have implemented a two-component exciton model with
For multiple emission, the whole reaction chain is a new form for the internal transition rates based on the
followed by depleting each [nucleus-excitation energy- OMP of [3], which yields an improved description of
spin-parity] bin with particle, gamma, or fission decay pre-equilibrium processes over the whole energy range
until all channels are closed. In the process, all particle [6]. Another feature necessary to cover a large energy
and residual production cross sections are accumulated range is the generalization of multiple pre-equilibrium
to their final values. Non-equidistant energy grids in this processes up to any order of particle emission. This is
decay scheme ensure enough precision in the compound- accomplished by keeping track of all successive particle-
evaporation peaks. hole excitations of either proton or neutron type; see [6]
for the mathematical outline.
On top of the contribution of the single-particle exci-
Level Densities ton model, which yields essentially structureless emis-
sion spectra, we add a contribution from giant reso-
We use several models for the level density in TALYS, nances, computed with a macroscopic, phenomenologi-
which range from phenomenological analytical expres- cal model, accounting for the energy-weighted sum rule.
sions to tabulated level densities derived from micro- Pre-equilibrium photon emission is taken into account
scopic calculations. So far, the most robust approach with the model of Akkermans and Gruppelaar [7]. For
seems to be a Fermi gas model at high energies, with pre-equilibrium reactions involving deuterons up to al-
shell- and energy-dependent level-density parameter a, pha particles, a (too-low) contribution is automatically
and a constant-temperature model, fitted to the known calculated within the exciton-model reaction equations.
discrete states, at low energy. For non-fissile nuclides, However, for nuclear reactions involving projectiles and
we generally use an effective level-density model, i.e., all ejectiles with different particle numbers, mechanisms
collective enhancements are included in the level-density like stripping, pick-up, and knock-out play an important
parameter a. For fissile nuclides, we account for an ex- role and these direct-like reactions need to be added in-
plicit rotational and vibrational enhancement as well as coherently. Kalbach [8] developed a phenomenological
their appropriate damping at high energies. More precise contribution for these mechanisms, which we have in-
details on the various forms for the level density can be cluded in TALYS, resulting in a much better prediction
found in the manual and in [5]. of complex-particle cross sections as compared to many
older reaction codes. However, the (very) phenomeno-
logical nature of the model still provides a challenge to
construct a more physical approach for these reactions in
the future.
For fission, the default model used in TALYS is based
Finally, pre-equilibrium angular distributions are pre-
on the Hill-Wheeler expression for the transmission co-
dicted by Kalbach’s systematics. From a physical point
efficient for one, two, or three barriers. If the excitation
of view, the quantum-mechanical multi-step approach
energy of the compound nucleus is lower than the bar-
rier heights, fission-transmission coefficients display a is preferable, although it is difficult to find justifica-
tion (from applications) for angular precision that goes
resonant structure that is due to the presence of nuclear
beyond that of the systematics. Including our existing
excited levels in the second well of the potential-energy
multi-step direct software is nevertheless left as future
surface. These so-called class II states modify the fission
transmission coefficients. The total fission transmission
coefficient for a compound nucleus is then obtained by
summing the individual Hill-Wheeler terms over all head THE CODE
band transition states and, for the continuum, integrating
it using the aforementioned fission level densities. Multi- The present version of TALYS is written in Fortran77,
chance fission for all residual nuclides is included. and so far has been successfully compiled with various
A novel feature for any general nuclear model code is f77 and f90/f95 compilers. We have aimed at a setup
the ability to predict fission yields. This is done with the that is as modular as Fortran77 allows it to be, using
multi-modal random neck rupture model and the scission programming procedures that are consistent throughout
point model, as described in more detail in [5]. the whole code. In total, there are about 250 subroutines
adding up to a total of more than 40000 lines, plus the

