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I. Teenagers are desperate to conform to their friends’ values.

a. They lose interest in school.
i. No longer cool to raise hand
ii. Skips class
iii. No homeworks
b. Negative attitude
i. Teachers or officials are seen as enemies.

II. Teenagers give up hobbies and their private pleasures, such as writing poems, reading
books, and more.
a. Hanging out at the mall
b. Mocks people who have such interests
c. Regrets giving up such interests/hobbies

III. Teenagers give up the people they love to be accepted.

a. Cutting out families
i. Ashamed of parents
ii. Refuse to participate in family events
b. Sacrificing good friends
i. Listens to the right kind of music
ii. Doesn’t do drugs and drink alcohol
c. Rejecting potential girlfriend/boyfriend
i. The crowd doesn’t like their looks or values.

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