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Yaretzi Mancillas

Ms. Castro

English 1301

20 November 2023

Reflection Essay

This essay was very easy for me to write because I have experienced gaming addiction

firsthand. The words used in this article was exactly how it was when my brother was going

through game addiction. This article resonated with me because of this experience and gave me

a sense of reassurance because game addiction is much more common than one would think.

Not only was the article informative but it can help people who have gone through something

similar in their life and realize they’re not alone.

Peer reviewed articles are more trustworthy because they have been reviewed by

another source and can make the biggest difference. Getting an article peer reviewed is

imperative before publishing. The author is so used to reading what they have been writing so

they might not catch the mistakes in their article. Having someone peer review an article before

publishing is a great way to check for mistakes and check if all the resources are viable. When I

found this article, it gave me more reassurance because the article was peer reviewed. Knowing

an article is a sort of sense of relief in a way because you now know that the article is

trustworthy of being a reliable source.

When I started the drafting process, it was very easy for me to know exactly what I was

going to write about. So that made the drafting process easier for me because I had a clear
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main idea for the essay. Especially since I have already had a personal experience that ties into

the article’s argument. Drafting for this essay was never something I had a problem with, so

drafting this third essay was a breeze. However, when I was revising my essay, I had to make

several changes to fit certain standards.

This time around I did not conference with my instructor, and I would say I saw a little

bit of a difference in the structure of my essay. When we normally meet my instructor usually

redirects my writing, so the main topic is clearer. This time I did not have that redirection, so I

personally think it shows a little more. So, I see that having that one to one with your instructor

is very useful and can clean up the essay a little more.

The peer review with one of my classmates is probably my favorite part of the revising

process. Having a classmate peer review your essay is so beneficial to both the students and

their grades. You get to help someone revise their essay while your essay is getting revised too.

Then, if the questions are completed the students get an easy grade. Especially if the person

you are peer reviewing is your friend, I find it really fun and beneficial.

Once I proofread my essay, I recognized some transitions words that could have been

used instead of making the sentence too wordy. I also would have to try and blend my words

better to fit the main topic or argument of the essay. But most often I would have to eliminate

irrelevant information that resulted in me going off topic. I usually have a difficult time staying

on topic so editing and proofreading are vital steps in my revising process. Revising helps a lot

to shape the essay into useful information only.

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The most challenging part of this essay for me is the making of the thesis and choosing

the supporting ideas. It is so hard for me to start an essay because you have to make a strong

claim that entices the reader to continue reading. And to state the supporting ideas you have to

make sure you can be able to elaborate well enough to not be so repetitive while giving useful

information. The whole construction of the intro/ thesis is very stressful for me because it sets

the tone for the rest of the essay. The thesis can completely dictate how well the essay is going

to be.

The least challenging part of the construction of this essay is the conclusion. The

conclusion is the easiest part for me because all I have to do is restate the thesis and give a

short summary of the essay. It is a very important step in the construction process. The

conclusion is a way of wrapping up the essay in a nonrepetitive way and cannot be exactly the

same as the thesis statement. I am also very good at restating and rephrasing words in way so it

will not get repetitive.

In conclusion the writing of this essay was not that difficult this time around. The only

challenge for me was the construction of the thesis statement. All the steps taken for the

revising process are vital to have a decent essay with a clear main topic. This essay for me was a

breeze to write about because I had a personal experience tying to the argument of the article.

So I truly had an understanding at the matter at hand.

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