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The Philippines

the Philippines is a really nice country to visit because it is a tropical country and it
is also a great destination for beach vacations aside from that the food here in the
Philippines is really good I can confirm that because I live here, there are also a lot
of waterfalls rivers and lakes in the Philippines other than that the Philippines
produces and exports more coconuts than any country in the world shipping off
about 19.5 million tons of fruit called buko, and aside from that the Philippines is
unique because there are over 175 languages spoken in the Philippines but
Tagalog , English and Cebuano are the most used languages and besides that
Filipinos also like basketball a lot of Filipinos also like boxing and as soon as the
famous Many Pacquiao fights it’s like a national holiday , Filipinos are very social
in fact Philippines earned the designation “ the texting capital of the world
“because they send over 142 billion texts per year, another reason why
Philippines is unique because there are a lot of holidays and traditions here in the
Philippines my favorite one is Christmas where me and my family spent time
together and we also celebrate the birth of Jesus here in the Philippines almost all
Filipino are Christians while in the other southeast Asian countries are Buddhists,
those are just some reasons why Philippines is a unique and a great country to
have a vacation in and that’s why you should visit the Philippines .

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