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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 10-Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
SY 2021-2022


General Instructions: Read each items below and choose the correct answer from the given
choices. .

Directions: Complete the following sentences using appropriate modals from the choices below.

a. Can b. could c .m ay d. m ight

1. _______ I have a glass of water?

2. ________ I start my presentation?
3. ________ I ask questions?
4. It ________ rain today.
5. He _______ see his doctor immediately.
6. If you drink your medicine, you ____________________well soon
a. gets b. got c. gotten d. will get

7. During summer season, if you do not drink more water, you _____________.
a. thirst b. thirsty c. thirsting d. will thirsty

8 . If you keep rubbing two sticks for a long time, it _______ fire.
a. create b. creates c. created d. creating

9. If you do not relax and feel stressed all day, you _________ sick.
a. became b. become c. becomes d. becoming

10. You _____ nervous if you take in too much caffeine every day.
a. feel b. feels c. feeling d. felt

11. If I met my favorite Korean actor Park Seo Joon, I _________ hello to him.
a. say b. said c. will say d. would say

12. She would travel to South Korea and meet her Oppas if she _____ rich.
a. is b. was c. were d. will

13. Sheila wouldn’t have been tired if she ______ to sleep earlier.
a. go b.went c. gone d. had gone

14.  Harold ____________ on time for the audition if he had left his pad at seven b. was c. will d. would have been

15. What kind of love is suggested by lines 1-4?

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when itsalteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.

a. A love that changes when things go wrong

b. A love that fades away as they aged
c. A love that remains faithful and constant
d. A love that dies as one moves to another place
16. The following are taken from the third quatrain of Sonnet 116. What is the theme of the entire
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips andcheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

A. It talks about love that is like a clown with red lips and cheeks, whose job is to fool us with his
magic tricks.
B. Time cannot alter real love and that time is of little significance because it lasts only a few
weeks yet true lasts forever.
C. Time is like a fool and love ends when the world ends.
D. There is no use loving truly because everything will end during the Last

17. 1. Which word from the song, “Heal Our Land” refers to social issues, concerns, or dispositions in life?
a. land b. wicked c. cry d. humble
18. What do those lines imply?

If my people will humble themselves

Humble themselves and pray
If they seek my face and humble themselves
And turn from their wicked ways

A. People had been praying fervently to the Lord. B. People had been proud and unrighteous.
C. People had been unselfish and loving. D. People had been humble but wicked.

For items 19-21, refer to the short poem below.

Childhood friends?

Their words were as sharp as knives

Not hurting my body, but my soul
How I wish I can forget
Those memories of childhood.

19. . What social issue or concern did the speaker experience?

A. physical bullying C. verbal bullying
B. Discrimination D. injustice

20. What does the line, “their words were sharp as knives” imply?
A. the speaker’s friends were bringing knife B. the speaker’s life was threatened
C. the speaker was hurt D. the speaker never forgets

21. What best describes the speaker’s childhood memories?

A. Scary B. melancholy C. painful D. horrifying

22. Tell which statements show positive traits values of Filipinos

A. Respecting someone's point of view or opinion
B. Judging someone based on his/her physical appearance
C. Discriminating people based on their social status.
D. all of the above

23. What makes a person’s decision biased?

A. when there is favoritism B. when there is a fair or equal treatment
C. when other people’s feelings are considered D. when someone is knowledgeable about the
24. Which of the following is NOT related to the word prejudice?
A. acceptance B. prejudgment C. rejection D. underestimation

24. Which of the following shows bias?

A. bullying someone with a disability
B. B. not serving someone in a restaurant because of skin color
C. winning the contest because one of the judges is the contestant’s sibling
D. posting negative comments on social media about a certain religious group

25. Prejudices are usually aimed at the ―other‖ and are often accompanied by the following terms
EXCEPT one. Which one of these?
A. Facts B. fear C. hatred D. ignorance

26. Which of the following is the focus of a person’s prejudice if he hates all thebilliard players?
A. age B. political affiliation C. race D. sport team affiliation

27. Which of the following is the action done due to prejudice?

A. acceptance B. appreciation C. discrimination D. recognition

28. Which of the following scenarios is an example of prejudice?

A. My cousin went home straight instead of going out with her friends.
B. A Cebuano poem was rejected because the checker hated the language.
C. We were given a chance to speak up regardless of our values and beliefs.
D. My classmate did not eat the spaghetti that I cooked because he was full.

