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16. The local government is planning to renovate your neighborhood.

Three places
are suggested building: a park, a museum, and a shopping centre. Which do you
think is the best choice?
For me, I think a shopping centre is the best choice of all.
First of all, I think a building a park is not really necessary cause we’ve already
have a small playground which can allow us to go for a walk or for children to
Besides, a museum is not an good ideal for the people in my neighborhood cause I
think they don’t find it an interesting place. So for me shopping centre might be the
most suitable choice. In my neighborhood, there aren’t many shops so sometimes
it’s hard for us to buy goods and go for shopping, we usually have to go for the
shopping centre in the middle centre of the city and it takes quites a lot of time so
if there is a shopping centre here, it will be convenient for us and help save lots of
time. So….
17. You’ve won the lottery and received a large amount of money. You’re
considering what to do with the money: saving it in the bank, giving it to your
parents or buy own house. Which would be the best choice?
I think the best choice should be saving it in the bank.
For the first reasons, saving such a large amount of money can make interest and I
can use that interest to pay for my daily costs. Besides that, it wont be save for my
to keep such a large amount of money so the bank is the best and the most suitable
place to keep it for me. I think giving it to my parents is not really good idea cause
definitely my parents wont take in or use it, they’ll just keep it in the safe and give
it to me if I ask for. And buying my own house is not suitable choice to do cause I
don’t think it’s necessary and I would prefer to live with my parents cause it easier
and more convenient for me to take care of them and they don’t want me to move
ourselves to live too.
18. Your younger brother is taking the history end- term test this month. He is
worried because he is not good at memorizing. What would you suggest him:
connecting events together, rewriting key information, or watching historical
i think i would suggest him to watching history fims cause it's an effective method
to learn and study history.There is an array of films and documentaries out there
that accurately depict historical events. While educational, most historical films
and documentaries are also very entertaining. Besides, i think my brother will find
it fancinating and won't get bored. Moreover, conecting events may sound like a
good idea but with my br, it seems a little bit difficult for him to do that and write
down key information sounds more unsuitable with my br cause he really don't
keen on reading things abt history. So I think…
19.You are planning a holiday for you family and want to find a good destination.
Which would be the best way to search for information: ask friend, ask a travel
agent, or visit travelling websites?
If I am planning a holiday for my family and want to find a good destination. I will
visiting websites because I think it is the best way to find a good destination. First
of all, Visiting travelling websites is fast and completely free. Just one click on the
websites we have tons of good options to choose. With today’society, there are
many places that are advertised as good but the truth is not. But when visiting
travelling websites, we will see the reviews of everyone about this place. We can
see their feedback on service, price, quality. From there we will have a good choice
to find a good destination. Morever, on travelling websites, it will have phone
number, address,… so we can easily to find and connect with them. I don’t think
ask friend is a good idea since my friend don’t know many good places and I don’t
know who is the travel agent to ask for.
20. A friend calls to inform your roommate that her El class tmr is delayed. She
isn’t at home so you need to remind her later. Which would be the best choice for
you: a sticky note on the fridge, an email, or a message on Messenger?
i think a mesage on mesenger definitely is the best choice. It's the most effective
and certain way to get connect and to remind her cause we use messenger and fb
frequently and its free to send her a message. she can easily get a message from
me without wasting time checking her email or even not checking it cause she
doesn't usually do it. It just take you a few seconds to message on messenger and
she can update easily. For me, sticky note is not a reasonable choice too cause i
think it may fly a way and lost, it’s quiet an uncertain choice.

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