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lr.r dm Or.f
ia .ra. th. 'la !o rlt tto*r G
crldro rn 6.{r! G..ri t-.r,4 '.ra.
Fightilg Fantasy Mass Battles
by Craeme Davis
STRi(E m.$ur.s hos
cquivalcnt ol s(rLL. rnd in
s.ll th. unit li8ht\ It
is thc
thc srRrG scor. of r unit
ol h,n.ur, . thc 5,hc -5 nu uL rnru JI h m
diyidurl - iutt lind th. s(rLL s..i. Irom thc
fht ndrd*rttr prt dnntt hi 11. "ttN r d Snh ttl monstci b.ok Olt lF tl. 2t1 or oui .olumn .f thc sim.
'Tn\lbk nith N.1'1ih;, .h? h. snul Th. Drv.r namc, rnd $ritc it in thc srRI(E bor oI th. Unit Sh..t,
sh.h\ch,rct'n'dh'1' lJ'r.u r.' .r p m.. n
to this shc.t (nn pcrs.nrl usc only)
'lv.ll,' .D tirr., th. ndr. hn.t, E.tttrt xp dnlJ ,.r,rnrg STRENCTH m.rturcs h.{ mu.h damrg. thc unit .in
h, th. dnnt, I rt unut I ft!;t l,m. Itll./ l.:. s rakc, iust lik. sra\!NA. but on r lrrgci t.rl. To lind thc
nl !h. thihgs nt Dv tn t "nh
- th.t.; h dtv, dt gd,t 1'.t- srRENcrs oI r unit, trk. th. srA\rrNAs.orc lrofr ort !t1r.
n..n h.rt ,hd th. ktJi"gtr; I hrt.h t b..h lhh,tNh. Dn l 2t1, diyidc it by 10, Dd multiply th. r.tult bv th.
un! n\rtv, Ill r.. 1. vDrr c.rlrh lt vn! l{h.. rrt nufrbcr oI indiyiduals in thc unit - sill bc

Th. r unt .pdt.t1 th. dn.t of th. trt. r d pni I.r cxanplc, $c hry. r unit oI 12 or.s, Skalli8's
As l0r ,s tr. .r. dxrl s.., , .,st dDv ,t ri.a,lt,f SrdL s(.$crcrs ort qF 1r. Ptl 8iy.t an ay.ri8c srA ,Nr tcor.
rttrr.dlt.nlr a,rsr.rrnrg Dn ui. ftJo, n ls Ior or.t it bcing 5; divid. bv 10 rnd tou g.t 5, {hi.h
multipli.d br- l2 giyct.srRENcrH loi thc unit oIr,
'Ah, ;nid th. ndr.rhn.t, is thrt tht tirtt? Srrtv h' l.rtt MOyE t.lls r-ou h.{ fNt i unit moy.t To lind th. \rovE
unt nt th.luih lik. this, btrt 1r. ju;t rtturtb.r.d r r.rl- s..r. tura unit, sinplv consult thc folldfing tiblc:
l"!,1, tta.p.:"t - :trrtt Bl",] "tI v,, tJn l
Th.r. it ..rt nlv r $1rrld .f diff.rcn.. b.t$.cn r t.lo A1l humin.ids sfra1l.r thrn
adycnturc rnd r mrss bittl. At our nonc bo..uri8cous .i{rc si/. 2
ad\cnturcr rLas qui.k b noti.L', t{o or thi.c Eoblins rrc ogrct trollt ind lrrg.r
a totillr" dillcrcnt ptupolition kr s.y.ial th.usand ol thc hummoids 3
b.attt, but mast brttlct ar. at fru.h a p.rt ol fintisr" rnimils lour foot.d 3
litcrrtui. as dunE..n ad\.ntur.! Iakc thc Battl..f thc Hortcs 1
Fn. Armics in Tl. H.rr;t, Ior.[npl., or th. Battl. ol 2
Hcln's D.cp or rnr" oI th. orh.r battl.s in Tli. r.r, d Zombi.s rnd frummics I
