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1. Is there a possibility for a future where humans will cease to exist and will be replaced

by robots? Why or why not?

- Yes, for me, there is a chance (in the further future) that robots will replace

humans. It is likely that robots will eventually replace humans given their ability to

learn knowledge to the same extent as humans, if not to a greater extent (probably

at least hundred thousand to millions of years). According to some experts, it's

feasible for humans to go extinct within millions of years. If humans disappeared

from the planet, what kind of creatures would be the most intelligent? We can

make the case that once humans go extinct, robots might rule the planet. Since

robots may learn from humans, it's possible that in the future, they will be just as

intelligent as or even smarter than people. Robots, unlike humans, do not naturally

die, thus provided they are not destroyed, they can outlive humans. Another point

is that since robots will be intelligent—or even smarter than humans—they may be

the ones who create or repair new robots even if humans are extinct. So, in my

opinion, a future in which robots replace people is not improbable.

2. Can you even call the earth “world” after human extinction?

- The term "world" generally refers to the entire planet Earth, including all of its

people, nations, and other living forms. In my opinion, even if there are no longer

any humans on the planet, Earth will still be referred to as the "world" because it is
home to other species and life, not just humans. So long as they are thriving and

alive, the remaining species that inhabit the earth will still have a place to call home

or their world even after humans have disappeared from it. It is still a world for the

remaining species who live there; it is just no longer the world of humans.

3. Do you think technology can eventually take control of humanity?

- Technology enabled humanity shape the world into what it is now, leading to a near

total reliance on it. For instance, prior to the development of technology, humans

could only travel by foot. Given that technology now controls the majority of human

activities in this age (such as using smartphones and computers), drawing the

conclusion that technology may one day overtake humanity is not impossible

(maybe not in the next few years but in the further future). Another reason to back

this up is the prevalence of the internet, which is now heavily relied upon for the

majority of professions throughout the globe, one internet glitch that might affect

an entire company, and ruin one’s work.

4. Is there a possibility for a future where humans will cease to exist because of medical

breakthroughs that resulted to drug-resistant viruses?

- Since humans are very cautious in the medical field and have even outlawed the use

of biological weapons in war, I do not believe that humanity will go extinct as a

result of medical advancements that produce viruses that are resistant to drugs.

This can also be observed when doctors and scientists create brand-new drugs and

vaccinations. Before being made available to the general public, vaccines and

medications are thoroughly examined and put through numerous clinical studies.
This is to guarantee that those medications and vaccines won't in any way harm

people. And even if there are some viruses that became drug-resistant, humans are

able to counter or combat them by producing new medical drugs again .

5. Do you think that this occurrence might be prevented? If so, how?

- Yes, we just need to know and learn our limitations as humans, although we are the

smartest creatures living on Earth, we are still not Gods. We need to build greater

restrictions and limitations when it comes on inventing, advancing, or innovating

something so that technology will not be a huge threat to the future of humanity.


1. Explain the positive and negative impacts of GNR technologies. What moral or ethical

issues and safety concerns do they pose?

- GNR technologies have the ability to benefit society and people's quality of life. GNR

technologies, in particular, have a positive effect on the environment, can reduce

energy consumption, and can stimulate the creation of new ideas that help people

in their daily lives. GNR technologies have several benefits, but they also have some

downsides. This involves bringing up concerns about morality and security. For

instance, given that the majority of countries are aiming to develop their own

nuclear arsenals, GNR technologies may pose hazards to safety and security in the

near future. These deadly weapons are being developed for unknown reasons, but

when they are used, there is no doubt that they will cause harm.
2. We know by now that any technology may be dangerous. However, Joy was much

more worried about GNR technologies compared to other technologies. What were

the reasons for these great concerns?

- Joy was much more concerned about GNR technologies than he was about other

technologies because, in his opinion, genetic engineering is a source of "designer

pathogens" and the development of "a new life form that may escape our control,"

which could ultimately lead to the destruction of our planet. He feared that in the

future, GNR technology would govern everything, including the range of human

potential. We don't know what will happen to us if these things occur, but Joy

claims that in the future, those machines could be the one that will decide our fate.

3. Explain how we will lose our humanity and purpose of life whether we retain control

of decision-making or give this capability to technology.

- Keeping human control of the machines is still quite likely to happen. In the future,

we will still be able to manage our own machines, such as our automobiles, laptops,

telephones, and other devices, but when it comes to massive systems of machines,

this control will be given to what are known as the elites. And if human labor is no

longer required, people will become a burden on the rapidly developing technology

world. If the elites are cold-blooded, they might simply opt to wipe out the human

race by utilizing biological or psychological methods to lower the birth rate, but if

they are kind-hearted, they might choose to retain humanity' positive contributions

to society. However, if we give machines complete freedom, we won't be able to

control what they do since they will act on their own accord. Our future is now in

the hands of the machines.

