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- Valorant, Mobile legends, and CODM
2. Dear self
- "Dear self" is a platform where you can be honest with yourself and figure out how to get better.
You can write down your feelings, thoughts, and academic performance on a piece of paper
inside an envelope. Every month on the eleventh, send and receive letters to yourself as part of
"Dear self" day. The concept behind the platform "Dear self" is that we often forget about
ourselves when someone else is in need, that we sometimes believe we are weak even though we
are not, and that we somehow feel more alone even when we are surrounded by people. That’s
why "Dear self" gives you the time and opportunity to have yourself to be yourself. This platform
is open for everyone especially for lgbtq members and mental problems that students face every
3. Disaster Management
-This platform aims to raise awareness and prepare people for natural disasters and Calamities.
In terms of the standard earthquake and fire drills that we conduct in school, Do it at home as
well! We would share a useful poster/ad, additional illustrations, and a 2 min video about safety
precautions that can contribute to our knowledge for survival and safety even in our own homes,
which is obviously important and that you should not pass up this opportunity.
4. D’CANized
-When students work together in groups to achieve common learning goals, they can provide
encouragement to one another. to keep each other motivated toward the goals It can be a
rewarding and satisfying experience.
- “Two heads are better than one head” Students learn more quickly when they work in groups
rather than alone. If a student worked alone, he or she would waste a lot of time debating any
difficulties. Students, on the other hand, have the opportunity to explain concepts, review
material, exchange ideas, and disagree/reason with one another about why one person's answer
differs from another when they work in groups. Working in a group allows one to seek
clarification and learn more quickly.
5. Quick writes/notes
- Many of us are too quiet to talk to one another since the students are busy adjusting, and
teachers are having problems communicating with their students whenever they ask a question.
The quick write may help both teachers and students recall what we learned in class today. Quick
writes are just that: brief pauses scattered throughout the lesson that allow students to either
reflect on what they've just learned or ponder about a challenging subject, allowing them to
process what they want to say by writing it down and then being much more likely to say it out

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