tr. Rt,fs; mrnt othcr.lrsti. bo.ks als. Icrturc imm.ntc C.lcms 1
brttlcs lma8in. .ommindin8 r".ur .{ n hntrsy tuny, and Dinosrurs 3
srvinE thc lMd lrom in\isions ol - .i .omnin cimt intc.ts 2
ding rn iimy .r monst.rt, ld thit matt.r! d.mons .l

So s hat? To h.lp vou d. rll this hcrc is a timpl. ArTAC(S t.lls you ho$ mrny rttr.(s thc unit mrk.t in
s.t ol iul.s adapting th. Fightin8 Fbtrsv tr-ttcm to hb a round In most .atcs this $ ill bc I If th.r. is an,4ttults
dlc m$s brttl.s, Irom m.\'.m.nt rnd .ombat b spc.ial cntrr- Ior thc .rcrturc in o'1 d ui. Ptl thou8h, usc this likc sic8. cn8incs Aitcr it th.r.'s a.ompl.t. battl. numbcr instcad onlt y.iy largc, dcrtctuus or multi linb.d
sc.nirtu ld vou to trv out {ith th. rulcs, c l.d Tr. Brt-
u. ltF Cr.v R..t 50 frust.r v.ur, hoitt th. binncr
hiiah, and l.t \lip thc ol $ir! LET BATTLE COMMEI{CE!
UNITS OF TROOPS Firstly, nhi.h rac.t ar. gdin8 to b. li8hting .r.h
.rh I').".cJhcsh\nr' ilib, i tcn, J
ln a frats battl., $c dcal with unitt.f troopt rath.r thb
individurl id\cnturcrs and m.nttcrt But sc n..d t. (nos nhi.h strrtt .vci thc pa8c rnd th. cut out troopt lrofr
thc middl. pr8.s? onc. r-ou'v. plavcd that thcn
rou8hlr- thc trmc things ab.ut thcm - hd$ $.11 th.v fi8ht,
h.{ mu.h difrag. th.v .an trk. b.forc thcy'r. .ut to $.i( out v.ur o$n armi.s wh.n r-.u ar. $or(ing out
pi...s, ind s. on In thc Eancbo.k s.,s !tald)d (FF 15), r"our rrmics, balan.c th.m up to you hrvc th. san. total
srRENcrH on.r.h sidL" {ith th. samc numbcr of
\JU p.'Jr t' il.'rh J .. rl un'l Jndsc cr' F bo$m.n, and thc likc
to usc mu.h thc timc stst.m h.rL', $ith a .oupl. oI addi
ft)nt Than(s, th.r.Iorc, to Andr.$ Chrpfran,
Oncc r-.u havc dn{n up thc Unit Sh..ts lor thc lor.cs
on sid.s, th. bjttl..rn strrt! You $ill n..d tr.op
oiiginrl $ ork inspir.d franv ol th. rul.s $ hi.h lollo{ Ii8urcs or .ard .ountcrs, r f.$ di.c rnd a rul.r .r tapc
Er.h unit ol koopt, ol its ra.., hat lour m.atuic A lari{. t$ or r.lcar ar.r.l floor s ill s.^c
StATiSti'S: 9TRI(8, STRENCTg, \IOIE ANd ATTACG as th. brttl.Ii.ld and sh.uld bc .nou8h for mott battl.s
S.t.ut by y.u wDt to u* - hills, rncrt lortill.a
ftns md s. .n - using papcr .ut outs, fr.dcls, pil.s ol
UNIT SHTfT b.oks or whrt v.r.omcs to hbd! Ihcn sct up r".ur Lr..s,
l.^'nc lu'n- r 'cr ' .n I Jr ' I'hc ln rhi \ nr
i rul.s {c ir. Eding to rttufr. thrt thcr. arc.nly trfo tidL's
Iighting, though th.r. is nothing b ltop r".u hryin8a brttl.
nith is man! sid.s it you likc!
