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Whenever the supply of an essential element becomes limited,
plant growth is retarded. The concentration of the essential
element below which plant growth is retarded is termed as
“The element is said to be deficient when present below the
critical concentration”.
In the absence of any particular element, plants show certain
morphological changes. These morphological changes are
indicative of certain element deficiencies and are called
deficiency symptoms. The deficiency symptoms vary from
element to element and they disappear when the deficient
mineral nutrient is provided to the plant. However, if
deprivation continues, it may eventually lead to the death of the
plant. The parts of the plants that show the deficiency
symptoms also depend on the mobility of the element in the
plant. For elements that are actively mobilised within the plants
and exported to young developing tissues, the deficiency
symptoms tend to appear first in the older tissues. For example,
the deficiency symptoms of nitrogen, potassium and
magnesium are visible first in the senescent leaves. In the older
leaves, biomolecules containing these elements are broken
down, making these elements available for mobilize younger
The deficiency symptoms tend to appear first in the young
tissues whenever the elements are relatively immobile and are
not transported out of the mature organs, for example, elements
like sulphur and calcium are a part of the structural component
of the cell and hence are not easily released. This aspect of
mineral nutrition of plants is of a great significance and
importance to agriculture and horticulture.
The kind of deficiency symptoms shown in plants include
chlorosis, necrosis, stunted plant growth, premature fall of
leaves and buds, and inhibition of cell division. Chlorosis is the
loss of chlorophyll leading to yellowing in leaves. This
symptom is caused by the deficiency of elements N, K, Mg, S,
Fe, Mn, Zn and Mo. Likewise, necrosis, or death of tissue,
particularly leaf tissue, is due to the deficiency of Ca, Mg, Cu,
K. Lack or low level of N, K, S, Mo causes an inhibition of cell
division. Some elements like N, S, Mo delay flowering if their
concentration in plants is low.
15.3 Nutrient deficiency and management
Generalized symptoms of plant nutrient deficiency

Nutrients Visual deficiency symptoms

Light green to yellow appearance of leaves,
N : especially older leaves, stunted growth, poor
fruit development

Leaves may develop purple

P : colouration, stunted plant growth and delay in
plant development

Marginal burning of leaves, irregular fruit

K :

Reduced growth or death of growing tips,

Ca :
poor fruit development and appearance

Initial yellowing of older leaves between leaf

Mg : veins spreading to younger leaves, poor fruit
development and production

Initial yellowing of young leaves spreading to

S : whole plant, similar symptoms to N
deficiency but occurs on new growth

Initial distinct yellow or white areas between

Fe : veins of young leaves leading to spots of dead
leaf tissue

Interveinal yellowing or mottling of young

Mn :
Interveinal yellowing on young leaves, reduce
Zn : leaf size, short internodes, brown leaf spot on

Stunted growth, terminal leaf buds die, leaf

Cu : tips become white and leaves are narrowed
and twisted.

Terminal buds die, breakdown of internal

tissues in root crops, internal cork of apple,
B :
impairment of flowering and fruit

Resemble N deficiency symptoms, whiptail

Mo : diseases of qualiflower, leaves show
scorching and whithering

Cl : Chlorotic leaves, some leaf necrosis

itrogen deficiency symptoms in maize
Phosphorus deficiency symptoms in maize

Potassium deficiency symptoms in maize

Sulphur deficiency symptoms in maize

Zinc deficiency symptoms in maize
Nutrient deficiency may not be apparent as striking symptoms
such as chlorosis on the plant, especially when mild deficiency
is occurring. However, significant reduction in crop yields can
occur with such deficiencies. This situation is termed hidden
hunger and can only be detected with plant tissue analysis or
yield decline.
Nutrient deficiency can be correct by (i) addition of nutrient
through fertilizer in soil as well as foliar application and (ii)
addition of organic manure as per fertilizer recommendation.

Deficiency of
Corrective measures

N (1) Use of nitrogen fertilizer in the soil.

(2) Foliar spray of urea.

Application of phosphatic fertilizer in the

soil e.g., DAP, super phosphate

Use of potassic fertilizer in the soil e.g.,

muriate of potash.

Use of calcium carbonate or calcium

hydroxide in the soil.

Soil or foliar application of magnesium


Soil or foliar application of sulphur or


Fe Soil or foliar spray of ferrous sulphate.

Soil or foliar spray of manganese


Zn Soil or foliar application of zinc sulphate

B Soil or foliar spray of boric acid or borax

Cu Soil or foliar spray of copper sulphate

Soil or foliar application of sodium

molybdate or ammonium molybdate.
The requirement of micronutrients is always in low amounts
while their moderate decrease causes the deficiency symptoms
and a moderate increase causes toxicity. In other words, there
is a narrow range of concentration at which the elements are
optimum. Any mineral ion concentration in tissues that reduces
the dry weight of tissues by about 10 per cent is considered
toxic. Such critical concentrations vary widely among different
micronutrients. The toxicity symptoms are difficult to identify.
Toxicity levels for any element also vary for different plants.
Many a times, excess of an element may inhibit the uptake of
another element.
Nutrient toxicities in crops are more frequent for manganese
(Mn) and boron (B) than for other nutrients.

Boron toxicity symptoms

Manganese toxicity symptoms
Manganese toxicity is found on acid soils. It is important to
know that manganese competes with iron and magnesium for
uptake and with magnesium for binding with enzymes.
Manganese also inhibits calcium translocation in shoot apex.
Therefore, excess of manganese may, induce deficiencies of
iron, magnesium and calcium. Thus, what appears as symptoms
of manganese toxicity may actually be the deficiency
symptoms of iron, magnesium and calcium.
Boron toxicities occur in irrigated regions where the well or
irrigation waters are exceptionally high in B. Most other
nutrient toxicities occur when large amounts of nutrients in
question have been added in waste, e.g., sewage sludge. Crops
grown near mines and smelters are prone to nutrient toxicities.
Generally, the symptoms of toxicity in crops occur as burning,
Chlorosis and yellowing of leaves. Toxicities can result in
decreased yield and/or impaired crop quality.
15.6 Prevention of toxicity
(1) With the exception of Mo, toxicity of other nutrients can
be reduced by liming.
(2) Following recommended rates of fertilizers and the safe
and controlled use of waste materials, such as sewage sludge
and coal fly ash, should reduce metal loading and nutrient
toxicity in crops.
(3) Use of crop species and genotypes less susceptible to
toxicity are recommended where toxicity is suspected.
(4) Provided sufficient drainage because availability of
nutrients like Fe and Mn is increases up to toxicity level under
water logged condition.
(5) Ground water must be monitored regularly, if content of B
and Cl is too high stop to applied water or applied with dilution.
(6) Addition of sufficient amount of organic matter binds
some of the toxic elements.
(7) Ploughing in dry soil so increase the infiltration rate and
leach the toxic element with rain water.

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