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Quiz Oral Quiz

A 1. F A Student B’s own answers

2. F Sample answers:
3. T 1. Yes, I think it’s important to forgive people [because everyone
4. T makes mistakes].
5. F 2. Yes, sometimes it is. [If we criticize our friends fairly, we can help them.] /
No, I don’t think so. [We should only say nice things.]
B 1. argue 3. I take after [my father]. [We’re both very hardworking.]
2. apologize 4. When my relatives and I get together, we like to [have a big meal
3. lie at my grandmother’s house and then play football in her yard].
4. forgive
B Student A’s own answers
5. compromise Sample answers:
6. communicate 1. Yes, I think it’s important to share your feelings with your friends
C 1. drop by [so they know who you really are]. / No, I don’t think so. [I prefer
2. ran into to keep my feelings private.]
3. count on 2. Yes, it’s OK [when the truth might hurt them]. / No. [It’s always better
to be honest.]
4. getting together
3. I can count on [my dad]. [He’s always there for me if I need help.]
5. get along
4. My friends and I like to [watch movies or just hang out].
6. grow up
D 1. It’s helpful to speak more C Student B’s questions
than one language. 1. Who does Ms. Confused have a problem with?
2. It’s not good to gossip 2. What has Kate stopped doing for her?
about your friends. 3. In your opinion, is Kate really too busy at work?
3. It’s never a good idea 4. In your opinion, what will Mr. Advice say?
to judge people. Student A’s answers
4. It’s important to be Sample answers:
honest with your friends. 1. She has a problem with her friend Kate.
5. It’s not nice to say one 2. She’s stopped doing favors for her, dropping by, and calling.
thing and do another.
3. Yes, I think she is. / No. In my opinion, she’s not too busy at work – she’s
E 1. can’t tired of doing so many favors for her friend. / It’s hard to say.
2. might 4. I think he’ll criticize Ms. Confused because she asks her friend
3. may not to do too many favors.
4. must not D Student A’s questions
5. could 1. Who does Mr. Advice criticize?
6. must 2. In his opinion, has Ms. Confused been a good friend? Why or why not?
F 6 2 4 (1) 3 5 3. In his opinion, is the friend lying about work?
4. What does he tell Ms. Confused to do? Do you agree with his suggestion?
G 1. T
2. F Student B’s answers
3. F Sample answers:
4. T 1. He criticizes Ms. Confused.
5. T 2. No, he doesn’t think she’s been a good friend. She asks Kate for a lot of
favors, but she probably doesn’t do much for Kate.
6. T
3. [He says Kate may be telling the truth, but she also may just be upset
with Ms. Confused.]
4. He tells Ms. Confused to talk to Kate and to apologize if Kate’s upset.
Yes, I agree. / No, I don’t agree.

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 3 Unit 9 Quiz Answer Key
Total Score
_______ / 50 points

A [Track 10] Listen to the conversation between Jake and his wife,
Rebecca, about their friends Anne and Rob. Write T (true) or F (false).
1. Anne and Rob have been married for more than five years. ____
2. Rob wants to have children, but Anne doesn’t. ____
3. Anne and Rob used to talk about their problems. ____
4. In Jake’s opinion, Rob’s situation at work may be the cause of their
friends’ problems. ____
5. Jake thinks Anne should break up with Rob. ____
A _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

B Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from the box.

apologize argue communicate compromise forgive lie

1. Her children never agree. They _____________________ about everything.

2. You said some embarrassing things to her yesterday. If you’re sorry,
you should _____________________.
3. He’s the most honest person I know. He doesn’t _____________________
about anything.
4. I lost your MP3 player. I’m really very sorry. Can you
_____________________ me?
5. Let’s _____________________. I’ll cook dinner if you wash the dishes.
6. If you’re unhappy with anything I’ve done, let’s talk about it. It’s important
to _____________________ openly.

B _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

C Circle the correct phrasal verb to complete each sentence.

