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The discovery of fire, a Greek legend

Prometheus was the favourite of Zeus, the father of the gods. He formed creatures with his hands
that were very similar to the gods. He breathed new life into them and taught them to use their
hands and use their minds. And they built houses, cities and ships, and they cultivated the fields.

But Zeus was afraid that these people would get too powerful and he forbade Prometheus and all
the gods to give the fire to these people. But clever Prometheus wanted to give his creatures the
most valuable: the fire. He lit a torch at Helios´ sparking chariot and brought the fire to the people.

When Zeus saw that, he swore revenge to the humans. He sent many incurable diseases, the
plague and fever. And Zeus punished Prometheus for his crime, too. He was chained to a rock
where he had to stay without food and drink and sleep for many centuries. Then it was Heracles,
the son of Zeus, who broke the chains of Prometheus and gave him back his freedom.

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