20000 lines of the ECIS-97 subroutine. (20-MeV file) up to 4 hours (200-MeV file) on a 1-
The code is rather flexible in its use. Indeed, a com- GHz PC. Various new evaluations for the JEFF-3 library
plete set of cross sections can already be obtained with have been produced [10] through fitting, using model
minimal effort, through a four-line input file of the type parameters, of the experimental data. With default input
given in Fig. 1, which produces the best “blind” answers files, TALYS is also suitable for mass production of
TALYS can currently give. Generally, a user wants to be nuclear data and has been used to generate data for large-
more specific on the choice of nuclear models, their pa- scale activation libraries such as EAF [11], but also for
rameters, and degree of output. For this, more than 150 more fundamental purposes such as astrophysics [12].
different keywords are available that can be specified
to e.g., fit experimental data. The code has been thor-
oughly tested on a formal level, through random input CONCLUSIONS
files (probing every corner of the code). Full dripline-to-
dripline calculations (including the production of ENDF- The development of TALYS has followed the “first com-
6 data files) for all types of projectiles up to 200 MeV, pleteness, then quality” principle. This merely means
have been performed to validate the code computation- that, in our quest for completeness, we try to divide
ally and to test the continuity (smoothness) of the results. our effort equally among all nuclear-reaction types. We
think that, with the exception of a few fission items (neu-
tron spectrum, evaporating fragments), the code is indeed
“complete.” “Quality” is obviously a different and sub-
WHAT CAN WE DO WITH TALYS? jective issue, and it is certain that future enhancements in
various theoretical models are needed to bring our com-
The main aim of TALYS is to provide a complete set puted results even closer to measurements.
of answers for a nuclear reaction, for all open channels
and associated cross sections, spectra, and/or angular dis-
tributions. It depends on the current status of nuclear- REFERENCES
reaction theory, and our ability to model that theory,
1. Reference Input Parameter Library, http://www-
whether these answers are generated by more or less so-
phisticated physical methods or by simpler phenomeno- 2. J. Raynal, Notes on ECIS94, CEA Saclay Report No.
logical approaches. The following data can be calculated: CEA-N-2772, (1994).
3. A.J. Koning and J.P. Delaroche, Nucl. Phys. A713, 231
• Total, elastic, and reaction cross sections, (2003).
• Non-elastic cross sections per discrete state, 4. S. Hilaire, Ch. Lagrange and A.J. Koning, Ann. Phys.
• Elastic and non-elastic angular distributions, 306, 209 (2003).
5. M.C. Duijvestijn and A.J. Koning, “Fission yield
• Exclusive reaction channels ((n,2n), (n,np), etc.), predictions with TALYS,” this conference.
• Exclusive double-differential spectra, 6. A.J. Koning and M.C. Duijvestijn, “A global pre-
• Exclusive isomeric-production cross sections, equilibrium analysis from 7 to 200 MeV based on the
optical model potential,” Nucl. Phys. A, in press.
• Discrete and continuum gamma-ray production 7. J.M. Akkermans and H. Gruppelaar, Phys. Lett. 157B,
cross sections, 95 (1985).
• Extrapolation of non-threshold cross sections down 8. C. Kalbach, “Pre-equilibrium reactions with complex
to the thermal energy range [9], particle channels,” this conference.
9. Collaboration with JUKO Research (J. Kopecky).
• Total particle-production cross sections, e.g., (n,xn), 10. A.J. Koning, M.C. Duijvestijn, S.C. van der Marck, R.
• Single- and double-differential particle spectra, Klein Meulekamp, and A. Hogenbirk, “New nuclear
• Residual production cross sections ( isomers), data evaluations for Ca, Sc, Fe, Ge, Pb, and Bi isotopes,”
this conference.
• Recoils, 11. R.A. Forrest, “European Activation File EAF-2005,”
• Fission cross sections and fission yields. this conference.
12. E. Khan, S. Goriely, D. Allard, E. Parizot, T. Suomijarvi,
Figures 2 and 3 give an impression of the variety of nu- A.J. Koning, S. Hilaire, and M.C. Duijvestijn, “Impact of
clear reactions that can be simulated. The shown TALYS the giant dipole resonance on the photodisintegration of
curves are obtained from blind calculations (e.g., resid- ultrahigh energy cosmic rays,” submitted to AstroParticle
ual production, energy spectra), after minor fitting (e.g., Journal.
capture, n α , inelastic), and after significant parameter
adjustments (e.g., fission cross section).
A complete ENDF-6 data file, above the resonance
range, up to 20 MeV can be computed in about 4 minutes

4 93
(a) n + Nb: Total cross section (b)
63 63
Cu(n,n) Cu
10 11000
10 10000

1 2.0 9000

0 2.2 8000
dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)

Cross section (mb)

−1 7000
10 2.6

3.8 3000
1000 −2 −1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
Energy (MeV)
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Θc.m. (deg)
n + Nb at 10 keV Pu−239(n,f)
Elastic angular distribution
670 2500
(c) (d)
Hauser−Feshbach 2400
660 Moldauer
HRTW 2300
Cross section (mb/sr)

640 2000

630 1800

1600 JEFF−3.0
1500 TALYS

600 1300
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Angle (deg) 1200
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
74 208
Ge(n,γ) Pb(n,n1’)
Π −
J = 3 , Ex = 2.61 MeV
Exp (e) 1200 (f)
TALYS Towle and Gilboy (1963)
ENDF/B−VI.8 Almen−Ramstroem (1975)
JENDL−3.3 1000 TALYS
10 ENDF/B−VI.8 mod
Cross section (mb)

Cross section (mb)


1 400


0 0
1e−02 1e−01 1e+00 1e+01 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
E (MeV) Energy (MeV)

FIGURE 2. TALYS vs. experimental data: (a) n + 63 Cu elastic angular distributions, (b) n + 93 Nb total cross section, (c) different
width fluctuation correction models compared for 10 keV n + 93 Nb, (d) n + 239 Pu total fission cross section, (e) 74 Ge n γ  cross
section, (f) 208 Pb inelastic cross section for first discrete level.

207 238
Pb(n,2nγ) 5.5 MeV n+ U
Level 1 −> Level 0: Eγ=0.80 MeV Pre−neutron emission mass yield curve
2000 10
Vonach et al. (1994)
(a) (b)

1500 10
cross section (mb)

Yield [%]
1000 10

500 10
Vives et al (2000)

0 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Energy (MeV) A
40 28
Ca(n,α) 20 MeV n + Si: recoil spectrum

400 150

(c) Exact approach
ENDF/B−VI.8 Average energy approximation

Cross section (mb/Mev)





0 1 2 3 4 5
0 Recoil energy of Mg (MeV)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
11 nat
10 p + Fe
(p,xp): 62 MeV 3
Al (e) (f)
54 2
Fe 10
10 56
Fe 1 Co
7 10
dσ/dE [mb/MeV]

6 Ni 0
10 10
Cross section (mb)

Y 55
10 10
10 197 −2
Au 10
3 54
10 nat Mn
Pb 10
10 209
Bi −4
1 10

0 52
10 10
10 −6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Eout [MeV] Incident energy (MeV)

FIGURE 3. TALYS vs. experimental data: (a) exclusive gamma-ray production for 207 Pb(n,2n), (b) fission mass yield curve for
5.5 MeV n + 238 U, (c) 40 Can α  cross section, (d) two different recoil models for 20 MeV n + 28 Si, (e) 62 MeV (p,xp) spectra for
various targets, (f) p + nat Fe residual production cross sections.


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