To de.ide tuhi.h sid. goes litst, en.h plntF tu||: o e
di..The pln!.ttbho tulls high* go.s li6': En.h pl"tpt AD.s
tttutgh tli T / seqa. .e b.lon, ,nkntg .a.h s?ll9e n' tufl
li.e. o . plns* n', tlp Ih. Dtltu pl"tpt tDt.s,Ih.lnsl
li*lft lhd so no.. the se.oltd, d sD D'1.
TURI{ SEQUEITCE hav. on. ArrAc( th.y therc.lves can only caus. damage
to on. ofth. Soblin units.

In this phasL', ea.h unit on the table m.y mo!. up their Fldnk E Hill Attd.ks-il tnit is atta.(ed in th.llanl (i.
^ nE n.m h:Ehi1 r.1ain, il\ I om
lh. \id.l or b) a un:r , om
limit, or lir. a missile xeapon such as . boo or spe.r, il
they are.arrying th.m. batv.lue is r.duc.d by 2 points This p.nalty lasts lor one
round, as the troops n'ill reatrange to Ia.. the
n4,"ir8 - a mit may mov. a number of in.hes .qual to
its MovE s.orc, in any dirtrtion it.hoos.s. Th. unit with
th. srR'e {or. mov.s nrst, thcn th. ndt highest, R.4rA 4.ts - if a rnit is attacked in th., its Combat
and so on Any unit whi.h .om.s into .onta.t with the is rcdr.ed by 2 points, and it may only d.Lnd; il
en my most stop their movem.nt immediat ly and pr.par. its combat v.l!e is higher than th. attaclinS unit's com-
bat, neith.r side sulLrs any damag. This penalty
lasts lor one roond, whilc the troops r.-arange!.s
The of thc, thouSh, plays a part in
movement crossing a river halves a unit's movemcnt
d:rrn .,,nyon..,u8hl rh. m'ddl. ol a :v.r d'
'n "nB
a turn must liSht with 2 points off thcir combat valu.. In this phase each unit is.h..(.d lor mor.le Ev.ry mit
, l:nb'nB -r, hill,l'o halv' . a unir'.'nB that has lost STRENGTH points durinS the pr.lious round
dor'n a hill do.snl alL.t mov.mcnt. must roll two dic. Il the mit is down to hall its oriSinal
srRENGrH, 2 must b. added to th. s.or.; if th. unit is
Iir,r8 - unit may fire.rows, thron' sp.arr sling stones,
ornihatcver, at any unitwithin range: down toon.-quart.r its original srRENcrH,4 must b. add-
Bows hanc a ranSe of 12 inch.s. and alloth.r thrown r'eapons ha!. a rang. of If the res t is lcs than th. lnirssrRr(E. th. lnitstands
Iim, and may continu. 68htin8 normally during the nt\t
To det.rmine wh.ther missil.Iire hits, th.Ining mit
rolls two dice II th. r.sult is than th. lirinS unirs II the r.sult is morc than th. unit's srRrKE, its moral.
srRlc, the heapon hits and the poor target unit loses two breaks In the very n.rt tum, it must mov. away lrom the
points of srRENcrH. If you ar. tra.l oI se.pons, and may not liSht or fire missiles! In th. Morale
dorrt forget to.ross oll thc n.apon on th. unit's sheet.
pha,. of rh. n..r ruJn, :r ha" ro , h..l Io' mo'al. aSain
- iI th. .h..1 is su..esslul this timc th. unit re.orcrs its
In this phase, all units that ar. in.onta.twith each othcr mor.le, and may.nt.rbattle againon th. nert mov.mcnt
may.n8a8c in combat phasc IInot, it (&ps going, and is out olthrbattlc!
