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Reading Task 1

Read paragraphs 1–5 and choose the best headings A–F from the list. There is
one extra heading.

Fashion trends of the future

1 It can be extremely frustrating when the battery of your smartphone runs

out and you’re miles away from home – and your charger. However, clothes
manufacturers are currently working on designs with soft solar panels, which
collect energy from the sun. The clothes will allow the wearer to charge their
phone once he or she has been outside in the sun for a while.

2 Thanks to the growing number of cars in our city centres, the air isn’t
getting any better. Enter the personal air purifier. The user wears it on the arm
like a watch or a bracelet, and turns it on when the pollution gets bad. The device
takes in and cleans the polluted air and lets it back out into the atmosphere to be
used again.

3 Smartphones with GPS are great, but difficult to use if you’re riding a bike.
Now there’s a helmet that makes finding your way around a lot easier. The
helmet has a built-in system that uses lights on the left or right to show the rider
where to turn. The user enters the address of their destination into the device,
and then he or she is away.

4 If you’re looking for something original to wear, then you needn’t look
further than the designs of Ying Gao. These are dresses that use the latest
technology to detect when someone is looking at them. When this happens, tiny
motors make parts of the garments move in patterns. Some of them also light up
in the dark.

5 Runners will be able to avoid injury in the future by wearing a kind of smart
sock. The sock is attached to a band around the ankle that detects how the
wearer’s foot is moving. Sensors in the sock communicate data to the band
which sends on the information to an app. If the user is in danger of hurting his or
her foot, he or she will receive a warning.

A Take a deep breath ___

B Are you looking at me? ___
C Non-stop power ___
D Close to the heart ___
E Watch your step ___
F Show me the way ___

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