29. . Which of the following statements is true?

A. Prejudice is taking action based on discrimination.
B. Bias is shown when someone congratulates a person.
C. Prejudice is a prejudgment about a group or its individual members.
D. Cursing, name-calling and labelling others are products of being unbiased.

30. What is shown when airports put up a greater number of washrooms for females than males?
A. Bias B. bullying C. discrimination D. prejudice

31. The clown pulled silly faces to make the children laugh. The word silly in this sentence means:
A. funny B: bad C: tricky D: scary

32. The sentence below does not have any punctuation. Choose the option with the correct punctuation.

i am a good runner

A: i am a good runner. B: I am a good runner

C: Im a good runner. D: I am a good runner.

33. Genealogy is fun. Just as a piece of furniture or a picture takes on much more interest if you know its
history, so does an individual become more real once the ancestral elements that shaped him are known.
An in-depth family history is a tapestry of all those to whom we owe our existence.

Which statement best conveys the theme of this paragraph?

A: Finding out about our ancestors is more interesting than researching the history of objects.
B: Genealogy is a study of people and their belongings in the past.
C: Genealogy is a study of family history.
D: Genealogical research can bring meaning and life to a family’s history.

34. Tailgating another vehicle is unsafe and illegal. Many rear-end collisions are caused by drivers following
too close to the vehicle in front of them. The rules state that a driver must keep sufficient distance from
the vehicle in front in order to stop safely and avoid a collision. Drivers should allow a minimum two
seconds’ gap between their vehicle and the one ahead. At sixty kilometres an hour, this equates to thirty-
three metres; at a hundred it equates to fifty-five metres. More distance is needed to safely stop in rain or
poor visibility.

Tailgating another vehicle is unsafe because:

A: all rear end collisions are caused by drivers following too close to the vehicle in front.
B: it may not allow sufficient time and space to stop and avoid a collision.
C: it is against the road rules.
D: it is a reckless practice.

35. More distance is needed to safely stop in rain or poor visibility. We can infer from this that:
A: people drive faster in rain and poor visibility.
B: the writer is merely calculating on the safe side.
C: braking is more hazardous in rain and poor visibility.
D:All of these.

Landfills are giant holes in the ground where trash is buried. Nearly one-third of the trash in landfills is
paper that has been thrown away rather than recycled. People really need to help prevent paper waste.
First, people can buy products that have less packaging. Second, paper, especially office paper, can be
recycled and then reused. Finally, consumers can buy products that are made from recycled paper. All of
these steps will help reduce the amount of trash that goes into landfills.

36. The author would most likely agreed that

a. People should throw away paper that has been used .
b. People do not worry about the size of landfills.
c. There are simple things people can do to make less paper waste.
d. The problem of trash is so big that one person will not make a difference.

37. What does the author most likely hope people will do after reading this passage?
a. Stop buying paper c. Try to create less paper waste
b. Stop using paper d. Be more careful about not littering.

38. Which of these statements does not tell the reasons writing this passage?
a. Explain what landfill is c. Show how paper fills up landfills.
b. persuade people to reduce paper waste. d. Argue more trash and landfills.

No, Honey, I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just having you for a
husband is the only gift I need. In fact, I’ll just drive my old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy
myself a little present. And if the poor old car doesn't break down, I’ll be back soon.

39. What is the message?

a. I don’t want a gift. b. Buy me a new car.
b. c. The mall is fun. d. I’ll carry a bucket for you.

Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica’s
turn to choose, and only Kurt was left. Jessica said, “Kurt.”

40. We can infer that ________

a. Kurt is not a very good player. b. Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.
c. Kurt was the best player on either team. d. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt’s feelings.

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