E..h mit rclls tso dicc and adds th. r.sult to its STRIKE
to lind its combat valu. Th. unit with the hi8h.r com-
bat value wins, and th. losing unit los.s two STRENGTH
points Il. unit is to STRENGTH points, it is
d.strcyed and is ort oI the battle II on sid. s.ores damg. cov.rinclud.s h..s and undergrowtb nooden b.rricades
against thc other it may mov. away next time Mov.m.nt .nd so on A onit in .over is mor. dilli.ult to hit with
.m.\ ,r.' nd, il ni ith.r ldi hic boLh m' .l {,) rnd liEhl missil. Iire. Th.r.lore, koops firinS missiles at a unit in
cover r.du.e th.n srRr(E s.or. by 2 points

crdrgi,S-when a unit moves into.onta.t with an.nemy ro d*d.k d unn i' .a|'t in Ja..1o-Jd.. .rnbdt, th.
unit it is consider.d to b. charging, and adds 2 points to
tdrket hlust Jitst !1esttu1t the .ou. All .nt.t is t..dtell
its combat value lor that round only ds htuing a cnhbdt value nf s: if th. tu|l d high.t
coh1l'at vdl ., th. .ore. lases 2 sri.NGrH p,trrs, iust ,s
Mrlfip,. ,4..,.1s - n'hen.reatures have an ArrAcs score in norhal .onbat. IJ th. dtta.k.^ toll a lonld cahbdt
of more than 1 e..h side still g.ner.t.s only on. comb.t vdlu., th.u dn nnt los. srFENcrH paints th.h$.hi.s - the!
valur II th. sid. with the high.rcombat valu. has more hdr. tn t.luJail.d tn t.du.. th..out tluting that tutn.
than one ArAcK damag. is multipli.d by th. AmAcre rore.
Thus, units with 2 ArrAc(s cause 4 STRENGTH points ol The STRENGIH s.o.. oJ .r1'd ll.pends an x'hat it is h1d!1.
dmage, mits with 3 AmAcKs.ause 6 srRENcrH points oI
dmage, and units with4 AnAcG caG.3 srRENcrH points

Woods 0
For examplt', a lnit ol or.s (srRlrc 6, AmAcs 1) .r. bt' Wicler 2
ing atta.(edby a mitofh.ll hornds (srRI(E 7, ArrAc$ 2) LiSht wod 4
The h.ll homds roll a combat valu. ol 14, and the orcs H.a!y wood 6
roll a Combat vah. of 13 B..aus. thc hcll hounds
2 AnAc6, th. or.s lose 4 STRENGTH points For.ach tum sp.nt by d attacling mit co!.r,
the mit in .ov.r may attacl th.m with missil. fir., ad-
u,a., atjrrs - wh.n a unit is attaclcd by more than one ding 2 points to their srRI(E b.cau* oI the clos. ran8.
encmy mit, .a.h attacl is d.alt with separatcly. II wh.n th..ov.r destroyed, both units may
.r. more atta.ling mits than thc d.Lnding unit has close for.ombat as nomal
ArrAcre though, th. delendinS unit .an only d.Iend
aS.inst som. ofthe atta.(in8 units
Fortilications nork in mu.h the same nay as cov.r, .x-
.xample a ftit of ds'atues (srtuc Z ArrAcs 1) is at-
For cept that they ar. made of ston. and .r. mu.h more dil-
ta.(ed by two units ol Soblins {srRIG 5, ArrAcre 1) The li.ult to r.dft.. Each n.ll of a lortifi.ation has 20
dwarles roll a combat of 14, and th. two units ol !rPr\!rr po'nl\, and ir maJ onl) b' r.du.'d bJ u.:n8
goblins roll combat valu.s of 10 and 12 The dwarv.s do
not talc any dama8. lrom eith.r.tta.L but sin . thty only
Dropping Rocks - delenders on top ol a s'all may drop good old c,rdd.l Mi,tdt!/.s (ph8! pluS!).
