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I did had a miss understanding with a coworker. He was having a problem with a customer on
the phone and didn’t knew how to fix the customer problem. He went to the supervisor while I
was there. I was doing a review with the supervisor on a work problem that was solved.

The coworker came asking “What else I should do with the customer?”

I commented “I have done the same problem before. Have you tried doing this on the
customer’s phone?”

The coworker kept looking at me without a word. So a kept commenting “You should try
doming this as well.” He then got frustrated and reply “Look Ana, I have been doing this job for
a longer time than you, don’t tell me what or what not to do! I do appreciate your help but
mind your business!”

“As a coworker of yours, I am doing the best to help you but it’s okey if you don’t want any
help.” I replied and stepped away. I had done the best I can in helping out but my coworker
got mad so a walked away.

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