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Offer Creation Template
Use this worksheet to craft an offer to present to your audience. Going through these steps will
assist in helping you frame your offer in a unique format. This will not only bolster your authority
in your niche, but help to differentiate yourself as well. Continue to revisit this template to refine
your offer on a regular basis.

Core High Ticket Product Name:

Unpack The Core Product Below:

Instructions: This is seldom used, but is a powerful tool for framing your offer and stacking the
value by utilising the content within the offer itself. List out the top 4 to 7 key pieces that the core
product offers (training on x, training on y, private FB group, email support, coaching calls etc)

How will you offer support to all your customers?:

Instructions: My #1 recommendation is to set up a private FB group for your customers &

commit to a regular schedule to go live & answer everyone's questions PLUS a schedule to
upload new content. List those commitments below.
How will you offer direct support to your high ticket customers?:

Instructions: This could be as simple as a 30-minute coaching call, or several calls. Bear in
mind, you don’t need to be a savant in your chosen niche. This is about helping your prospect
feel supported on their journey. You can also consider other means such as voxer (voice app for
your phone), chat support, your personal email etc.

What resources can you add that will assist?:

Instructions: These don’t need to be overly complex, but can be things such as productivity tools
or time-savers that are relevant to the offer. Think ‘DFY funnel’ if someone signs up to
clickfunnels as an example. Think of 3-5 resources you can add as a further incentive. E.g Case
studies, DFY templates, resource files, coaching videos etc.

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