ro.(s onto at the loot oI it This is in the
same say as missile 6r. lrom.over, that each rdl
You sill n..d th. following eguipm.nL
that hits do.s 3 STRENGTH points oldamage * A rabl. or an ,r.a ol noor, al l.a\l 2 f..l{
* A tap. measur. orrul.r
* some scrap pap.rand things to writ.with
siege enSines ar. Sen rally G.d lor redr.inS fortifi.ations, * About 3 I&t oI shing
although they may also b. u$d to atta.l units iI th. player * Two normal, sir-sidcd dic. ( two di..lor.a.h
Nishes. Ther. are many types oI siege engine, but
ar. twoof the most.ommon ones:
Ro,l th,nt - - rh:\ .1a,, ol {.apon !.8.
en8ines.all.d mangonels, onaSers and trebu.hets. It tak.s The Story So Far...
a lull turn to r.load . rdk throw.r, so it m.y only lire Crey Ro.( is a dwarv.n gold min. hidden away in the
every oth.r tum. when a ro.( throw.r is lired, the player Menston. Hills. Th. dwa es hale lined and min d there
.omm,nd'n8'r .hould drar ,l:n,
oJ laJ dohn, p'.,. lor c.nturi.s, and it h.s alwaysbe.n
of shing to indicate the int.nded path ol th. missile. He
then rolls one di. and adds 6 - this is how lat th€ rocl Reendy, thdg\ th..!il $r..rer Manadrd has leam.d
has tra!.lled (in inch.s, as usual). Another di. is rolLd lor that there is an in.redibly ri.h deposit of Trftston , an
th. a.cura.y oI th..ngine, and th. following table is con- ertremely tare min.ral r'hi.h is us.d in the most anci.nt
rnd p.h,.6 Lont dl:.n\, h'dd.n d..p b.n.,Lh rh. m'n.
II h. can only it his pon'.rs will h. virtually limitless
DfulI B$dr Th. dwaN.s thd*ln s have not di(oeered the Tru.ston
1 so lar, thorgh th.y cannot b.Iar atray lrom it Manadrar
2 plans to enslae. th.m all and lor. them to min in *ar.h
3-,! ol the min.ral lor his oon evil prrpos.s!
Manadmr has r.cuited a hib. of local or.s, . r.p siv.
rabble nho lik. to be known as th. Bon. Breakcs, and
dmple iI th. nrst roll is 3, the ro& has traveled
so, Ior is about to lead th.m a8aitut Cntr Rdl Alon. th. coward-
9 (3+6) in.h.s along the linc Il the s..ond roll is 6, it ly and disorganised or.s n'ould stand littl..han e aSainst
has l.nded 2 inch.s to th. riSht ol th€ line. As you can the lortili.d Dw.rfbold, brt Manadrax has an .rray oI
see, ro.l are lairly mpr.dictable! pow.rlul, in.luding . necromanti. sp.ll
s'hich will .oniur. rp .n army of s(elctons to
when a rock hits a tar8.t (il it e!.r hits a targ.t!), it
STRENGTH points oI dam.8..
caus.s 6
aa .rirg Ra,r_ - a
ram n.eds to b. mann.d by
a .rew ol at least 10 troops when a batt.rinS ram hits a Preparirg the Battlefield
h'all, the player .ommanding it rolls two di.e and adds Th. map shows th. torSh layout ol th. battlelield on th.