4. Do you believe in the opinions of Joy? Why or why not?

- Yes, what he said made sense, and he went into detail about how technology is

affecting humans. His expectations that humans will no longer be required for other

tasks on Earth when AI fully develops are realistic, as robots now possess the

information necessary to function without human assistance. Because machines are

taking over human roles and duties, people will be useless for innovation.

5. What solutions can you propose as to not reach what he predicts might happen?

- The only solution I can come up with is that people need to be aware of their own

technological limits. We must exercise caution when using GNR technology, and at

the same time, all nations must impose regulations and require that all people in

this field uphold moral and ethical norms.

6. Some people accuse of Joy of being a neo-Luddite, something which he denied in his

article. What is a neo-Luddite? Based from Joy’s article, do you think that he is a neo-

Luddite? Why or why not?

- Neo-Luddites are individuals who are viewed as being anti-technology, as well as

people who detest or find it difficult to comprehend and apply contemporary

science and technology. Because Joy only wants to warn us that technologies have a

negative impact on human existence, in my opinion, pleasure is not a neo-luddite.

He is not anti-technology because he does not take measures to persuade people

not to use technology; rather, he promotes ethical technology use so that we can
prevent future threats from machines to human existence. He only explains in his

piece that we must use technologies responsibly so that they are only used for


7. Complete the following metacognitive reading report:

a. What three concepts from the article will you never forget?

- The idea of Joy over people being in the future controlled by technology comes first.

We still need to develop our human qualities rather than enhancing the capacity of

machines to replace us, even though they execute a wide variety of highly organized

jobs. We shall be able to keep our skills and abilities without the aid of machines if

we still have control over those machines. The second issue is the possibility for

future GNR technologies' catastrophic repercussions due to their extreme power. In

his final prediction, he discusses what would happen when machines are permitted

to make all decisions without the need for humans to intervene.

b. What three realizations did you have after reading the article?

- Before reading the article, I thought that GNR technologies always improved human

life, but I've since discovered that they may also be extremely hazardous when used

carelessly, as Joy was concerned would happen if they were ever employed


- Before reading the article, I thought Joy was opposed to technological progress, but

after reading it, I've discovered that he is merely concerned about what would

happen to us in the future if machines become highly sophisticated and capable of

making their own decisions. He continues to encourage technological development,

but for better reasons.

- Before reading the article, I thought that GNR technologies always improved human

life, but I've since discovered that they may also be extremely hazardous when used

carelessly, as Joy was concerned would happen if they were ever employed


- Before reading the article, I thought that we used to be able to control machines,

but I've come to realize that in the future, thanks to technological advancement, we

might be at the mercy of highly advanced machines.

c. What three things are still unclear to you after reading the article?

- I'm still not sure why, given that GNR technologies may also be utilized to create

devices that are extremely beneficial to improving human lives, so many people

chose to use them for evil.

- I'm still unsure of how to establish rules regarding the restricted capabilities of

machines that will advance humankind rather than their capacity to take the place

of humans.

- I seriously question if technological advancement in our time would continue

despite knowing its potential effects in the future, but for the time being, it cannot

be halted.


 Information revolution has created many helpful products and concepts that have

made our lives easier, and it continues to produce new ones that will aid both people and the

globe in operating effectively. This aspect affected the definition of important institutions and

functions as well as the meaning of information.

Information revolution had become a huge part of my life since in this day and age,

almost everything in this world became digital and reliant to technology. It affected the way I

lived in this world. It helped me do my tasks easily and better. It also helped me and the world

became more modernized and cope up with the fast rate of globalization and technological

progression of the whole world. To be specific, the impact of the digital revolution on me is how

I learn new things on every social networking site. The information revolution has been very

beneficial to me, especially in the field of education where I can now obtain whatever material I

need. Computer technologies have significantly advanced and have gotten better in the current

era of modern technology, when virtually everything is high-tech. The computer technology

business is expanding and changing quickly these days. People who quickly adapt to the

changes go hand in hand with the expansion and transformation of computer technology. The

goal of modern computer technologies is to improve people's quality of life and make their lives

easier, particularly those of students. Technology is created to simplify human lives. It acts as a

learning doorway for learners. Because it makes learning enjoyable, using technology in
education is intended to improve students' learning and make the school setting a place where

kids will want to remain. Technology is now a more integral part of our society than ever as we

enter the twenty-first century. Many people rely on computers to help them in their daily lives

as they become more accessible and affordable. Schools have been able to buy more

computers for their kids as computers become more reasonable to buy. There is no need to

leave the comfort of your home to obtain almost all information that is publicly available thanks

to the Internet. There's no need to travel or even visit a library is required. Academic journals

can also be accessed, and material from museums and libraries is also available online.

Specialized applications can also be used to conduct mathematical calculations, and rapid graph

plotting is possible. Additionally, information may now be distributed between faculty and

students in a far more effective manner. Schools can build up online portals where students can

download required files, or they can send them by email instead. With these aspects, I can say

Information revolution changed my life and totally impacted the way I do things at my home

and school.

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