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“Best Piece” Reflection Form

Title of Assignment: Off (Reflective essay)

Date of Assignment: 3 February 2017

Course in which assignment was completed: English 10

Briefly describe the assignment. What steps did you take in order to complete this assignment?

In this assignment I explain what it takes to be happy. I talk about the steps leading up to
happiness and how to complete them.

What resources, software, skills were required to complete this assignment? Complete this form
with an essay response (1/2 to 1 page; MLA format)

I chose this sample as my best piece because of what it talks about. Probably the most
important thing in life is happiness. Life can’t be good without happiness. A lot of people
have a hard time trying to achieve happiness so I wrote this to talk about ways to
become happy. I talk about what should be done in order to relieve you from stress as
well as make your life better. When reading this essay, you should expect to find tips
and advice to get your life in order. It talks about work and having to get through hard
times in order to have good ones. To anyone that reads this, I hope you learn
something new. If you don’t believe what I say in the essay, I suggest for you to just try
it. Try one of the things I said because you never know if it’ll work or not. This
assignment meant a lot to me and I really enjoyed creating it. This essay taught me that
I like to do what I can to help others in times of need. I will definitely use this knowledge
in the future as well. If I am maybe ever not in a good spot in life, I could come back to
this and read it over again to help me stay strong. I hope to stick to this advice I am
giving because so far it has helped.

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