the totalsrRENGrH olthe ftit manning the ram. This is the approach.s to the Dwarfhold If you want to mal. some
combat value of th. ram, and is used lor combat aSainst crud. s.en.ry .ut out some pi...s of paper to repr.s.nt
the lortifi.ation in the normal Nay som. batt.ring rams the, and.olour th.m gr&n Do th. same with the
are litted n'ith rools ol shaw or hides, to prctet; ro.[ Ia.e and th. walls, .olourinS them bla.k and gr.y
these will prot ct the .reN lrom arows and sp.ars fir.d Finally,.rtort a brid8. (.olorr.d gr.y) and
or dropp.d fiom th€ top of th. wall; they hav.. STRENGTH lay th'o lengths oI shing or a strip of blue paper a.ross
of9 aSainst rocls dropped from the top ola wall the battlelield to r.pre*nt to two banls ol the ri!.r Lay
Iootrot : rules are ne..ssarily e.ry simple, and the bridge ov.r them in th. position shown on th. map
do not tale into ac.ount many of the mor. difd.Jt asptrts R.m.mber that th. map is ro!8hly to s..le, so be srre to
of battles, su.h as llyinS .r.atrr.s, battleli.ld make th.m the right siz.. Lay out all oI the appropriat
magi., or the pfus.n.e ol spe.ial l.aders and hero.s with trop counters on th. nooror table in th. positions shown
an army This is partly du. to spa.. re.sons, and p.rtly on the map. (An alt.matile m.thod is to .ov.r the* the* rllcs are already more than .nough to hav. battlefi.ld ar.a sith a sh..t of pap.r and draw all the
endless horrs of lun n'ith Try out th. battle sc.nario, Tr. leatures on it in dilferent.olours This is wh.r. the back
aa l. dl c/.! Rd.t, whi.h itsell Latures a Ls n.n' tules, ol old rolls oI n allpap.r and the lik em. in r.ry handy!)
and il you enioy it nrite in and ask us for mor. adnanc.d
tt]ts l.t F i.l d s al Bdttl..
Allottitlg Forces
sort out all the .ounters from th. .entre pa8.s into
Berrle st GnEv Rocr dillr.nt troop typ.s one play.r tak.s all the Dwal, and th. oth.r ta[.s ail th. or. Th.
Th. Battl.oJ c.e1t Ro.k is s.enario for us. with th.'s s(.l.ton counters should b. prt on on. sid., ready to be
4 a,fd. sysrem hhi.h yo!
hav. (hoperulry) just read rr $ed wh.n n.ed.d Th. orc player should al$
yor h.v.rrt th. tules yet we stronSly yd do tale th. Batt ring Ram.omt r (he is allooed to Srin smug-
so b.lore you att.mpt to play thisbatd. or you ll loo( pr.t- ly wh.n he do.s this!)
ty stupid! The battl. has been designcd lor two players, The ol the battl. is su.h that .a.h count r or
though each side .an have mor. than one .ommand.r il plasti. figure a.trally repr.sents t.n troops This has no
there ar. mor. than tNo oI you elL.t on pl.y, but wc thoughtyou ought to (non !
All the.ounters n..dcd lor th. battl. are in.luded in You hill nos'n.ed on. Unit lor.ach unit (th.
th. ..ntre paSc ol this mgrine car.tully bend ba.l th. mits are listed at the end of the spe.ial R!l.s) Either
stapl.s and pull out the .enke pages Il you don't s'ant photdopy up th. Unit sheets we have printed or h'rit
th. pi...s to 8et all ragg.d stick them onto som. thin card, o' r your ohn on,ll lh,r - Jap pap.' you r. 8or Again,
and.ut th.m out to lorm individual troops A lar more on. player takes all the Dwarl unit she.ts, and th. oth.r
realistic and impr.ssive alt rnativ., thorgh, is to takes all th. or. unit sh.ets. Th. slcleton unit sh..ts
the .ounters s'ith th. Dwarv.s, Drastik sho d be prt on on. sid., ready to b. us.d n'hen th.y
Plasti( Or.s and Sk leton Hdd. plasti. Iigms mad. by
Settirg Up ol the Nall) They have .n unlimited supply oI ro.ks to
First, th. Dwal play.r pl...s thr.. .ounters s'ithin the
n'.lls by th. min..ntrance On. of the* comters mrst Dwarles who ar. iEide th. walls (i e not standinS on
in.lude th. co,'marl Pdrr!. Th. other .ounters should th.m) cannot b. hit by missil. nr. tuom outsid. th. walls,
be put to on. sid., r.ady tob. used n'hen n.eded but thty .annot shoot at targcts which ar. outsid. th.
