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Business model canvas

Key resources

Value proposition
 An appropriate number of students hired to provide a good service.
 Brainstorming and coming up with good ideas to satisfy customers.
 Financial support must be provided by the university to start the business.

Distribution channels
 The business is focused on mental health and it is built to provide professional help for
students in need and to increase concentration skills in students during class.
 The business will rely on the customers (students).

Customer relationships revenue streams

 A functional relationship will be carried out to meet customer needs
 By providing a good service, profitable customers will pay to enjoy field trips, outside-
of-class activities, and for professional help from therapists.


Our customer segments will be reached by raising awareness about mental health through
conferences and speaking up for students who have difficulty learning in class due to the lack of
concentration. By providing our service, it will enable students to get higher grades by making
them more self-aware about their mental health. With this technique, students will be more
encouraged to learn. Our channel will be integrated by meeting up with the university and talking
about our business, mental health is very important for students and it highly affects the student's
performance in the university. The most cost-efficient way for our business to work is by making
a collaboration with a clinic that offers mental health support. Many students are looking for help
but don’t know where to start. By making this step, students can easily get the help they want
since it will be available on campus.

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