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Christopher: Hi teacher, we are group 4, made up of Lilly Lopez, Pablo

Hernandez, Ricardo Gonzalez, and Christopher Meza.

Christopher: In this podcast we will be reviewing what we have learned from

the 3 units we have practiced in class.

Christopher: So Lilly, tell me, what we have practiced and what did you learned
about unit number 1.

Lilly: Hi Christopher, to begin I will like to say with the types of friends we can
have, among these are good listeners, straight talkers, the party animal and finally
the supper planer, I think this teaches us about what kind of friends we have and
with which we could represent ourselves.
Then we learned about the adverbs of frequency, those that tell us the frequency
with we do something, like a habit. Those are always, usually, often, sometimes,
hardly ever and never. All of them we can tell us a perspective about with what
frequency we do something.
After that we learned about present simple and present continuous. The present
simple is: We use the present simple to talk about: something that is  true in
the present. In present continuous is: things that are happening now. We
practiced a lot of exercises with those.
Christopher: Thank you Lilly, in my opinion I think we learned many things in this
unit 1, I think is useful for us this things that we practiced, we have learned about
a so important rule of the English which is simple present and present continuous,
all right that was good but now we have the next participant.

Christopher: Hi Pablo How are you doing?, and Pablo tell me, what we have
learned in unit number 2.

Pablo: Hi Christopher, I am good thanks for questions me, well at first, we learned
about simple past, simple past is: used for past actions that happened either
at a specific time, we practiced with teacher many exercises about this rule.
Then we learned about how to approach a text, that tell us the main idea of
a text that we are reading, we had an example of a history of a president of
the US, and it was too fun to read.
After that we learned about the questions form, We learned how to make
them with the rule, auxiliary verb+ subject+ main verb for question word,
and be+ subject for questions with the verb TO BE.

Christopher: Ok that was great Pablo, thank you for share with me what
you learned in unit number 2, I think this was another amazing unit in which
we learned a lots a things more.

Christopher: And finally we have Ricardo, hi Ricardo how are you doing?
And tell me, what you have learned in this unit number 3.

Ricardo: Hi Christopher, I am good, I am willing of sharing with you my

opinion. At first we learned about traveling , we made a quiz to see what
type of traveler we are, if we are a tourist or a traveler adventurer.
We learned about superlative and comparatives. Superlatives rules are: For
one-syllable adjectives such as ‘smart’ and ‘tall’, the general rule is to
simply add an ‘-est’, For adjectives that have two syllables, the most common
(and safest) rule by far is to use ‘most’ or ‘least’ before the adjective, as in the
expression ‘most/least careful’.

And finally we have learned about staycation or vacation, we saw different

types of activities that we do when we are on a travel, with those we learned
about what type of traveler we are.

Christopher: Ok Ricardo thank you, I have to say that it was too interesting
for me to interview you and I have to say that the comparative and superlative
rules are a little complicated to remember but are too important in English.

Christopher: Well teacher, it was interesting to share with you what we have
learned in this units that we practiced in classes.

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