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Autumn leaves are falling and as the season changes I stay stagnant.

So many faces filled with laughter

surrounding me, makes me want to vomit. No man or insect could understand the depths of my heart,
no person would even care in the first place. Yet, I live, for the sake of whatever the fuck it is that is
keeping me on going and stopping me from leaping towards the next life. I don’t know, I never have, all I
am waiting for is a peaceful retire from this hell they call life. Life, huh, so ironic that that is the word
they used to describe their existence, they dare to call it life when so many around them are lifeless on
the inside. Little do they know the person they see smile everyday has a mountain full of scars they revel
and hide on. Even when the screams of their fellows are muffled and twisted because of the fact that
they exist, they dared to call it “Life”. Isn’t that hilarious, don’t you think so? They should’ve just went
and called it “punishment” since that’s how it truly feels anyways.

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