Thea and only th.n, the or. pl.yer laysout all the or. on th. battl.lield, insid. the.r.a mar(.d or. s.t-
Up 4,., on rh' map abor' R.m.mb.' rhal rh. balr."n8 lh.r. i, a, ommand Pa yini,,h,rm),lhriounlrr:\
ram n..ds a cr.w il it is to mole - on. or mor. units with dillr.nt lrom the II th. command party on either
a total .ombined STRENGTH of at 10 must be placed side is deshoy.d, .eery unit on that side must .r..tldl
h h ir ir ill rim.( if ie r. m.v.:na h. w.'t.a ,'0"1., whether or not it has lost STRENGTH
points, adding2 points to the s.or..
Th. battle is now re.dy to start Ea.h player rolls on.
die, and th. player with the high.r kor. mo!.s first Il the orc command party is deshoy.d, Manadrax di.s
n'ith it, and obdously .an cast no mor. spells Il ther.
Special Rules are any skeleton onits on thebattlelield h'h.n th.
mand party is deshoy€d, th. or player must roll one di.:
Ther. are. numb€rolspecial tules,.xtra tothose w.'!.
already gi!€nyoq whi.h are us.d in this battl.: The sl.letons all.tumble to dust
All s le leton .o unt€rs ar. r.moved
lrom the battlefi.ld immediately!
Units whi.h ar. moving through th. rrc.s mov. at hall- The slcletons go berscrl. All
speed while in the hc.s, they are under .d,.r. The bat- skel.tonunits will atta.k the
tering ram.annot moee throrgh th. at all
!nit, r.gardless ofh'hich side it's
Units .an .ross th. Iast mountain river by th. ,/i/8c on, and continu. attacking th.
at normal speed only one lnit .an cross the bridge at nearest mit lntil d.shoy.d
a time Units .an also add. across th. riv.r How.v.r it
is so last-floh'ing that their movement .nds when th.y
Manadrax has s.!.ral spells. one spell
reach lh. river dd thty mrst sptnd th. whol. oI th. nt\t
durinS the lir. phase ol a turn. The or. .ommand party
trrn .rossing it - they cannot lir. missiles, fiSht or do
cannot mo!. sihil. he is .asting a spell, and h. .annot
an)lhin8.l.. lla d narrrrl'd qh'1..d'ingrh. nvp', cast any spell more than on... The sp.lls he has available
Si n.rarr ombar \ alur\ a\ ' .ual ll rh. ' nir in rh. riv.'
loses, it los.s srRtNGrH points as nomal il it h'hs, n.ither
sid.los.s any srRNGrH pohtl The baftenng ram c.n only s,mmor s&.Lrors: wh.n Manadrar casts this spell, roll
.ro\ rhi "r.' b) rhe b'id8",:f ir 8oe. inro rh. ':r.' one dic and add ,! to th. nrmber you g.t The r.sult is
ir J' rl,and,annolbeu\.d,n) mor" in rh:'barrl, th. number ol s(eleton units that h. has summon.d. Pla.e
'. the sk.leton.ountcrs on the battl.field They will
',.* lae -
No units can move..ross the is neany
!.4i.:l ina .inn.t b. .limlFa anyn'her. the Or. play.r lil.r siithin 6 inch.s oI th. or.
command p.rty Not that iI the or. .ommand party is
standing j$t outsid. th. walls th. sl.letons .annot be
Units whi.h mole oII th. battleli.ld cannot .ome bacl made to appear inside!