1. I’d love to show you my new apartment. You should get together / drop by sometime.
2. I went for a walk in the park this morning, and guess who I ran into / took after.
3. If you need help with the party, you can count on / pick on me. Just call me!
4. I haven’t seen Larry in six months, but we’re getting together / getting along tonight.
5. If they can’t break up / get along, they probably shouldn’t get married.
6. He’s so immature! When is he going to take after / grow up?
C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 3 Unit 9 Quiz 1

D Write sentences with It’s . . . expressions and infinitives and the words
in parentheses.
1. (helpful / speak / more than one language)
2. (not good / gossip / about your friends)
3. (never / a good idea / judge people)
4. (important / be / honest with your friends)
5. (not nice / say one thing and do another)
D _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

E Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. Jill might / must / can’t be angry at Tom. They’re going to a movie tonight.
2. I can’t find my cell phone. It might / must / couldn’t be at the office, but I’m
not sure.
3. He may not / must not / could come to soccer practice today because
he had a headache this morning. Can you call him to find out?
4. She might / must not / could speak English. She didn’t understand anything
you said.
5. I haven’t seen him this week. He couldn’t / must / could be on vacation,
but I’m not sure. He usually tells me when he’s going away.
6. I found a math book in my car. You’re the only math student I know,
so it may not / can’t / must be yours.

E _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

F Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ B: Thanks for understanding. Again, my apologies.
____ B: Yes. Why do you ask?
____ B: Oh, no! I was working late, and I completely forgot! I’m really sorry.
1 A: Hi, Terry. Is everything OK?
____ A: Well, we waited for you outside the movie theater last night,
but you never came.
____ A: There’s no need to apologize. I’m just glad you’re OK.
We were worried.
F _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 3 Unit 9 Quiz 2

G Read the emails. Write T (true) or F (false).

1. Dan and Kirsty used to have a good relationship. ____

2. Kirsty is criticizing her brother because he hasn’t found a job. ____
3. Dan has only had one job interview. ____
4. Eric’s relationship with Dan is not as good as it used to be. ____
5. Eric didn’t know about Dan’s problems. ____
6. Eric sometimes runs into Dan. ____
G _______ / 12 points (2 points each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 3 Unit 9 Quiz 3

Four Corners Book 3 Unit 9 Grammar
20 Preguntas FECHA  : 

1. "There's a lot of traffic today" " It's ______your bicycle"

A not a good idea to B to ride not a good idea

C a good idea not ride

2. It's ______ breakfast before school.

A a good idea to eat B good idea to eat

C to eat not a good idea

3. It's ______ with friends online during class

A a bad idea chat B bad idea to chat

C a bad idea to chat

4. It's _____ movies on a rainy day

A nice to watch B to nice watch

C nice watch

5. "I want to take a train to California" "Oh, it's _______ your car. You can visit more places"

A better to drive B to better drive

C better drive

6. It's _____ French

A to difficult speak B difficult to speak

C difficult speak
7. It's _____ pictures with this camera

A not easy to take B easy not take

C not easy to

8. It's ______ the menu for a party

A useful not always plan B always useful to plan

C alway useful plan

9. " what can she do to help in the kitchen?" "Welll, it's ______ away the dishes"

A helpful put B helpful to put

C to helpful put

10. It's _______ money after college

A importante to save B important save

C not important save

11. " Mark doesn't have a car." " That ______ be true. I saw him driving a red car this morning"

A can't B could

C might

12. "Richard isn't answering his phone" "He ______ be in a meeting. He never answers his
phone during meetings"

A may not B must

C can't

13. " Marilyn doesnt' want to spend money on clothes" "She ----- be saving money to buy
something more expensive"

A might B must not

C can't
14. " Don takes the subway to work" " He_______ have a car"

A must B might

C must not

15. "Where is Julia?" " I don't know.. She ____ be cleaning out the closet. It was dirty"

A might not B could

C can't

16. " What is Tom doing right now?" " He ______ be eating breakfast. I saw him in the kitchen.

A must not B might

C can't

17. "Where are they going for vacation?" "They______ visit Hawaii, or maybe they will go to
Brazil. They are not sure"

A can't B must

C may

18. " Jerry looks very tired every day" "He____ get enough sleep."

