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Name: ___Jhenniel Batalla___________________ Date: ____12/8/2022___________

Course/Year/Section: ______BSCE 2B_________ Score: _______________________

Setting Up
Directions: Encircle the words/terms about communication technology. (20 pts.)
Activity 15

Directions: Answer the following questions on technological ethical dilemmas and present your
answers in the class. Questions:

1. What are the human rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that
need to be considered on ethical dilemmas concerning Colonizing Mars: An Astronaut
Bioethics, Robot Swarms, Non-lethal weapons, Enhanced Pathogens, and Artificial life forms.

I think that all human rights should be considered in these ethical dilemmas,
however i think it must focus on specific articles which are:
3. The right to life, liberty, and personal security
19. Freedom of Opinion and Information
22. Right to Social Security.

2. What is your view or stand on these ethical dilemmas?

Like all things, everything is good as long as it is in moderation. I think that all of
these technological advancements could have a positive effect as long as it is in the
hands of the right, responsible person. I also believe that in the pursuit of knowledge,
nothing will ever be free. If creating these means a better life for humanity, then I think,
as long as it is used and implemented responsibly, these could prove to be useful for us.
Activity 16

Directions: Read the article entitled ‘Is google making us stupid?’. Answer the questions that
follow in the next page and present your answers in the class. The article is available through
this link:

Questions: 1. Why did the author suggest that Google is making us stupid?

From his observation, especially as a writer, he noticed that ever since the
creation of google and other things alike, his brain has been working quite differently
and he is not alone in this. He noticed that reading such lengthy articles and having deep
understandings on certain things were much harder to achieve and he believes that
Google, or rather the internet, plays a very huge key role in this.

2. What are the ethical dilemmas discussed in the article?

One of the more notable ethical dilemmas that I retained was how Socrates was
against writing. He believed that when people have written works as a substitute for
knowledge, we would cease to exercise memory and be forgetful, which I admit has
become quite true, how the internet may be very helpful but it is also changing the way
our brains work. There was also this idea that we get these “intellectual technologies”
wherein, the tools that extend our mental rather than our physical capacities, we
inevitably begin to take on the qualities of those technologies and of the most known
example of this is the creation of the mechanical clock, where instead of associating time
with events and natural cues, people would then be more scientific and methodical with
how they view time.

3. What is your view or stand on those ethical dilemmas?

If you were to ask me, for sure these advances have had their effects on our brain,
but we did get something in return which is efficiency. We have become more efficient
and more productive than everything in our past combined. Everything has its price and
there is no such thing as a perfect creation. My stand would be on the supporting side of
these dilemmas simply because the pros outweigh the cons. This can however be
concerning if this becomes more extreme in the future, but for now, I support these
technological advancements.
Activity 17

Directions: Discuss your stand about the following technological dilemmas. (Minimum of 100
words). Use extra sheets of paper.

1. We are now in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, wherein new technologies and
global integration accelerate more rapidly. The technology that is now under development is
artificial intelligence or machine learning. Artificial techniques became part of our everyday lives
today because of computers, electronic gadgets, and other connected devices that we use.
Techniques developed are able to the cognitive simulation that are capable of investigating and
simulating the human learning processes or can mimic how people gain understanding.

This sounds like it came straight out of a science fiction movie, and more often
than not, this could actually be something we should be wary of. The human brain and
our ability to reason is something that is only unique to man and I think it should stay
that way. The thought process, the heart we put in, the contexts, the experiences we gain
as people that mold the way we think, if all of these could just be replaced with artificial
intelligence, wouldn’t that just be cruel and kind of unfair to us? There are simply things
that we should keep away from and this is definitely one of them. Giving this power to a
lifeless piece of metal and plastic would take away the very thing that makes us unique
from everything else.

2. The right of people to privacy is one concern in today’s digital generation. It is believed that
the digital era will surely improve people's lives over the next decades in favor of the more
privileged people. Thus, this will lead to the rise of inequality and economic division. Do you
believe in this privacy issue? Defend your answer.

Yes I believe in this privacy issue.On a place where we have all of our information,
precious or not, stored, most of the time, top tier security comes with a hefty price.
Picture this, we are all living in this digital age where we put almost everything online
now. Now, think of rich and privileged people being able to afford bodyguards of their
info, such as anti-virus, anti-malware, vpns, etc. The unprivileged however, would not be
able to enjoy the same things and they become more vulnerable, more susceptible to
hacks, scams, etc. thus, making the division between privileged and unprivileged much
wider than ever.

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