later-they ar. outofthe battl. for good
BefudAb: ir'Ian^dftt can .ast this sp.ll at any dr. unit
s'ithin 6 in.h.s of the or..ommand party The targ.t unit
Th. h'alls around the.ntranc. to the mine.ount as a/dF los.s tn'o pointsolsrRrc lor th. restolth.battle
tii.atirt - e^.11 nall has 20 srRENGrs points, and the w.dl.r: Manadrax can .ast this sp.ll at any ,r. unit
Sateway h.s 6srRENGrH points. The us. th.bat- s'ithin 6 in.h.s of the or..ommand party The targ.t unit
tering ram to d.stroy th. n,alls if th.y h'ant to, but it will
obliously b. lar .asi.r to batt.r the g.t.s down with it! lo,.\ rho po'nr\ ol \rpr\!rd for rh. r.r ol lhr bJrl,
The orc .ommander should not lorSet that this will be lt dl: Manadrax .an .ast this spell at any o,c orc unit
oblious to the Dxarl.ommander too! s'ithin 2 in.h.s of th. or..ommand party, or at
mand party itsell. The mit gains loff points olsrRENGrH.
This spell sill not increa* a rnirs srRNGrH abole its star-
when th. batde starts, the only dwaNes manning the s alls
are aLs' {ntnes. They.d Sive th. alam as soon as th.y
-e rh. or.' app'o, hinE 'a\ \oon r. lh. n^l o'r p'. e':Manadrax can only.ast this sp.ll on th.
moves out oI the or. s.t-up Ar.a), and th. rest ol the mand party The.ommand party gains tn,o srRlc points
dwarles will come up lrom th. mine as soon as they.aa Ior lour torns, .t the .nd of n'hich th. .ff.ct
using th. followinS method
In th. Mon. phas. of th. st{ond rornd, the Doarl
play.r rolls on. di. This is the numb.r ol dtr arl units that Th. victory.onditions ar. simple - s'h.n onc sid.
arri!. on that tum. Th. pl.yer should tal. th.t number pl.tely oip.d out, th. oth.rside haswon!
of,ounr.'\ and pla.. rh.m,r rhi .nr'an.e ro rh. m:ni
This pro.edure should be .v.ry round, until all
20 are on the field ofbattle There are larious w.ys in whi.h this b. lought,
and undoubtedly yor will discov.r som. good t..ti.s and
some bad for The driarves .an stay b.hind the
DNarn.s standing on the h'alls .an be hit by missile lire s'alls, picking the or.s and sl.letons ofl with missil. Iire
lrom belon, but th.y are pardy prote.ted by th. stone and ro.[s, or they can .ome ort and fight Il th.y .an hold
par.p€t To rellt{t this, any or. unit shooting at the ,
lhe b'id8., lh. batr.nn8 ram rannor g.l ro$ lh.
dwarles on th. walls subka.ts 2 points lrom its srRrKE ':r.r,
allos'h8 them to [&p their s'alls intact If th.y .an dt'shoy
n'hen rollinS dice to hit Dh'ar!.s standing on the walls th. batterinS ram's.reo and push it into th. river, th. or.s
c.n drop rdks on orcs .nd skel.tons who are standinS hav. no n'ay ol brea.hing th. wallr .nd .annot possibly
at th.lootol th. walls (th. .ount.r must be n'ithin 1 in.h
The tactics usrd uill have a Ereat ciir.t on the.ourse ol Co,,, rrl Porla - 10 or.\ plu. MJnadra\
thc battlc, and you may li(e toplat the battlr a lcu times
hying out vaiious ta.tics Tiy .hanEing thr numbcrs and
make up ot th. troops too on.e tou have bc.omc bored UNrr SHrrr
uith platinE the same battlr ovei and over aSain you
-*, -... &2.
should havc little houblc drsigning youi o$n battles to
8o hirh th. L.l/olro l. iules
Unit Sheets a rcd'tE
Al1 th. d{,arts arc armcd {,ith swords and .iossboxs
,4// r.rrr !ntir - ln.n.e.:.h
Co,,,ranl Part, - 10 dxarvcs


,4// r.Arr !,tir - l0 dwrrv.q.,.h arc armcd { ith s{ords only; they nay not
S(clctons are also rather un.ooidinated, so
be us.d to man the battering ram Thct are

The or.s ai. aim.d xith s{,ords in.l $.\'\ ind:n',in

BnrrlE gt " re '..:

GnEv Rocr J


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