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Mount Everest's Difficult Journey

I was laying on my bed at night thinking of climbing Mount Everest with my friends Jake,
Mason, Steve, and Jude. It will be an incredible and exciting trip, as well as a challenging and
difficult one. But I had to wait till the morning to inform my friends about this crazy idea.

The next morning, I told my friends that we had to meet each other at the café that we always
meet at to discuss an important idea (that I hadn’t told them about until we were there). After
their arrival, I told them about the idea of climbing Mount Everest, and they liked the idea and
were very excited about it. So, we started arranging the trip, but unfortunately, Steve couldn’t

Steve said, "I have bad news to tell." "I can’t come to this trip; it’s very long, and I have a lot of
work to do during this time."

So, we had to go without him. After we arranged everything, we had to go to the airport, and
Steve managed to drive us there, so we said good-bye to him.

When we arrived, we were very excited to climb the mountain and play in the snow, but Jake
was not satisfied with the snow because he doesn’t like cold weather, while Mason really liked
cold weather and really enjoyed the snow.

"The snow was as soft as a pillow." Said Mason.

I told them that we must start climbing the mountain tomorrow because it will take us 40 days to
climb it, so we have to start climbing it tomorrow.

The next day, we all woke up at 6 a.m. and ate our breakfast, knowing we were in for a difficult
adventure. Then we started packing our bags to start our journey. When we arrived, we knew
how hard this journey would be and how exciting it would be.

Jude said, "This is the most beautiful thing I saw in my whole life, and also the tallest."

When we started climbing, we noticed that there was a storm coming, but we didn’t do anything;
we just continued climbing, but suddenly the storm came to us. It was so strong that we couldn’t
see each . We were trying to stay close to each other so no one could get lost or be pushed off
the mountain.
Mason said, "Look, there is a cave there. We can go and sit in it till the storm is over."

We all went to the cave and ate some of the food that we brought with us, and Jake managed to
make a campfire to keep us warm. The night came, and the storm was still there, so we had to
sleep in the cave. When we woke up, the storm was over but unfortunately, we couldn’t
complete the journey and we had to go back to the camp.

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