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Active Citizens 03 CAP File

Directions: Your CAP File is a note-taking tool to use as you read your lesson pages in the course. These
important notes will help you complete your lesson assessment, as well as prepare you for Discussion-Based
Assessments, unit exams, and segment exams. You do not need to submit your CAP File for grading.
Instead, you will read the directions on your "What Do I Have to Do?" page to learn what you will need to
submit for grading.

Part 1–Answer the following questions in your own words.

Describe a work of art you know, such as a song or a book, that inspires empathy.

What is a social movement?

A social movement is a large, informal group of individuals and organizations supporting a common idea or cause.

What is a social movement that is happening now? Ask trusted adults and friends for ideas.

Anti-War movement
Animal rights movement

Describe how art can inspire action.

People interested in a social movement may use their talents in art to help bring awareness to an issue. For
example, a band might write and perform a song about the effects of war. A photographer might take pictures to
show how pollution affects people. An author might write a story about a family that tells of struggles with poverty.
Music, photos, books, and other art are forms of free speech. The artists use this freedom to express their own
feelings about problems they see in society.
Part 2–Describe the importance of each work of art in the chart
below. One example appears for you.
Work of Art Importance

Images from the Americans could see with their own eyes how so many people were involved in the
March on Civil Rights Movement. They saw people from all backgrounds. They saw Dr.
Washington Martin Luther King Jr., the movement’s leader.

“We Shall Overcome”

based of gosepel song.
song embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=10759232

“Migrant Mother”
tired, overworked mom who would do anything to feed her kids
Work of Art Importance

The Grapes of Wrath the Joads set out for California along with thousands of other "Okies"
seeking jobs, land, dignity, and a future. takes place during the dust bowl

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