A could B must

C may not

19. "They have five children" " They _____ have a big car. They need a lot of space"

A could B must

C may not

20. She _____ be playing table tennis right now.She doen't know how to play.

A could B may

C can't
Clave de respuesta

1.a 2.a 3.c 4.a

5.a 6.b 7.a 8.b

9.b 10.a 11.a 12.b

13.a 14.c 15.b 16.b

17.c 18.c 19.b 20.c

Four Corners Book 3 unit 9 Vocabulary CLASE  : 
13 Preguntas FECHA  : 

1. "I'm sorry, but can't make it to your party this Saturday" "That's OK. You don't need to

A judge B apologize

C forgive

2. " Do you ever_____ with your sister?" " All the time. We can never agree"

A forgive B criticize

C argue

3. " I'll send you an email." "Uh, can't we _______ by phone?"

A forgive B communicate

C criticize

4. " Gene wants to go to the movies, but I don't want to go out" "Why don't you ______ and
watch a movie at home?"

A gossip B judge

C compromise

5. "Those shoes are ugly" "Why do you always have to _____me?"

A forgive B lie

C criticize

6. " I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday" " It's OK. I ______you"

A judge B gossip

C forgive
7. "Did you hear what happened to Mike and Amy?" " You shouldn't _______ about your

A lie B apologize

C gossip

8. " My brother made an awful decision about his job" "Well, you really shouldn't ______him"

A judge B apologize

C argue

9. " Is he an honest person?" "Not really. He ______ a lot"

A communicates B lies

C argues

10. " Is John going to ______ to his sister" "Yes. He is really sorry"

A apologize B communicate

C compromise

11. Michelle and Greg aren't together anymore. They ______ last week.

A ran into B took after

C broke up

12. I ______ with my parents once a week

A get together B take after

C break up

13. Natalia is a very good friend I know I can ________ her when I need help.

A get together B drop by

C count on
Clave de respuesta

1.b 2.c 3.b 4.c

5.c 6.c 7.c 8.a

9.b 10.a 11.c 12.a

Four Corners Book 3 unit 9 vocab
20 Preguntas FECHA  : 

1. "I'm sorry, but can't make it to your party this Saturday" "That's OK. You don't need to

A forgive B apologize

C judge

2. " Do you ever_____ with your sister?" " All the time. We can never agree"

A forgive B argue

C criticize

3. " I'll send you an email." "Uh, can't we _______ by phone?"

A forgive B criticize

C communicate

4. " Gene wants to go to the movies, but I don't want to go out" "Why don't you ______ and
watch a movie at home?"

A judge B gossip

C compromise

5. "Those shoes are ugly" "Why do you always have to _____me?"

A criticize B lie

C forgive

6. " I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday" " It's OK. I ______you"

A forgive B judge

C gossip
7. "Did you hear what happened to Mike and Amy?" " You shouldn't _______ about your

A gossip B lie

C apologize

8. " My brother made an awful decision about his job" "Well, you really shouldn't ______him"

A judge B argue

C apologize

9. " Is he an honest person?" "Not really. He ______ a lot"

A argues B communicates

C lies

10. " Is John going to ______ to his sister" "Yes. He is really sorry"

A compromise B apologize

C communicate

11. Ben _____ his gradfather. The are very similar.

A breaks up B takes after

C drops by

12. The older boys at my son's school _______ him all the time

A get along B grow up

C pick on

13. " Jake has a new boss" "Oh. How do they ____?"

A count on B get along

C pick on

14. Michelle and Greg aren't together anymore. They ______ last week.

A took after B broke up

C ran into
15. I ______ with my parents once a week

A take after B get together

C break up

16. You can ________ my house anytime. You don't need to call first.

A drop by B get together

C count on

17. I ______ Marjorie on vacation last week

A ran into B grew up

C got along

18. you should spend more time with your children. They ______ quickly.

A pick on B run into

C grow up

19. Natalia is a very good friend I know I can ________ her when I need help.

A drop by B count on

C get together

20. . Let's ______ Ingrid's house around 9. Her party starts at 8

A count on B drop by

C take after
Clave de respuesta

1.b 2.b 3.c 4.c

5.a 6.a 7.a 8.a

9.c 10.b 11.b 12.c

13.b 14.b 15.b 16.a

17.a 18.c 19.b 20.b

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