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" The youth [Story]

has an I.Q. of 61. There is no indication in
the file that even a preliminary investigation THE WOODCUTTER
was conducted.
By David Means, in Assorted Fire Events, to be
The center received a letter from the mother of published in September by Context Books.
a youth stating that "a white female guard
forced [her son] to remove [his] shirt and slith-
er like a snake a long distance." Le first day back he began chopping like a
maniac, going at the wood day and night-or so
A counselor filed a complaint that she wit- they say. He'd been back six years when I was old
nessed an officer falsely charging a youth with enough to notice him, and by that time he went
masturbating and giving him a ticket while a bit slower (at least that's what I was told) but
stating, "You try to beat that, motherfucker." still split a good cord, a full cord, in about two
hours, depending on what kind of wood it was
Nine youths wrote a statement "reporting Sgt. and how large the tree was; he had a gas-powered
JB for eating off our trays ever sigal dining hall, wedge that halved the logs; then he threw them
one time sgt jb took two trays ... he taks pepos into place and took a good hard swap, usually
snaks and saying we have no more but i saw just one chop was all it took, and then he'd swish
him ... and he said 'Sgts. come first.'" The them out of the way with his steel-toed boots
grievance was rejected because the youths did and do another; all day, most days, seven days a
not start their statement with the phrase "this week, barring only the worst kind of weather.
is a request for administrative relief." When he stopped, there were usually dewdrops
of sweat and condensation on his black beard; in
A youth put a belt around his neck and tied it cold weather, a dangling clot of ice; in the sum-
to his intake cell door. He was sprayed with a mer, there were fine little braids of red welts un-
"one-second burst of Freeze Plus." A discipli- der the hairs and just above the skin. Prickly
nary report was written up in which he was heat. The lumberjack shirt he wore, traditional
found "guilty." Later he cut his wrist, for red-and-black Pendleton of good wool, graced
which he was issued a disciplinary ticket. Use him deep into summer. When he killed him-
of tickets in such clinical situations is anti- self-August 1, 1985-he was in the shirt, next
therapeutic. to a fresh cord of oak stacked against his garage.
His wife was out there undoing the buttons slow-
A youth alleged that he had been "choked out" ly to get to the wound, small and round, pro-
and raped. His medical file states, "It appears duced by a Teflon-coated bullet (the papers said)
that he is being victimized by some of his that eased neatly into his chest and right out, the
peers." He cut his forearm with a belt buckle, wonders of moon-shot technology going a step
for which he was sentenced to fifteen days' loss further than nonstick pans (my father muttered).
of both canteen and telephone. Later he did Theories abounded about the exact reason, but
self-harm to his testicles "in order to be housed suicide being an unexplainable enigma, it didn't
in medical," for which his sentence was thirty take much to put most of it on Nam, on his role
days' loss of canteen. One self-harm episode in the siege at Khe Sanh, on buddies lost, al-
was documented by photographs of the youth though the papers mentioned he was being sued
lying naked on the concrete floor of a cell, his for taking down a red maple on private property
hands behind his back, blood spattered on rhe without permission, going right up the [ansons'
floor and door. driveway (a washed gravel loop to the front of
their cedar-sided ranch), tying a rope around the
A tear-gas grenade was released in an en- tree, then his pickup hook, getting the chain saw
closed dormitory area, despite warnings on the revved up, telling me to ease up on the clutch
grenade stating "for outdoor use only. May re- when he gave a shout (being only fourteen, I
lease lethal concentration indoors." Many res- wasn't versed in the workings of a manual shift,
idents were dressed onlv in underwear for but I did as I was told, easing up slowly, and the
sleeping and were forced' to lie facedown on truck jerked back, and the tree went down be-
the concrete in the cold for approximately hind me with a loud, dust-clouded whomp). Be-
five hours. Several youths were moved back fore I was out of the truck's cab, he was slicing
into the gas, purportedly to punish them for into the trunk, getting right into the heart of the
talking, and several were sprayed with Deep tree, which was a good 120 years old according
Freeze aerosol restraint, causing violent asth- to my ring count (later). I kept quiet about my
matic reactions and second-degree bums in at role in his demise. It wouldn't do to let people
least one youth. know that maybe it wasn't Nam that caused him


to shoot a nice, neat hole in his heart, and that What would Anne Marie Goldsmith
maybe it was just other stuff: the value of trees Have thought of me
being dissembled, the wonderful easing up of If instead of asking her to dance
weight when the head of the axe left the arch I had put my BAR to my shoulder
and pulled him into the chop (I'd watched a mil- And shot her in the face
lion times). The threat of not being able to go I thought about her in my foxhole-
into the yards of his neighbors, or the local parks One, in a foxhole near me, has his throat cut
where he got most of the trees, to take down ex- during the night
cess growth, was too much for him. His lumber- We take more precautions but it is night and it
jack days were numbered. is you.
The typhoon continues and so do you.
"I can't be killed-because of my poetry. I have
to live on in order to write it."
[Poem} I thought-even crazier thought, or just as
TO WORLD WAR TWO "If I'm killed while thinking of lines, it will be
too corny
By Kenneth Koch, in New Addresses, published When it's reported" (I imagined it would be
in April by Alfred A. Knopf. reported!)
So I kept thinking of lines of poetry. One that
came to me on the beach in Leyte
Early on you introduced me to young women Was "The surf comes in like masochistic lions."
in bars I loved this terrible line. It was keeping me
You were large, and with a large hand alive. My Uncle Leo wrote to me,
You presented them in different cities, "You won't believe this, but someday you may
Made me in San Luis Obispo, drunk wish
On French seventy-fives, in Los Angeles, on You were footloose and twenty on Leyte
pousse-cafes. again." I have never wanted
It was a time of general confusion To be on Leyte again,
Of being a body hurled at a wali. With you, whispering into my ear,
I didn't do much fighting. I sat, rather I stood, "Go on and win me! Tomorrow you may not
in a foxhole. be alive,
I stood while the typhoon splashed us into So do it today!" How could anyone ever win
morning. you?
It felt unusual How many persons would I have had to kill
Even if for a good cause Even to begin to be a part of winning you?
To be part of a destructive force You were too much for me, though I
With my rifle in my hands Was older than you were and in camouflage.
And in my head But for you
My serial number Who threw everything together, and had all
The entire object of my existence the systems
To eliminate Japanese soldiers Working for you all the time, this was trivial. If
By killing them you could use me
With a rifle or with a grenade You'd use me, and then forget. How else
And then, many years after that, Did I think you'd behave?
I could write poetry I'm glad you ended. I'm glad I didn't die. Or
Fall in love lose my mind.
And have a daughter As machines make ice
And think We made dead enemy soldiers, in
About these things Dark jungle alleys, with weapons in our hands
From a great distance That produced fire and kept going straight
If I survived through
I was "paying my debt I was carrying one,
To society" a paid I who had gone about for years as a child
Killer. It wasn't Praying God don't let there ever be another war
Like anything I'd done Or if there is, don't let me be in it. Well, I was
Before, on the paved in you.
Streets of Cincinnati All you cared about was existing and being won.
Or on the ballroom floor You died of a bomb blast in Nagasaki, and
At Mr. Vathe's dancing class there were parades.


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