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Bella Ulloa

Professor Oscar Martinez

22 October 2023

Visual Analysis Reflection Essay

What I have learned about this visual analysis essay is that just by looking at the poster won’t

really tell you much. The deeper you look into it there is more to a poster than just the colors and

which characters are there. The concepts of this visual analysis can help me in other courses

because the construction of this essay has taught me to look deeper into a topic, that there is

“more to the story”. This can help me in other writing assignments because I now know I need to

look at the bigger picture and not what is just in front of me.

How I have built throughout the process of drafting and revision is that I need to analyze

things deeper than they look. The process of brainstorming this essay has really opened me up

and made me realize things I had not noticed before. For example, in the first draft I had not

noticed the girl in the middle had a hospital gown which could tell the audience a lot about that

person. For the final draft, I had included that detail in my body paragraphs. Because of that, I

had now realized I need to be more visual and analytical.

The process of the peer review and the conferencing is a good experience for me.

I learn about things in my essay that I had to work on and revise. My professor, Oscar Martinez,

is a good help because he helps me with paragraphs or sentences I need to revise. During the

conference, I had already known that my introduction was extremely long and detailed, but had

no thesis. With that information, I had revised my introduction making it shorter and brief so I

can safe the details for the body paragraphs. I had also fixed my conclusion because it was
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similar to my intro in the sense that it was extremely long. The body paragraphs had been all

over the place and not focused on anything specific.

My peer had unfortunately not provided feedback, leaving me unable to answer this

question. Editing and proofreading this made me able to make sure that everything I had written

made sense. With my body paragraphs, I had realized I made multiple grammatical errors that I

needed to fix. It was hard for me to understand what I was reading when I looked over my essay

because I usually just dump my thoughts and hope for the best. Taking advice and looking over

the essay many times had me realizing I had a lot to fix grammatically and structurally. Realizing

this can help me with future writing assignments because I have learned I need to have a plan for

what I am going to write and how I am going to write it. I need to be more careful on how I

construct my essays and what I am going to include, and whatever details I am missing to put

them in before turning in the assignment.

The most challenging part of the essay was trying to shorten my introduction. The

introduction was a whole page long and I was already introducing the characters and what their

presence can give the audience. I had asked my professor how I could shorten it and make it an

introduction instead of a body paragraph. I had no thesis in the intro so that made the intro worse

than it already was. I had shortened the intro by keeping it brief and not really introducing the

characters until the body paragraphs. I also had created a thesis, the thesis was fairly easy to

construct because of the advice I had gotten, I had made a better constructed thesis. Overcoming

this challenge was not super easy but I took it step by step and I was able to get it done.

The easiest thing for me was describing the elements and what they could mean. I feel

like it was the easiest thing to do with this essay because there was a lot to talk about. There were

so many characters and colors that could mean all these different things. The split sides, the
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expressions, the mysterious man, these elements had been what I talked about in my essay and

they were really easy to analyze what they could mean. The red color on the left side could be a

sinister feeling, the blue could be peaceful, and what the characters are on each side have their

own meaning.

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