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Title of Paper: Bold, (scientific name in parentheses, Italicized and not in bold)

Paper: Size: 8.5” x 11” Letter;

Margins: 1.5 inches on the left, 1 inch each for the top, bottom, and right
Line Spacing: 8
1. Methods
2. Discussion
3. Introduction
4. Results

Parts of the Paper

•Background of the study
•statement of the problem
•Importance OF THE Study
•Scope and Delimitation
•Definition of terms
•Review of related literature
•Materials and Equipment
•Procedure (General)
-Date Gathering
-Analysis Flowchart
A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Junior High School Santa Rosa Science and
Technology Highschool

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject

Research III

Alcala, Collene R.

Dalida, Marcus Ivan L.

Esguerra, Sophia Ysabelle R.

Estrada, Alaiza Faye C.

Medina, Jarem Francis D.

Rull, Antonette Marie A.

Grade 8 – R. Boyle


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