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Create Audience

All great communicators know that the key to crafting a message that will resonate
with your audience is to first understand their needs, pain points, motivations and
goals. The more diligently you set out to walk a mile in their shoes, the easier it will
be to speak their language and offer solutions to their most pressing needs.
Small Business Owner
Social Media Marketing  
Start by asking yourself the following questions:
Key decision maker

Who is your typical audience member?  List key demographic and

psychographic information, such as age, gender, race, income level,
interests, values and personality traits. Demographics Goals and Challenges
What pressing problem can you help them with?  What information do Save time online
they hope to attain from your talk? What do they hope to achieve with it?
Age 32-39
Find interesting content to share
Skews female
How do they want to receive information?  Are they busy people who Maximize social media resources
$70,000 / yr
want a general overview in an easy-to-process visual presentation? Or
Urban location
are they more interested in a detailed report in document format as well?
How we can help
Master's Degree
How much do they know about the subject?  Use language and terms Schedule post to a queue
in accordance with your audience’s knowledge level and familiarity with Married, no kids
Content suggestions
the subject matter.

What objections might they have?  How might your audience resist
your message? Think of ways to address each of these objections.

What Is Your Message? • Create Audience Personas  |  12

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