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Julio Felix

Dr. Cuddy

English 101



I feel like I had an easy time with creating the body paragraphs and the introductions. I

feel like these are my two strongest subjects because of the way that I write. When I look at an

article or a piece of information that I am using to make an essay I feel like looking at what the

strongest parts of the piece of information is, is essential. Once that happens it will also be easier

to construct your body paragraphs and introduction. This because most of the evidence that will

be used throughout an essay will be the best information available hence getting the best

information out of the piece of work is extremely important.

Even though I feel like writing my body paragraphs and introduction are my strongest

components I still have trouble with them. When it comes to my body paragraphs I did not pay

attention to how I was constructing them. I was writing in a kind of sumurray. Instead of

explaining why the part I would be talking about is important to proving the point and using

evidence that could be analyzed in a helpful way I would summarize. I would give a broad

overview of what the evidence said and then just move on. When it came to ending my

paragraphs I also feel like I had trouble restating my thesis statement or even trying to draw what

I said back to the thesis statement. It would be like I have information just floating in the air and

did not try to connect it to what the main part of my essay was. When it comes to my

introduction I also tend to have problems with my thesis, it is not always structured in a way that
lets the reader know what the essay is going to be about. The part of my essay that I really need

help with is my conclusion. When I go to conclude my essay I had trouble connecting it back to

the thesis without stating things that had already been said. I also had trouble talking about how

it connects in a broader context. Not just with that applied text but with the world around us. I

also need to improve on the way that I present information. Like I said in my bio I tend to want

to talk like I speak. Instead of putting words that sound more formal I would attempt to make it

sound just how I would say it. Teachers and my mom have been telling me this for quite some

time. I think it is starting to sink in a little bit.

The aspects where I improved the most would have to be my conclusion, the way I speak

and the introduction. In regards to my conclusion, I do not really focus on tying it back to the

thesis. I work the hardest on trying to explain how this is important not only in this context but in

general. When I started to do that for one it made me enjoy writing more and two I usually

incorporate the gist of the essay without even trying to. I definitely think I am more aware of the

way I write. Before I would think that it was okay to write like I speak and that if I did not do

that then what would be the point of writing. Since then I started to realize that talking like I

speak is not always necessary so I try to cut back on it. With my introductions I have improved

because of the lessons that we did in class. I think that when I think of my intro but specifically

my thesis as a map it makes it easier for me to write. My personal goals for ENG 102 are to not

procrastinate my essays so much, so I can go to my professors office hours, try to make what I

am writing about interesting to me so I feel more inclined to write it, and Work keep on working

on making my introduction, conclusion, and even body paragraphs stronger.

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