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Teacher: Nouhayla

Quantifiers are expressions that we use to speak about quantities without a precising that
quantity exactly.
Ex: I have 5 markers - Using a number means that the quantity is exact
I have some markers – Using a quantifier means the quantity is not exact.
-depending on the noun in our sentence, we choose the appropriate quantifier. The noun
needs to be categorized as ‘countable’ or ‘uncountable’. We choose the appropriate
quantifier after that.
The order of quantifiers from high to low is:

a lot of
Countable Uncountable
much / many

a lot of a lot of
many much ( - ) (?)
a few/ a little
some some
a few a little
any any

Habitats Endangered Animals

These animals suffer from difficult living
An expression we use to talk about
situations and with time the numbers of these
where certain animals or species live
animals start going down. In the future these
(their natural place to be)
animals can disappear completely. Now we
have just a few or small numbers of these
animals and a lot of organizations are trying
to save / protect them. Sometimes, the cause
of this problem is natural or sometimes, it’s
because of human activity.

-Read the texts on page 53
-Do the Reading exercises on page 52
-Do not forget to bring your notebook !!

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