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Prayers Does Not Answer All of Life's Challenges

“God has never stopped answering prayers, but He doesn’t always

answer them in the way we expect.” So we should not depend the things
we want on it. It has been said that prayers can calm your nervous
system, shutting down your fight or flight response, but there is no
scientific evidences that prayers work.

Prayers cannot answer all of life’s challenges. Challenges in the real

world requires strength, determination, and a lot more. Sure, prayers
sometimes do come true, but most of the time its up to us if our wishes
and prayers are going to come true because at the end of the day, we’re
responsible for our selves. Praying and waiting for the result as soon as
possible is not a wise thing and depending on it is worse for your life.

Pctions and hard work is more effective than prayers. A lot of people
pray in a daily basis because of religious reasons. It’s part of the life of
many people. But, the amount of people who does it and believes in it,
doesn’t make it effective. When you pray, you of course need to take an
action because how is it going to come true if you’re doing nothing? But,
even if you actually make actions, it’s not guaranteed that it’ll come true.
It cannot solve your problems by itself. Yes, a lot of successful people
pray, but most of the reasons of their success is their hard work. Actions
and hard work is more effective than prayers.

Challenges is not uncommon to us people. It’s a thing the we e

xperience almost everyday. If you are a person who does not encounter
challenges at all, good for you. All of the challenges we encounter will
eventually fade. A prayer won’t ruin anything, but a decision that is smart
can be a way to overcome something. Hard work and determination is
like a weapon against challenges. Instead of waiting for a miracle to
happen after praying, be your own hero and find a way to solve your
own problems.

And lastly, prayers can make you feel more relieved, relaxed, and
calm, and other good benefits to us humans. But, depending our-lives on
it cannot help us. Challenges is a part of this world, and part of our lives.
Overcoming it is not an easy thing to do. But depending yourself on
something that is not sure to be effective will not do anything. Overcome
those challenges by doing something that can actually help to solve
them. Praying is not a bad thing at all, but depending your whole life on
it is.

Andrew L. Balbalosa 10- STEC

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