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Title: “The Endless Nightmare: Depression”

Thesis statement: Most young teenagers suffered a lot from depression cause by academic
stress, personal struggles and financial problems

Specific Purpose: to make my classmates aware of the signs, symptoms, complications, and
treatments of depression.

1. Have anyone of you ever suffered from or suffer from depression?
A. It is estimated that over 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression.(Nordqvist,
B. Depression is an indiscriminate disorder, and many times people who suffer from
depression don’t know they are suffering from it.

2. By comprehending the signs, symptoms, complications, and treatments for depression

you’ll be able to seek help if you are a sufferer of this disorder.
A. It is essential to recognize the signs of depression.
B. The symptoms of depression are diverse and can vary from individual to individual.
C. Depression can have severe complications.
D. The treatments for depression vary and can bring about relief and in some cases
eradicate the disorder.

1. The signs of depression are often times obvious, but there are signs that go unnoticed
and can make depression hard to detect.
A. The signs of depression differ and there are signs that go unnoticed.
1. The signs of depression can be the seen in the negligence of one’s needs.
2. The signs of depression can be seen when an individual knows what is needed to
better his/her health and ignores it.

B. The root of drug or alcohol abuse can stem from depression.

1. Individuals that suffer from depression might use drugs and alcohol in an attempt
to escape the agony of depression.
2. The use of drugs and alcohol to escape the feelings of depression can often times
cause other medical problems.

C. Increased levels of irritability can be a hidden sign of depression.

D. Becoming withdrawn, not spending time with friends and family, and feelings of wanting
to be in solitude most of the time are signs of depression.
[While it is important to know the signs of the depression, understanding the symptoms of
depression is just as important.]
II. Depression has diverse symptoms that can cause a person to become withdrawn and
A. The common symptoms of depression include feelings of persistent sadness, pessimistic
thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, low energy, exhaustion, and difficulty concentrating
B. The loss of appetite, or overeating can also be symptoms of depression. (Grohol, 2006)
C. Depression can lead to symptoms that effect sleep patterns- such as insomnia, or
oversleeping for long periods of time.
D. Constant thoughts of suicide, or death are symptoms of depression.

[Unfortunately, there are complications that arise from depression.] III. Depression has severe
complications that can range from cardiovascular disease to inconsolable feelings of
helplessness that can lead to suicide.

A. Studies have shown that there is a significant link between depression and heart
disease. (Nemeroff, 1998)
B. Depression carries the risk of suicide, and often times the warning signs went unnoticed
by friends or family members.
i. For example, depression is the cause of up to two-thirds of all suicides in the United
States. (American Association of Suicidology, 2009)
ii. Not all cases of depression lead to suicide, but most cases of depression that do lead
suicide could’ve been prevented.

[There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and treatment for all levels of depression is available.]

IV. There are different types of treatments available for those who suffer from all levels of
A. Depression varies from mild to major and treatment is available for every level of
B. The different methods of treating depression ranges from talk therapy to medications.
C. In severe cases of depression Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is recommended.
(Szalavitz, 2012)

[Let me summarize, the key points about depression.]


I. Depression has varying signs, symptoms, complications and treatments.

A. The signs of depression aren’t always obvious, and can go unnoticed by the individual
that is suffering from it, and those around them
B. Depression has diverse symptoms, and it is essential to know them. C. Depression can
become debilitating, and in some cases it is the main cause of suicide.
C. Treatments for depression differs from individual to individual, and the severity of the
II. By understanding the signs, symptoms, complications, and treatments of depression, you can
be better equipped with the knowledge you need to help yourself or a loved one.

Name: Jan Avril Logronio

Grade 11- Hydra

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